Last update: 20 March 2025Regularly updated list of Bitcoin-friendly VPS, dedicated server, VDS, VPN, email, and domain hosting providers.
Fight for Bitcoin privacy! The United Nations, the United States, the European Union (Russia & China too) are waging a global war on Bitcoin and crypto privacy. The US even wants to require KYC for all hosting providers! KYC harms innocent people and is useless against real criminals. It may even encourage new forms of crime! If these trends continue, many privacy-friendly server providers on this page would likely have to shut down or require you to provide obscene amounts of personal information. But it's not too late to stop it. Tell your government that this will kill your access to the world's fastest-growing industry while imposing massive costs that bring almost no benefits. Please support people like the Open Dialogue Foundation/BTC Coalition, Patrick Hansen (Unstoppable Finance), Patrick Breyer (Pirate Party), Mikołaj Barczentewicz, and CoinCenter who are fighting against these insane ideas. And remember, privacy-hostile KYC didn't prevent the FTX collapse!
Search providers by location: locations are tagged by ISO country code. You can search by pressing Ctrl-F/Cmd-F, enabling case sensitive/"match case" in the dialog box, and searching in the page text for e.g RO to find all providers with locations in Romania. 2-letter country codes are listed here.
Send updates or additions to: updates at bitcoin-vps dot com
Make sure to include server and company locations. If they use BitPay, Coinbase, Coingate, or Cryptomus please flag this. Additional notes (what level of anonymity is allowed at signup, whether they offer block storage / are suited to running Bitcoin full nodes, etc) are welcome. Particularly interested in hosts that take Lightning payments and hosts in exotic locations. Yes, you can request listing for a company you own or work for, we love to hear from providers.
Using BitPay, Coinbase, Coingate, Cryptomus or using providers that require it is discouraged: many readers have complained BitPay requires a separate account and extensive personal information from the customer in order to pay for services from BitPay-using merchants. Coinbase, Coingate, and Cryptomus have similar issues, see our suggestions for hosting providers page.
Due to draconian new laws being pushed worldwide, we STRONGLY recommend hosting providers move to self-hosted payment processing (e.g BTCPayServer). We have a suggestions for hosting providers page with more information on this, along with some other tips.
Privacy policy/Disclaimers: This website doesn't use cookies. It does log IP addresses (so use Tor Browser). It sometimes uses affiliate links.
Hat tip to joepie91 for creating the first list.
"It's a really useful list! One of the few "lists of Bitcoin businesses" that even considers things like self-hosted payment handling. It was pretty easy to find a VPS for hosting my new Tor relay. --Wladimir van der Laan, longest-serving Bitcoin Core Lead Maintainer
"You know that whole NSA story from almost ten years ago? I paid for the servers that made that possible... using Bitcoin." --Edward Snowden
Virtual Private Server providers, where your server is actually a virtual machine sharing a more powerful physical server with many other customers. This significantly reduces costs.
- Initech - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New York (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Melbourne (AU), Sydney (AU), Sao Paulo (BR), Toronto (CA), Santiago (CL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Bangalore (IN), Delhi (IN), Mumbai (IN), Tel Aviv (IL), Osaka (JP), Tokyo (JP), Mexico City (MX), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Singapore (SG), Johannesburg (ZA), Seoul (KR), Madrid (ES), Stockholm (SE), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Boston (US), Denver (US), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Minneapolis (US), New York City (US), Northern California (US), Northern Virginia (US), Ohio (US), Oregon (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Buenos Aires (AR), Perth (AU), Bahrain (BH), Calgary (CA), Central (CA), Hong Kong (CN), Copenhagen (DK), Helsinki (FI), Hamburg (DE), Hyderabad (IN), Kolkata (IN), Jakarta (ID), Ireland (IE), Milan (IT), Malaysia (MY), Querétaro (MX), Auckland (NZ), Lagos (NG), Muscat (OM), Lima (PE), Manila (PH), Cape Town (ZA), Spain (ES), Zurich (CH), Taipei (TW), Bangkok (TH), United Arab Emirates (AE), Virginia (US), Montreal (CA), Falkenstein (DE), Nuremberg (DE), San Francisco (US), Silicon Valley (US), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Dubai (AE), Columbus (US), Iowa (US), Salt Lake City (US), South Carolina (US), Belgium (BE), Finland (FI), Berlin (DE), Turin (IT), Holland (NL), Doha (QA), Dammam (SA), Taiwan (TW). Company registered in United States. Also offers a residential proxy (VPN) service with endpoints available in almost every country worldwide (the residential proxy service blocks websites that are common abuse targets, like banking or Netflix. Their VPS service does not block). Resells VPS services from many cloud providers (Vultr, Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Lightsail/AWS, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud/GCP, Hetzner Cloud). No email verification required to order. Accept all major cryptocurrencies. Tor traffic is OK, their website is built to be easy to use over Tor. Accepts crypto payments via Plisio and BTCPayServer, including Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) payments via BTCPayServer. Large Storage / Block storage 40GB up to 40TB now available via normal ordering flow. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on all orders for new customers.
- Njalla - Locations: Sweden (SE). Company registered in Nevis. Runs their own datacenter. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Privacy-focused domain registration service that also offers VPS, VPN. Accepts BTC, XMR, ZEC among other options. Onion URL: http://njallalafimoej5i4eg7vlnqjvmb6zhdh27qxcatdn647jtwwwui3nad.onion
- Hostiko - Locations: Kyiv (UA), Falkenstein (DE), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Ukraine. Accepts BTC, XMR, many others via NOWPayments (no KYC and numerous altcoins). Anonymous sign-up/signup via Tor is allowed. They actively monitor their network for abuse and react accordingly. Tor relays are allowed, Tor exit nodes are NOT allowed.
- Private WebHost - Locations: Vienna (AT), Helsinki (FI), Frankfurt (DE), Netherlands (NL), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Zurich (CH), Paris (FR), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Switzerland. Privacy/anonymity-focused hoster. Only an email required at signup, Signup via VPNs, proxies, and Tor allowed, payments via NOWPayments, Lightning Network (LN) payments via CoinPayments. Working on self/hosted payments. The Swiss dedicated servers are Large Storage and suitable for Bitcoin full nodes. All servers can be used for Tor nodes (exit nodes allowed if you block port 25). Netherlands VPS servers are Large Storage. No Google Captcha. Support via tickets or encrypted email. Dedicated servers in Switzerland, working on more locations. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% off. Very responsive support.
- Profvds - Locations: Bratislava (SK). Company registered in Slovakia. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer, NOWPayments, Plisio, and Payeer. Only Email required to register. Provider notes they support running Bitcoin full nodes
- Opera VPS - Locations: London (UK), Frankfurt (DE) , Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Montreal (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in US (Washington state). Anonymous signup OK, Tor allowed, Lightning Network (LN) payments via Jeeb
- RackNerd - Locations: Los Angeles (US), Utah (US), Dallas (US), New York (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Montreal (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Chicago (US), San Jose (US), Atlanta (US), Tampa (US), Ashburn (US), Strasbourg (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG). Company registered in United States. Accepts BTC, LTC, ETH, ZEC. No Lightning Network. User reports good service and responsive support. User reports they use Coinbase Commerce
- VPSBG - Locations: Sofia (BG). Company registered in Bulgaria. Locations: Sofia (BG). Company registered in Bulgaria. Anonymous signup OK, Tor allowed. No 3rd party payment processor, has own implementation to take payments via Bitcoin, Litecoin and Lightning Network (LN). Advertises high performance servers. Provider notes: "VPN servers are installed on a private VPS. They have a dedicated static IP, full SSH root access to the VPS, allowing for full control over the VPN. Verifiable no-logs and privacy policies. Unlimited device connections. VPN uses open-source protocols and custom scripts that are used are publicly available."
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- MonoVM - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania . Same parent company as 1gbits. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- PrivateAlps - Locations: Switzerland (CH). Company registered in Panama. Networking provided by Ipconnect (Seychelles). Tor traffic and anonymous signup OK. No LN payment. 10% discount if you enter the affiliate 5DBKR when ordering
- HostZealot - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Limassol (CY), Tallinn (EE), Ashburn (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Brussels (BE), Tel Aviv (IL), Hong Kong (HK), Dusseldorf (DE), Tbilisi (GE). Company registered in Bulgaria. Provider states they are Tor and anonymity friendly as long as you do not violate their ToS. All their VPS instances use SSDs, their Poland and Netherlands locations offer NVMe also. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses.
- VSYS - Locations: Ukraine (UA), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Kyiv, Ukraine. Anonymous signup and Tor traffic OK. States they use Bitcoin Core to process BTC payments directly, LTC and Doge via their billing software.
- Rockhoster - Locations: US, Canada (CA), France (FR). Company registered in UK.
- BlueVPS - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Limassol (CY), Gravelines (FR), Singapore (SG), Sofiya (BG), London (UK), Ashburn (US), Los Angeles (US), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), Palermo (IT), Tel Aviv (IL), Stockholm (SE), Toronto (CA), Tallinn (EE), Madrid (ES), Hong Kong (CN), Warsaw (PL), Sydney (AU), Fujairah (UAE). Company registered in Estonia. Payments via Coinpayments. Regarding anonymity they state "We require clients confirmation e-Mail or ID". Provider has hardware in two different data centers at their Warsaw and London locations.
- VPS2day - Locations: Frankfurt a.M (DE), Zug/Switzerland (CH), Tallin (EE), Bucharest (RO), The Hague (NL), Stockholm (SE), Manchester (UK), Dallas (US). Company registered in Frankfurt, Germany. Website blocks Tor traffic outright. Does not allow anonymous signup. Payment via Coingate.
- 3v-hosting - Locations: Ukraine (UA). Company registered in Ukraine. Tor traffic allowed unless backbone provider objects. User data required at signup (not anonymous)
- Eldernode - Locations: Chicago (US), San Jose (US), New York (US), Denmark (DK), Netherlands (NL), Manchester (UK), France (FR), Germany (DE), Canada. Company registered in Lithuania .
- Shock Hosting - Locations: Piscataway/New Jersey (US), Los Angeles (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Jacksonville (US), Denver (US), Seattle (US), Maidenhead (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG). Company registered in United States.
- Cinfu - Locations: Germany (DE), Bulgaria (BG), France (FR), Netherlands (NL), US. Company registered in Seychelles. Anonymous signup discouraged (automated fraud checks). No signup over Tor (website currently blocks Tor users entirely). User reports their datacentres may de-prioritise Bitcoin related traffic (and/or other large data transfers) resulting in extremely long full node sync times (weeks, single kbps bandwidth) after an initial burst for about 15% of the BTC blockchain
- 1Gbits - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania. Website uses Cloudflare (Tor users may get Google captchas). Same parent company as MonoVM. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- LegionBox - Locations: US, Switzerland (CH), Germany (DE), Russia (RU). Company registered in Australia. Anonymous signup discouraged (automated fraud checks)
- Host-World - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Strasbourg (FR), Gravelines (FR), Limassol (CY), Bratislava (SK), Prague (CZ), Riga (LV), Warsaw (PL), Chisinau (MD), Kiev (UA), New Jersey (US), Toronto (CA), Beauharnois (CA), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Petach Tikva (IL), Turkey (TR). Company registered in Estonia. Uses Anonymous signup OK (they only verify email)
- ExtraVM - Locations: Dallas TX (US), Los Angeles CA (US), Miami FL (US), Vint Hill VA (US), Montreal QC (CAN), London (UK), Gravelines (FR), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in Delaware, US. Ryzen servers. Crypto payments via Cryptomus. DdoS protected. Also offers Minecraft servers.
- THC Servers - Locations: Romania (RO), Canada. Company registered in United States. Supports Lightning Network (LN)
- ServerMath - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Madrid (ES), Seoul (KR), Dallas (TX), Istanbul (TR), Manila (PH), Singapore (SG), Dubai (AE), Lagos (NG), Miami (US), Tokyo (JP), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in ???. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer. Willing to consider payment via other cryptocurrencies on request. Does not require KYC or check identity. Happy to arrange custom server configurations (e.g GPUs, high bandwidth servers). Affiliated with RatioServer. Website does not work when visited from some IP addresses
- FlokiNET - Locations: Romania (RO), Iceland (IS), Finland (FI), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Iceland. Free speech-focused service, Tor friendly. Includes (potentially outdated) OpenBSD images which must be manually installed via VNC. Anonymous signup OK, only valid email address is required. Accepts Bitcoin and XMR via Coinpayments. Allows customizing dedicated servers, including with Large Storage suitable for full nodes. This website is currently hosted on Flokinet
- SeedVPS - Locations: Netherlands (NL). Company registered in US/Israel. Google captchas. Automated fraud detection system may cancel your order or even ban your account, we recommend against using VPN/Tor/proxies to order from this provider. User reports that their website is unusable over Tor: you are constantly logged out, and have to solve a captcha every time you click anything on their website
- Qhoster - Locations: UK, US, Canada (CA), Bulgaria (BG), Lithuania (LT), France (FR), Germany (DE), Netherlands (NL), Switzerland (CH). Company registered in ???. Google captcha
- SporeStack - Locations: San Francisco/NYC (US), Toronto (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG), Bangalore (IN). Company registered in Texas (US). Accountless VPS provider. Also takes Bcash / Bitcoin SV. API-only/no registration, servers on Digital Ocean, Vultur/Linode available on request, Tor-only servers in undisclosed location, onion service URL: http://spore64i5sofqlfz5gq2ju4msgzojjwifls7rok2cti624zyq3fcelad.onion/#ref=vps
- NiceVPS - Locations: Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Dominica. Minimal registration data and Tor friendly. Bulletproof DDoS-protected hosting available. Also provides confidential domains. Will offer hosting in Switzerland (CH) soon.
- BlazingFast - Locations: Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Netherlands. High performance servers
- ThunderVM - Locations: Germany (DE), United States (US), Iceland (IS), Switzerland (CH), Netherlands (NL), France (FR), Italy (IT), United Kingdom (UK), Lithuania (LT), Poland (PL). Company registered in italy. Ok with hosting full nodes and Tor relays, but not Tor exit nodes, or (on VPS) mining cryptocurrency. Uses hCaptcha. Provider states that all their servers/hypervisors are installed and encrypted by them for user security. Uses BTCPayServer and self-hosted Monero (XMR) payments. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments via NowPayments
- Cockbox - Locations: Romania (RO). Company registered in Seychelles. Servers with cocks. Tor and anonymity-friendly. Onion URL: http://dwtqmjzvn2c6z2x462mmbd34ugjjrodowtul4jfbkexjuttzaqzcjyad.onion/?r=3033
- Ahost - Locations: Dubai (AE), Vienna (AT), Sydney (AU), Brussels (BE), Sofia (BG), Zurich (CH), Prague (CZ), Copenhagen (DK), Seville (ES), Thessaloniki (GR), Kwai Chung (HK), Zagreb (HR), Budapest (HU), Tel Aviv (IL), Hafnarfjordur (IS), Milan (IT), Tokyo (JP), Vilnius (LT), Riga (LV), Chisinau (MD), Skopje (MK), Oslo (NO), Warsaw (PL), Belgrade (RS), Bucharest (RO), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Ljubljana (SI). Company registered in Estonia. No anonymous signup. No Tor or spam allowed. Payments via Payeer. KVM virtualization, Gigabit speeds for every VPS. They do NOT want anonymous signups or Tor traffic. User reports they ask for KYC (scan of government ID) after payment. Google Captchas
- AtomicNetworks - Locations: Eygelshoven (NL), Chicago (US), Miami (US), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Delware, United States. Crypto payments through Coinbase Wallets, samller altcoins via NowPayments. Tor traffic OK. Uses Google Captchas. Asks for personal information but you can write whatever you like.
- AlexHost - Locations: Tallbert (SE), Moldova (MD), Sofia (BG), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Moldova. Email hosting included with shared web hosting service. Operates through AS200019, with own datacenter, network and hardware in the Republic of Moldova. Domain registration via OpenSRS/Tucows. They welcome people using their VPS for VPN endpoints. No KYC unless the payment gateway (e.g Paypal) asks for it (so pay with crypto). Doesn't verify the personal data you give them otherwise. Tor bridges and relays are fine, Tor exit nodes are not allowed. Bitcoin payments accepted via BTCPayServer. Monero and other cryptocurrencies also accepted. May use Google Captchas (via Hostbill). Dedicated servers can be customized so they have Large Storage for running full nodes. Provider states they support freedom of speech and privacy.
- HostStage - Locations: France (FR), Canada (CA), US. Company registered in France. Uses Coingate. Also provides shared web hosting. Anonymous sign up OK as long as no fraud, Tor traffic OK provided it is not used in a way that causes trouble
- Justhost - Locations: Russia (RU). Company registered in Russia. Selling VDS
- Lunanode - Locations: Canada (CA), France (FR). Company registered in Canada. User reports that registration is not allowed when using a VPN. Another user reports that their VPN worked, but LunaNode required phone number verification to pay with Bitcoin and/or Lightning Network (LN).
- Skhron - Locations: Warsaw (PL), Stockholm (SE). Company registered in Estonia. Equipment located at Equinix WA3. Bitcoin, Monero (XMR), TRX, USDT/TRC20, LTC accepted using self-hosted BTCPayServer (BTC) and BitCartCC (other coins). Lightning Network (LN) payments supported. Tor traffic allowed. Only a valid email is required, they don't check other user-provided personal info unless you pay with fiat. No KYC and no error prone fraud protection to cancel your order unexpectedly. Captchas are standard pictures or hCaptcha. Offers a low-end KVM VPS for 1.15 EUR/month. Onion service at <http://ufcmgzuawelktlvqaypyj4efjonbzleoketixdmtzidvfg254gfwyuqd.onion/>
- IP-Connect - Locations: Ukraine (UA). Company registered in Ukraine. Runs their own datacenter. Tor-friendly. Minimal registration. Crypto payments accepted via payment gateway. Doesn't require KYC, allows TOR/proxy. Criminal activity prohibited. All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, recent Intel processors, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latency possible, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random generators for fast entropy, noVNC, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso (also Windows etc. allowed). Now additionally accepts payments via, which supports hundreds of different cryptocurrencies. Use promocode "bitcoin-vps2022" for -10% discount
- FlyNet - Locations: Tomsk/Russia (RU). Company registered in Russia. May require SMS verification. Use coupon code FLYNET-PRO-180784 for 10% discount.
- SeiMaxim - Locations: Almere (NL), Amsterdam (NL), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Netherlands. Anonymous signup allowed. Bitcoin full nodes are allowed. Also offers GPU mining servers, domains, shared hosting, and HTTP/SOCKS proxies. Uses Coinbase payment gateway
- ForexVPS - Locations: New York (US), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Zurich (CH), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in Hong Kong. Lightning Network (LN) payment support
- VPSGOD - Locations: Germany (DE), US, France (FR), Netherlands (NL), United States (US). Company registered in US. Google captcha
- BuyVM / Frantech - Locations: Las Vegas (US), New Jersey (US), Luxembourg (LU), Miami (US). Company registered in Canada. Supports Anycast IP addressing
- Noez - Locations: Frankfurt (DE). Company registered in Germany. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes
- XetHost - Locations: Budapest (HU). Company registered in Hungary. DevOps-focused. Accepts many different cryptocurrencies via CoinGate. Asks for phone number and email address.
- Host4Coins - Locations: France (FR), Zurich (CH). Company registered in France(?). Only Bitcoin and Lightning Network (LN) payments. Anonymous signup encouraged (they do not verify email address validity). $2/mo discount for IPv6-only service. Run by
- Servting - Locations: Netherlands (NL), India (IN), Germany (DE), London (UK), United States (US), Singapore (SG), Canada (CA), South Korea (KR), Australia (AU), Japan (JP), Ireland (IE), France (FR), Sweden (SE), Spain (ES), Mexico (MX), Brazil (BR), Poland (PL). Company registered in United States. Currently reselling Digital Ocean, AWS Lightsail and Vultr. BTCPayServer as payment gateway. Encourage anonymous sign-up. Provider notes: "TOR and VPNs allowed, we do not use any fraud detection software such as Maxmind. A real email address is encouraged for correspondence but not a requirement . We offer block storage upgrades upon request. We do not check identities or perform any verification, if payment is successful you get a server!"
- MrVM - Locations: Sweden (SE). Company registered in Sweden. No Tor traffic allowed
- LiteServer - Locations: Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Netherlands. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments via Coingate. Large Storage (as of writing, 512GB for 5€/mo!), may be suitable for running full nodes
- LNVPS - Locations: Dublin (IE). Company registered in Ireland. Payment ONLY by Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN), which we think is awesome. Payments are self-hosted via their own LND node. Their user account system is built around Nostr accounts, they send notifications via Nostr DM and email. Tor traffic OK. No personal information required to sign up. No Google Captchas. Has open sourced their software stack here: <>. Can be accessed programmatically (making it de-facto accountless) using the API here: <>
- RamNode - Locations: Seattle/Los Angeles/Atlanta/NYC (US), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in US. Pay-by-the-hour model. User reports they require phone number verification
- VPSServer - Locations: San Francisco/Chicago/Dallas/Miami/NYC (US), Toronto (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Bangalore (IN), Tokyo (JP), Hong Kong (HK), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in US. Uses BitPay. Reader reports they are Tor hostile: “I can't join or use SSH to connect to their VPSs over Tor. No relays allowed (and most certainly no exits).” See:
- HostSailor - Locations: Romania (RO), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in UAE. Lightning network (LN) via Coingate. Google Captchas. User reports they log you out constantly if using Tor.
- LowEndSpirit - Locations: Rotterdam (NL), London (UK), Milan (IT), Phoenix/Kansas/Lenoir NC (US), Tokyo (JP), Falkenstein (DE), Sofia (BG), Sandefjord (NO), Reims (FR), Perth/Sydney (AU), Singapore. Company registered in ???. Now a directory site / forum for low cost hosting.
- OrangeWebsite - Locations: Iceland (IS). Company registered in Iceland. Asks for very minimal user information, seems to take security seriously
- VPSBit - Locations: Hong Kong (HK), Lithuania (LT). Company registered in Hong Kong & Lithuania.
- BitLaunch - Locations: DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, Netherlands (NL), United States (US), United Kingdom (UK). Company registered in Unknown. Cryptocurrency payment front-end to Digital Ocean/Vultr/Linode. User reprts they also run their own infrastructure with their own ASN
- Coin.Host / Coinshost - Locations: Zurich (CH). Company registered in Switzerland. Does not provide anonymous hosting, will ask for detailed information about what you are hosting on their servers. Will not refund any deposits made prior to this. We recommend clarifying your proposed usage with them before depositing money with them.
- Hostkey - Locations: US, Netherlands (NL), Russia (RU). Company registered in Netherlands. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses
- Crowncloud - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Australia.
- Hostwinds - Locations: US, Netherlands (NL). Company registered in US.
- CryptoHO.ST - Locations: Romania (RO). Company registered in Romania (?). Supports Lightning Network (LN), Monero, and 300+ altcoins
- EDIS Global - Locations: Vienna / Austria (AT), Graz / Austria (AT), Brussels / Belgium (BE), Sofia / Bulgaria (BG), Montreal / Canada (CA), Vina del Mar / Valparaiso / Chile (CL), Bogota / Colombia (CO), Prague / Czech Republic (CZ), Zagreb / Croatia (HR), Dubai (UAE), Paris / France (FR), Frankfurt / Germany (DE), Copenhagen / Denmark (DK), Thessaloniki / Greece (GR), Kwai Chung / Hong Kong (HK), Budapest / Hungary (HU), Hafnarfjördur / Iceland (IS), Ballasalla / Isle of Man (IM), Tel Aviv / Israel (IL), Milan / Italy (IT), Palermo / Sicily (IT), Tokyo / Japan (JP), Vilnius / Lithuania (LT), Riga / Latvia (LV), Chisinau / Moldova (MD), Skopje/North Macedonia (MK), Amsterdam / Netherlands (NL), Oslo / Norway (NO), Warsaw / Poland (PL), Bucharest / Romania (RO), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Moscow / Russia (RU), St. Petersburg / Russia (RU), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Singapore (SG), Stockholm / Sweden (SE), Ljubljana / Slovenia (SI), Seville / Spain (ES), Zurich / Switcherland(CH), Sydney / Australia (AU), New York (US), London City and London Docklands (UK). Company registered in Limassol, Cyprus. Now using Cryptomus and accepting Bitcoin (plus other standard coins, including DOGE) at all locations.Use coupon code BITCOINVPS for a 10% (lifetime) discount on your first order. The provider notes: Instant Provisioning! All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, modern Intel processors, up to 2x 10Gbps per node, fully GEO-located IP ranges, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latenc, peerings at local IX, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random-numbers generators for fast entropy, noVNC, 100+ ready to use Turnkey images, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso and boot it on EDIS KVM, post-install scripts for automated installation according to your recipes. Windows and Linux. Auto-Installers for Windows 2016/2019/2022 Server (trial). TOR traffic is fine but TOR exit notes are not allowed. EDIS does not require KYC, but a real name and a real-world address is required (they don't come to check if you really live at the indicated address) and EDIS allows signup via TOR or Proxies, but they do not want criminal activity and will manually review all new signups for signs of fraud or criminal intent before provisioning the first service. User reports signups not allowed with email addresses and a phone number is required at signup.
- SuperBitHost - Locations: Bulgaria (BG), Germany (DE), Netherlands (NL), Luxembourg (LU), Malaysia (MY) Russia (RU), Singapore (SG), Switzerland (CH). Company registered in ???. uses Google captchas
- Aurologic (Fastpipe) - Locations: Combahton datacenter in Frankfurt, Germany (DE). Company registered in Germany. Large Storage / Block storage offered, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Used to be, is now Aurologic. If they still take Bitcoin, let us know: <updates at>
- Sered - Locations: Madrid (ES), Barcelona (ES). Company registered in Spain. Website may block Tor users (Google captcha). Use coupon code VQSZANRO for a 2 month discount.
- Javapipe (now Mochahost) - Locations: Chicago (US), Amsterdan (NL), Bucharest (RO). Company registered in ???.
- Evolution Host - Locations: Strasbourg (FR), Sydney (AU), Frankfurt (DE), Montreal (CA), London (UK), Dallas (US), Oregon (US), Virginia (US), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in ???. Supports Lightning Network (LN). User reports they have started blocking proxy/Tor signups for smaller packages due to abuse
- Vultr - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Toronto (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in US. Reader reports strong anti-privacy policies: users must make credit card or PayPal payment before they are allowed to make Bitcoin deposits, and they use BitPay (which requires government ID/etc). Reader recommends using a Vultr reseller (e.g Bithost)
- xitheon - Locations: Quebec (CA), Frankfurt (DE), Sydney (AU), Warsaw (PL), France (FR), Singapore (SG), UK. Company registered in ???.
- Hostens - Locations: London (UK), Frankfurt (DE), Lithuania (LT), Amsterdam (NL), Washington (US), San Fransisco (US), Singapore (SG). Company registered in Lithuania. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Requires full KYC (govt ID/etc) on signup, may use BitPay
- Hosthatch - Locations: Stockholm (SE), Los Angeles (US), Chicago (US), Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in US. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes
- Serverhub - Locations: Chicago (US), Seattle (US), New York (US), Dallas (US), Phoneix (US), Frankfurt (DE). Company registered in US. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes
- DeinServerHost - Locations: Combahton datacenter in Frankfurt, Germany (DE). Company registered in Germany. Bitcoin & Lightning Network (LN) via Coingate, anonymous/pseudonymous signup over Tor allowed. Very flexible server configuration (set RAM/disk/# cores independently). Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Offers one-click DdoS protection via
- Terrahost - Locations: Sandefjord (NO). Company registered in Norway. Runs their own datacenter. Good reputation in the OpenBSD community (but does not offer OpenBSD support natively, you must bring your own install image). Their website claims to use BitPay but it’s not true, they actually use Coingate/BTCPayServer. Sometimes asks for full KYC at signup (e.g if you signed up via Tor)
- ClientVPS - Locations: Bahrain (BH), Ukraine (UA), Netherlands (NL), Panama (PA), Russia (RU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Iran (IR). Company registered in Russia or US, it’s unclear. “Bulletproof” hosting provider.
- Time4VPS - Locations: Lithuania (LT), Singapore (SG), US. Company registered in Lithuania. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Now requiring KYC (ID scans)
- 1984Hosting - Locations: Iceland (IS). Company registered in Iceland. Anonymous signup allowed. Accepts BTC & XMR via their own implementation. Also offers share & managed hosting, domain registration
- Privex - Locations: Sweden (SE), Netherlands (NL), Germany (DE), Finland (FI), United States (US), Japan (JP), Canada (CA). Company registered in Belize. Owns their own hardware and network at their SE / NL regions. Resells Hetzner in DE / FI. Resells Dacentec+Reliablesite in US. Resells Vultr in JP/CA. Privacy focused, anonymous/pseudonymous sign up encouraged. No captchas/cloudflare/analytics. Payments processed by their own in-house solution. Allows hosting Tor exit nodes / public VPNs in SE/NL locations and Tor/I2P relays in all locations except JP/CA. Runs their own Tor nodes to support the network. Ordering is possible with JavaScript disabled. Supports Bring-Your-Own-IP and colocation in SE/NL. Very flexible and willing to consider special requests. Onion service: http://privex3guvvasyer6pxz2fqcgy56auvw5egkir6ykwpptferdcb5toad.onion/ and I2P service: http://privex.i2p/
- AnyColo - Locations: Romania (RO). Company registered in Romania. Accepts BTC, XMR. Payments via own BTCPayServer instance. Anonymous signup allowed. According to the company, “our TOS is simple: no abuse and no complaints.”
- RatioServer - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Budapest (HU), Copenhagen (DK), Dallas (US), Dublin (IE), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Paris (FR), Prague (CZ), Rome (IT), Singapore (SG), Sofia (BG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Zurich (CH) and more. Company registered in ???. Most locations have unmetered dedicated servers and custom-built server options available. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Does not verify email address validity, but encourages people to sign up with a working email address. Uses their own in-house BTC/ETH payment processor
- CryptoVPS - Locations: Hetzner/Germany (DE), Hetzner/Finland (FI), Hetzner (US), Ecatel/Netherlands (NL), Norway (NO), Gcorelabs/Luxembourg (LU). Company registered in ???. Anonymity friendly, their TOS promises they will never ask for KYC. Payments via CoinPayments, other gateways available.
- Aaroli - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA). Company registered in an undisclosed location. Large Storage offered in 5 locations, may be suitable for full nodes. Payment via BTCPayServer or manual payment (accepts BTC, ETH). Willing to do custom configurations or payment via alternate methods. Anonymous/pseudonymous signup OK, provided you provide a working email address.
- IQHost - Locations: Poland (PL)?. Company registered in Poland. Only Polish-language website
- DataClub - Locations: Meppel/Netherlands (NL), Stockholm (SE), Riga/Latvia (LV). Company registered in Belize/Cyprus/UK. Dedicated servers in Latvia. May require KYC
- Hostiquette - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), London (UK), Moscow (RU), Paris (FR), Zurich (CH). Company registered in ???. Tor and anonymity-friendly. Using BTCPay Server for Bitcoin payments. Can accept other cryptocurrencies if you contact them. Email addresses are not verified but using a valid email is recommended for communications. Custom servers are available if you contact them.
- VPSAG - Locations: Bulgaria (BG). Company registered in Cyprus. Payments via Coinify. Sister company of DediStart (dedicated servers). Blocks Tor users
- eCompute - Locations: Romania (RO). Company registered in Romania. Payments via Coinify. Website appears not to use HTTPS
- Servers.Guru - Locations: Helsinki (FI), Nuremberg (DE), Falkenstein (DE), Ashburn (US). Company registered in United States. Anonymous signup allowed (only a valid email address is required). Tor traffic OK. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses self-hosted BitCartCC for Bitcoin payments (as well as others), takes DOGE, DASH, and Zcash/ZEC via Plisio.
- Ukrainian Data Network (UDN) - Locations: Kyiv/Kiev (UA). Company registered in Ukraine. Anonymous signup OK, even email address is optional. Accepts BTC and Monero/XMR. Uses their own internal payment system, no 3rd party payment processor
- VPS One - Locations: Netherlands (NL). Company registered in UAE. Anonymous signup allowed (only a valid email address is required). Uses CoinPayments.
- Zergrush Hosting - Locations: Bucharest (RO). Company registered in Romania. Payments via uTrust, which supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. No Tor exits allowed. Do ask for personal information at signup.
- IncogNET - Locations: Netherlands (NL), Idaho (US). Company registered in Wyoming, United States. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer (and other cryptocurrencies also). No personal information required to sign up, only an email address (which isn't verified). Ordering via Tor/VPN is OK. Large Storage available on a case-by-case basis, contact them to arrange it. Uses Google Captchas (reCaptcha). Also does anonymous domain registration
- SafeAlps - Locations: Switzerland (CH) (shared hosting only), Romania (RO), United States (US), Iceland (IS) (email hosting only). Company registered in Switzerland. VPS in Romania and the US, shared hosting in Switzerland, one-time-payment email hosting in Iceland. Tor-friendly, both traffic and nodes are welcome. Anonymous sign up is OK, PGP encrypted email communication is supported. Payments via Plisio, Lightning Network (LN) payment supported. No captchas or assets loaded from servers they don't control. Large Storage servers with HDDs (or SSDs on request) are available.
- HostSlick - Locations: Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Germany. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinify. Has internal KYC checks - your server can be suspended if you registered via Proxy/VPN. Google captchas. User reports you may be able to register via VPN if you open a support ticket to manually deposit BTC. We recommend testing with small amounts of money and low cost services first.
- Webconn Technology - Locations: Netherlands (NL), United States (US), Italy (IT), Japan (JP), France (FR). Company registered in Pakistan. Offers GPU servers. Unlimited traffic. They don't care what information you provide at signup. Payments via Coinbase or direct transfer to wallet. Google captchas. Linked to Seimaxim
- Melbicom - Locations: Riga (LV), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Moscow (RU), Palermo (IT), Vilnius (LT), Madrid (ES), Sofia (BG), Lagos (NG), Singapore (SG), Fujairah (AE), Atlanta (US), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Lithuania. Windows and Linux VPS. Also offers CDN services. No Tor traffic allowed. They don't ask for much personal information but don't want anonymous signup, they may request ID verification. No illegal activities allowed. Bitcoin Lightning network (LN) payments supported. No Google Captchas. Large Storage servers are available. They support BGP sessions, colocations, and cloud services also.
- - Locations: Netherlands (NL), Phoneix (US), Poland (PL). Company registered in Germany. Privacy focused Windows RDP and Linux server provider. Only asks for email, no KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Cryptomus.
- AnonRDP - Locations: Poland (PL), France (FR). Company registered in Unknown. Anonymous signup allowed, only email address is required. Tor traffic is OK, but requires javascipt due to DdoS protection. Payments via Accepts XMR, BTC, ETH, TRX, USDT, LTC, and more. Uses Google Captcha now, will soon have a self-hosted non-Javascript solution.
- - Locations: Frankfurt am Main (DE). Company registered in Austria. Offers Large Storage servers with HDD, and NVMe boot disks. Very anonymity friendly, even offers an anonymous Web chat where you can contact them. Only requires an email to sign up, a forwarding or temp email is OK. Happy to host crypto nodes or backups. Accepts BTC, XMR, LTC, BCH, Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) payments using their own in-house payment system. For some transactions they may use 3rd party no-KYC providers. Servers are in Equinix datacenter in Frankfurt, Germany. Free 3.2Tbit DdoS protection and backup slots. No automated fraud checks, no captchas, no cookies. Tor exit nodes not allowed due to all the abuse complaints they generate.
- KernelHost - Locations: Frankfurt (DE). Company registered in Austria. Bitcoin payments via BTCPayServer. KVM based servers. Servers at Maincubes datacenter
- NetNexus - Locations: Virginia (US), Ohio (US), California (US), Oregon (US), Mumbai (IN), Osaka (JP), Seoul (KR), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Central (CA), Frankfurt (DE), Ireland (IE), London (GB), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Sao Paulo (BR). Company registered in Portland, Oregon. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for email address, name, phone number, etc on signup but doesn't verify the information. Bitcoin payment with Plisio. No Google Captchas. Large Storage, maybe suitable for full nodes.
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- SnowCore - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Salt Lake City (US). Company registered in ???. Uses a Mullvad-style token login system so they don't collect any personal information at all. Payments via NOWpayments. Cloudflare captchas. Dedicated servers available with 1TB SSDs for 30 EUR one time payment in some locations, might be useful as Large Storage servers for full nodes. Tor is allowed and fully supported.
- Gigablits - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Bangalore (IN), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), New York (US), San Francisco (US), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Toronto (CA). Company registered in ???. DigitalOcean reseller. Anonymity focused, no personal information required. Payments accepted via Plisio. User reports they took payment but did not deliver service or respond to tickets, business may be defunct.
- VPSBroker - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Bangalore (IN), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Delhi NCR (IN), Frankfurt (DE), Honolulu (US), Johannesburg (ZA), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Melbourne (AU), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Mumbai (IN), New York (US), Osaka (JP), Paris (FR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Singapore (SG), Stockholm (SE), Sydney (AU), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA), Warsaw (PL), Seoul (KR). Company registered in ???. Signup over Tor ok, user reports no captchas or Maxmind/KYC. Accepts Bitcoin, Monero (XMR), and others. User reports the UI is really good. Disk space available up to 160GB.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- BrilliantHost - Locations: Washington, D.C. (US), California (US), Iowa (US), Toronto (CA), London (GB), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Milan (IT), Vienna (AT), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), São Paulo (BR). Company registered in Wyoming, United States. Tor traffic OK. No Google Captchas. Very privacy-and anonymity friendly, only an email is required. Processes crypto payments manually via their support team. Advertises high performance at low prices.
- Aeza - Locations: California (US), London (UK), Paris (FR), Amsterdam (NL), Falkenstein (DE), Vienna (AT), Stockholm (SE), Helsinki (FI), Moscow (RU). Company registered in United Kingdom. Appears to be run by Russian speakers & focused on the CIS market (offers website translations in English, Russian, Ukrainian). User reports they do crypto payments via Cryptomus.
- Computeman - Locations: Los Angeles (US), Milan (IT), Strasbourg (FR), Seoul (KR), Tokyo (JP), Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in Colorado (US). Also offers GPU dedicated services in Amsterdam. VPS only in Los Angeles (US), other locations are dedicated-server-only. Provider states that Tor traffic and anonymous signups are allowed. No Google Captchas. Provider offers Large Storage servers.
- PRQ - Locations: Stockholm (SE). Company registered in Sweden. No account registration, you just email them and they set up what you need. Tell them you want to pay with Bitcoin and they'll send you a Bitcoin address. Very OG free speech focused provider. Tor traffic allowed. No Google Captchas.
- - Locations: Warsaw (PL), New Jersey (US), Texas (US), Singapore (SG), Kyiv (UA). Company registered in Poland. Doesn't verify the personal information you give them at signup. Tor traffic OK but Tor exit nodes not allowed, they are working on setting up an onion service to access their website. Accepts USDT/USDC using self-hosted Bitcart and BTC / Bitcoin Lightning Network (among many other cryptocurrencies) via Anonpay. No Google Captcha, just hCaptcha.
- Bridge Networks - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Bangalore (IN), Mumbai (IN), Delhi NCR (IN), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Seoul (KR), Tokyo (JP), Osaka (JP), Johannesburg (ZA), London (GB), Madrid (ES), Manchester (GB), Melbourne (AU), Mexico (MX), Sao Paulo (BR), Santiago (CL), Singapore (SG), Stockholm (SE), Sydney (AU), Tel Aviv (IL), Warsaw (PL), Toronto (CA), Atlanta (US), Dallas (US), New Jersey (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), Chicago (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), San Francisco (US). Company registered in ???. DigitalOcean and Vultr reseller. Accepts crypto payments through Plisio. User reports they only ask for an email address, support block storage / Large Storage, support extra IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and "seem to be pretty chill"
- Senko.Digital - Locations: Frankfurt (DE). Company registered in United Kingdom. "The fluffiest hosting in the world." Game-focused hosting provider. Payments via Cryptomus and Morune. Accepts BTC, XMR, USDT, and many more. Doesn't need KYC and doesn't ask for personal information. Provider notes their pricing starts at 1.90 EUR. Provider allows using their servers for VPNs and proxies. Provider states signups via Tor are allowed but running Tor exit nodes (or other Tor infrastructure) Is not to avoid trouble. Provider uses Google captchas but as minimally as possible (it is only used for initial signup, not for login). Resells dedicated servers from Hetzner, states that hosting full nodes on those servers should be done behind a VPN (to avoid the public-facing IP being linked to full nodes) and notes they can assist with this setup. Illegal activity on their infrastructure is strictly prohibited.
- Trivox - Locations: Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in Germany. For VPN and Domain registration you have to contact them directly. Also offers colocation and game servers (contact support for game servers). Tor traffic is officially not allowed but they don't care what you do as long as they don't get abuse complaints. Requires basic personal information at signup. Payment processing via Sellix, which accepts Bitcoin Lighning Network (LN) payments. Doesn't use Google Captchas. Offers totally custom servers, so if you need Large Storage for full nodes they will build one for you, or you can ship them a server and they will put it in their datacenter.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Initech - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New York (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Melbourne (AU), Sydney (AU), Sao Paulo (BR), Toronto (CA), Santiago (CL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Bangalore (IN), Delhi (IN), Mumbai (IN), Tel Aviv (IL), Osaka (JP), Tokyo (JP), Mexico City (MX), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Singapore (SG), Johannesburg (ZA), Seoul (KR), Madrid (ES), Stockholm (SE), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Boston (US), Denver (US), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Minneapolis (US), New York City (US), Northern California (US), Northern Virginia (US), Ohio (US), Oregon (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Buenos Aires (AR), Perth (AU), Bahrain (BH), Calgary (CA), Central (CA), Hong Kong (CN), Copenhagen (DK), Helsinki (FI), Hamburg (DE), Hyderabad (IN), Kolkata (IN), Jakarta (ID), Ireland (IE), Milan (IT), Malaysia (MY), Querétaro (MX), Auckland (NZ), Lagos (NG), Muscat (OM), Lima (PE), Manila (PH), Cape Town (ZA), Spain (ES), Zurich (CH), Taipei (TW), Bangkok (TH), United Arab Emirates (AE), Virginia (US), Montreal (CA), Falkenstein (DE), Nuremberg (DE), San Francisco (US), Silicon Valley (US), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Dubai (AE), Columbus (US), Iowa (US), Salt Lake City (US), South Carolina (US), Belgium (BE), Finland (FI), Berlin (DE), Turin (IT), Holland (NL), Doha (QA), Dammam (SA), Taiwan (TW). Company registered in United States. Also offers a residential proxy (VPN) service with endpoints available in almost every country worldwide (the residential proxy service blocks websites that are common abuse targets, like banking or Netflix. Their VPS service does not block). Resells VPS services from many cloud providers (Vultr, Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Lightsail/AWS, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud/GCP, Hetzner Cloud). No email verification required to order. Accept all major cryptocurrencies. Tor traffic is OK, their website is built to be easy to use over Tor. Accepts crypto payments via Plisio and BTCPayServer, including Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) payments via BTCPayServer. Large Storage / Block storage 40GB up to 40TB now available via normal ordering flow. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on all orders for new customers.
- Private WebHost - Locations: Vienna (AT), Helsinki (FI), Frankfurt (DE), Netherlands (NL), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Zurich (CH), Paris (FR), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Switzerland. Privacy/anonymity-focused hoster. Only an email required at signup, Signup via VPNs, proxies, and Tor allowed, payments via NOWPayments, Lightning Network (LN) payments via CoinPayments. Working on self/hosted payments. The Swiss dedicated servers are Large Storage and suitable for Bitcoin full nodes. All servers can be used for Tor nodes (exit nodes allowed if you block port 25). Netherlands VPS servers are Large Storage. No Google Captcha. Support via tickets or encrypted email. Dedicated servers in Switzerland, working on more locations. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% off. Very responsive support.
- Opera VPS - Locations: London (UK), Frankfurt (DE) , Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Montreal (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in US (Washington state). Anonymous signup OK, Tor allowed, Lightning Network (LN) payments via Jeeb
- RackNerd - Locations: Los Angeles (US), Utah (US), Dallas (US), New York (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Montreal (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Chicago (US), San Jose (US), Atlanta (US), Tampa (US), Ashburn (US), Strasbourg (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG). Company registered in United States. Accepts BTC, LTC, ETH, ZEC. No Lightning Network. User reports good service and responsive support. User reports they use Coinbase Commerce
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- MonoVM - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania . Same parent company as 1gbits. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- HostZealot - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Limassol (CY), Tallinn (EE), Ashburn (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Brussels (BE), Tel Aviv (IL), Hong Kong (HK), Dusseldorf (DE), Tbilisi (GE). Company registered in Bulgaria. Provider states they are Tor and anonymity friendly as long as you do not violate their ToS. All their VPS instances use SSDs, their Poland and Netherlands locations offer NVMe also. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses.
- Rockhoster - Locations: US, Canada (CA), France (FR). Company registered in UK.
- BlueVPS - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Limassol (CY), Gravelines (FR), Singapore (SG), Sofiya (BG), London (UK), Ashburn (US), Los Angeles (US), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), Palermo (IT), Tel Aviv (IL), Stockholm (SE), Toronto (CA), Tallinn (EE), Madrid (ES), Hong Kong (CN), Warsaw (PL), Sydney (AU), Fujairah (UAE). Company registered in Estonia. Payments via Coinpayments. Regarding anonymity they state "We require clients confirmation e-Mail or ID". Provider has hardware in two different data centers at their Warsaw and London locations.
- VPS2day - Locations: Frankfurt a.M (DE), Zug/Switzerland (CH), Tallin (EE), Bucharest (RO), The Hague (NL), Stockholm (SE), Manchester (UK), Dallas (US). Company registered in Frankfurt, Germany. Website blocks Tor traffic outright. Does not allow anonymous signup. Payment via Coingate.
- Eldernode - Locations: Chicago (US), San Jose (US), New York (US), Denmark (DK), Netherlands (NL), Manchester (UK), France (FR), Germany (DE), Canada. Company registered in Lithuania .
- Shock Hosting - Locations: Piscataway/New Jersey (US), Los Angeles (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Jacksonville (US), Denver (US), Seattle (US), Maidenhead (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG). Company registered in United States.
- Cinfu - Locations: Germany (DE), Bulgaria (BG), France (FR), Netherlands (NL), US. Company registered in Seychelles. Anonymous signup discouraged (automated fraud checks). No signup over Tor (website currently blocks Tor users entirely). User reports their datacentres may de-prioritise Bitcoin related traffic (and/or other large data transfers) resulting in extremely long full node sync times (weeks, single kbps bandwidth) after an initial burst for about 15% of the BTC blockchain
- 1Gbits - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania. Website uses Cloudflare (Tor users may get Google captchas). Same parent company as MonoVM. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- LegionBox - Locations: US, Switzerland (CH), Germany (DE), Russia (RU). Company registered in Australia. Anonymous signup discouraged (automated fraud checks)
- Host-World - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Strasbourg (FR), Gravelines (FR), Limassol (CY), Bratislava (SK), Prague (CZ), Riga (LV), Warsaw (PL), Chisinau (MD), Kiev (UA), New Jersey (US), Toronto (CA), Beauharnois (CA), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Petach Tikva (IL), Turkey (TR). Company registered in Estonia. Uses Anonymous signup OK (they only verify email)
- ExtraVM - Locations: Dallas TX (US), Los Angeles CA (US), Miami FL (US), Vint Hill VA (US), Montreal QC (CAN), London (UK), Gravelines (FR), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in Delaware, US. Ryzen servers. Crypto payments via Cryptomus. DdoS protected. Also offers Minecraft servers.
- THC Servers - Locations: Romania (RO), Canada. Company registered in United States. Supports Lightning Network (LN)
- ServerMath - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Madrid (ES), Seoul (KR), Dallas (TX), Istanbul (TR), Manila (PH), Singapore (SG), Dubai (AE), Lagos (NG), Miami (US), Tokyo (JP), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in ???. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer. Willing to consider payment via other cryptocurrencies on request. Does not require KYC or check identity. Happy to arrange custom server configurations (e.g GPUs, high bandwidth servers). Affiliated with RatioServer. Website does not work when visited from some IP addresses
- Qhoster - Locations: UK, US, Canada (CA), Bulgaria (BG), Lithuania (LT), France (FR), Germany (DE), Netherlands (NL), Switzerland (CH). Company registered in ???. Google captcha
- SporeStack - Locations: San Francisco/NYC (US), Toronto (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG), Bangalore (IN). Company registered in Texas (US). Accountless VPS provider. Also takes Bcash / Bitcoin SV. API-only/no registration, servers on Digital Ocean, Vultur/Linode available on request, Tor-only servers in undisclosed location, onion service URL: http://spore64i5sofqlfz5gq2ju4msgzojjwifls7rok2cti624zyq3fcelad.onion/#ref=vps
- ThunderVM - Locations: Germany (DE), United States (US), Iceland (IS), Switzerland (CH), Netherlands (NL), France (FR), Italy (IT), United Kingdom (UK), Lithuania (LT), Poland (PL). Company registered in italy. Ok with hosting full nodes and Tor relays, but not Tor exit nodes, or (on VPS) mining cryptocurrency. Uses hCaptcha. Provider states that all their servers/hypervisors are installed and encrypted by them for user security. Uses BTCPayServer and self-hosted Monero (XMR) payments. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments via NowPayments
- AtomicNetworks - Locations: Eygelshoven (NL), Chicago (US), Miami (US), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Delware, United States. Crypto payments through Coinbase Wallets, samller altcoins via NowPayments. Tor traffic OK. Uses Google Captchas. Asks for personal information but you can write whatever you like.
- WindowsVPSHost - Locations: Buffalo (US) . Company registered in Singapore .
- Rad Web Hosting - Locations: Dallas TX (US). Company registered in United States. Datacenter located in a former Federal Reserve Bank building, highly secure
- HostStage - Locations: France (FR), Canada (CA), US. Company registered in France. Uses Coingate. Also provides shared web hosting. Anonymous sign up OK as long as no fraud, Tor traffic OK provided it is not used in a way that causes trouble
- Lunanode - Locations: Canada (CA), France (FR). Company registered in Canada. User reports that registration is not allowed when using a VPN. Another user reports that their VPN worked, but LunaNode required phone number verification to pay with Bitcoin and/or Lightning Network (LN).
- SeiMaxim - Locations: Almere (NL), Amsterdam (NL), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Netherlands. Anonymous signup allowed. Bitcoin full nodes are allowed. Also offers GPU mining servers, domains, shared hosting, and HTTP/SOCKS proxies. Uses Coinbase payment gateway
- ForexVPS - Locations: New York (US), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Zurich (CH), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in Hong Kong. Lightning Network (LN) payment support
- IndoVirtue - Locations: Singapore (SG), US. Company registered in Bali, Indonesia (?). No VPN/proxy during signup allowed
- VPSGOD - Locations: Germany (DE), US, France (FR), Netherlands (NL), United States (US). Company registered in US. Google captcha
- BuyVM / Frantech - Locations: Las Vegas (US), New Jersey (US), Luxembourg (LU), Miami (US). Company registered in Canada. Supports Anycast IP addressing
- Servting - Locations: Netherlands (NL), India (IN), Germany (DE), London (UK), United States (US), Singapore (SG), Canada (CA), South Korea (KR), Australia (AU), Japan (JP), Ireland (IE), France (FR), Sweden (SE), Spain (ES), Mexico (MX), Brazil (BR), Poland (PL). Company registered in United States. Currently reselling Digital Ocean, AWS Lightsail and Vultr. BTCPayServer as payment gateway. Encourage anonymous sign-up. Provider notes: "TOR and VPNs allowed, we do not use any fraud detection software such as Maxmind. A real email address is encouraged for correspondence but not a requirement . We offer block storage upgrades upon request. We do not check identities or perform any verification, if payment is successful you get a server!"
- RamNode - Locations: Seattle/Los Angeles/Atlanta/NYC (US), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in US. Pay-by-the-hour model. User reports they require phone number verification
- VPSServer - Locations: San Francisco/Chicago/Dallas/Miami/NYC (US), Toronto (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Bangalore (IN), Tokyo (JP), Hong Kong (HK), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in US. Uses BitPay. Reader reports they are Tor hostile: “I can't join or use SSH to connect to their VPSs over Tor. No relays allowed (and most certainly no exits).” See:
- LowEndSpirit - Locations: Rotterdam (NL), London (UK), Milan (IT), Phoenix/Kansas/Lenoir NC (US), Tokyo (JP), Falkenstein (DE), Sofia (BG), Sandefjord (NO), Reims (FR), Perth/Sydney (AU), Singapore. Company registered in ???. Now a directory site / forum for low cost hosting.
- Namecheap - Locations: US. Company registered in US.
- BitLaunch - Locations: DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, Netherlands (NL), United States (US), United Kingdom (UK). Company registered in Unknown. Cryptocurrency payment front-end to Digital Ocean/Vultr/Linode. User reprts they also run their own infrastructure with their own ASN
- Hostkey - Locations: US, Netherlands (NL), Russia (RU). Company registered in Netherlands. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses
- Crowncloud - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Australia.
- Hostwinds - Locations: US, Netherlands (NL). Company registered in US.
- Mightweb - Locations: US. Company registered in US.
- MeanServers - Locations: US. Company registered in US.
- SecureDragon - Locations: US. Company registered in US.
- EDIS Global - Locations: Vienna / Austria (AT), Graz / Austria (AT), Brussels / Belgium (BE), Sofia / Bulgaria (BG), Montreal / Canada (CA), Vina del Mar / Valparaiso / Chile (CL), Bogota / Colombia (CO), Prague / Czech Republic (CZ), Zagreb / Croatia (HR), Dubai (UAE), Paris / France (FR), Frankfurt / Germany (DE), Copenhagen / Denmark (DK), Thessaloniki / Greece (GR), Kwai Chung / Hong Kong (HK), Budapest / Hungary (HU), Hafnarfjördur / Iceland (IS), Ballasalla / Isle of Man (IM), Tel Aviv / Israel (IL), Milan / Italy (IT), Palermo / Sicily (IT), Tokyo / Japan (JP), Vilnius / Lithuania (LT), Riga / Latvia (LV), Chisinau / Moldova (MD), Skopje/North Macedonia (MK), Amsterdam / Netherlands (NL), Oslo / Norway (NO), Warsaw / Poland (PL), Bucharest / Romania (RO), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Moscow / Russia (RU), St. Petersburg / Russia (RU), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Singapore (SG), Stockholm / Sweden (SE), Ljubljana / Slovenia (SI), Seville / Spain (ES), Zurich / Switcherland(CH), Sydney / Australia (AU), New York (US), London City and London Docklands (UK). Company registered in Limassol, Cyprus. Now using Cryptomus and accepting Bitcoin (plus other standard coins, including DOGE) at all locations.Use coupon code BITCOINVPS for a 10% (lifetime) discount on your first order. The provider notes: Instant Provisioning! All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, modern Intel processors, up to 2x 10Gbps per node, fully GEO-located IP ranges, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latenc, peerings at local IX, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random-numbers generators for fast entropy, noVNC, 100+ ready to use Turnkey images, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso and boot it on EDIS KVM, post-install scripts for automated installation according to your recipes. Windows and Linux. Auto-Installers for Windows 2016/2019/2022 Server (trial). TOR traffic is fine but TOR exit notes are not allowed. EDIS does not require KYC, but a real name and a real-world address is required (they don't come to check if you really live at the indicated address) and EDIS allows signup via TOR or Proxies, but they do not want criminal activity and will manually review all new signups for signs of fraud or criminal intent before provisioning the first service. User reports signups not allowed with email addresses and a phone number is required at signup.
- Javapipe (now Mochahost) - Locations: Chicago (US), Amsterdan (NL), Bucharest (RO). Company registered in ???.
- AHnames - Locations: Ashburn (US). Company registered in Netherlands. Supports Lightning Network (LN)
- Evolution Host - Locations: Strasbourg (FR), Sydney (AU), Frankfurt (DE), Montreal (CA), London (UK), Dallas (US), Oregon (US), Virginia (US), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in ???. Supports Lightning Network (LN). User reports they have started blocking proxy/Tor signups for smaller packages due to abuse
- ChunkHost - Locations: Los Angeles (US). Company registered in US. Has anonymous registration (email and password), and they were first web hosting company to ever accept Bitcoin, way back in 2012. When you pay with Bitcoin, you get 5% discount. No payment processor, they accept BTC directly. Description provided by a user and not verified. There is a CloudFlare / Google captcha for Tor browser users visiting their website
- Vultr - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Toronto (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in US. Reader reports strong anti-privacy policies: users must make credit card or PayPal payment before they are allowed to make Bitcoin deposits, and they use BitPay (which requires government ID/etc). Reader recommends using a Vultr reseller (e.g Bithost)
- xitheon - Locations: Quebec (CA), Frankfurt (DE), Sydney (AU), Warsaw (PL), France (FR), Singapore (SG), UK. Company registered in ???.
- letbox - Locations: Los Angeles (US), Dallas (US). Company registered in Seattle (US). Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes
- Hostens - Locations: London (UK), Frankfurt (DE), Lithuania (LT), Amsterdam (NL), Washington (US), San Fransisco (US), Singapore (SG). Company registered in Lithuania. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Requires full KYC (govt ID/etc) on signup, may use BitPay
- Hosthatch - Locations: Stockholm (SE), Los Angeles (US), Chicago (US), Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in US. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes
- Serverhub - Locations: Chicago (US), Seattle (US), New York (US), Dallas (US), Phoneix (US), Frankfurt (DE). Company registered in US. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes
- Time4VPS - Locations: Lithuania (LT), Singapore (SG), US. Company registered in Lithuania. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Now requiring KYC (ID scans)
- Privex - Locations: Sweden (SE), Netherlands (NL), Germany (DE), Finland (FI), United States (US), Japan (JP), Canada (CA). Company registered in Belize. Owns their own hardware and network at their SE / NL regions. Resells Hetzner in DE / FI. Resells Dacentec+Reliablesite in US. Resells Vultr in JP/CA. Privacy focused, anonymous/pseudonymous sign up encouraged. No captchas/cloudflare/analytics. Payments processed by their own in-house solution. Allows hosting Tor exit nodes / public VPNs in SE/NL locations and Tor/I2P relays in all locations except JP/CA. Runs their own Tor nodes to support the network. Ordering is possible with JavaScript disabled. Supports Bring-Your-Own-IP and colocation in SE/NL. Very flexible and willing to consider special requests. Onion service: http://privex3guvvasyer6pxz2fqcgy56auvw5egkir6ykwpptferdcb5toad.onion/ and I2P service: http://privex.i2p/
- RatioServer - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Budapest (HU), Copenhagen (DK), Dallas (US), Dublin (IE), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Paris (FR), Prague (CZ), Rome (IT), Singapore (SG), Sofia (BG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Zurich (CH) and more. Company registered in ???. Most locations have unmetered dedicated servers and custom-built server options available. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Does not verify email address validity, but encourages people to sign up with a working email address. Uses their own in-house BTC/ETH payment processor
- Aaroli - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA). Company registered in an undisclosed location. Large Storage offered in 5 locations, may be suitable for full nodes. Payment via BTCPayServer or manual payment (accepts BTC, ETH). Willing to do custom configurations or payment via alternate methods. Anonymous/pseudonymous signup OK, provided you provide a working email address.
- Servers.Guru - Locations: Helsinki (FI), Nuremberg (DE), Falkenstein (DE), Ashburn (US). Company registered in United States. Anonymous signup allowed (only a valid email address is required). Tor traffic OK. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses self-hosted BitCartCC for Bitcoin payments (as well as others), takes DOGE, DASH, and Zcash/ZEC via Plisio.
- MadGenius - Locations: Minneapolis (US), Chicago (US), Ashburn (US). Company registered in Minnesota, US. Uses BitPay, but user reports that if you email their sales department they will give you a non-BitPay BTC address. User reports they do not require/verify personal info except for email address.
- BreezeHost - Locations: Dallas TX (US), Charlotte NC (US). Company registered in United States. Accepts Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) using Plisio, Lightning payments currently not supported. Personal information supplied at signup does not need to be accurate. Tor traffic is allowed.
- VPS-mart / DatabaseMart - Locations: Dallas (US). Company registered in Dallas (US).
- TechRich - Locations: Japan (JP), Korea (KR), Malaysia (MY), China (CN), Hong Kong (HK), United States (US), Thailand (TH). Company registered in Hong Kong. They ask for user information but don't verify/require KYC if you pay by cryptocurrency. Tor traffic OK as long as you don't get abuse/complaints. They can arrange dedicated fiber lines for each client at the HK location. Uses Coinpayments, Bitpay, and Payeer for payments, can arrange other payment methods as long as you are not sending from an OFAC-listed address. They accept Lightning Network (LN) payments
- IncogNET - Locations: Netherlands (NL), Idaho (US). Company registered in Wyoming, United States. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer (and other cryptocurrencies also). No personal information required to sign up, only an email address (which isn't verified). Ordering via Tor/VPN is OK. Large Storage available on a case-by-case basis, contact them to arrange it. Uses Google Captchas (reCaptcha). Also does anonymous domain registration
- SafeAlps - Locations: Switzerland (CH) (shared hosting only), Romania (RO), United States (US), Iceland (IS) (email hosting only). Company registered in Switzerland. VPS in Romania and the US, shared hosting in Switzerland, one-time-payment email hosting in Iceland. Tor-friendly, both traffic and nodes are welcome. Anonymous sign up is OK, PGP encrypted email communication is supported. Payments via Plisio, Lightning Network (LN) payment supported. No captchas or assets loaded from servers they don't control. Large Storage servers with HDDs (or SSDs on request) are available.
- Webconn Technology - Locations: Netherlands (NL), United States (US), Italy (IT), Japan (JP), France (FR). Company registered in Pakistan. Offers GPU servers. Unlimited traffic. They don't care what information you provide at signup. Payments via Coinbase or direct transfer to wallet. Google captchas. Linked to Seimaxim
- Domains4Bitcoins - Locations: United States (US), India (IN). Company registered in United States. Payments via BitPay – KYC and BitPay account required to purchase
- GoSSDHosting - Locations: United States (US), India (IN). Company registered in India.
- - Locations: Netherlands (NL), Phoneix (US), Poland (PL). Company registered in Germany. Privacy focused Windows RDP and Linux server provider. Only asks for email, no KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Cryptomus.
- CoinsHosting - Locations: New York (US). Company registered in Delaware, US. Tor traffic allowed only on dedicated servers. Doesn't check the information you provide at signup (only asks for name and email). May require for KYC for suspicious or abusive customers but provider states they do so very rarely. Payments via CoinPayments and Coinify. Uses Google Captchas.
- NetNexus - Locations: Virginia (US), Ohio (US), California (US), Oregon (US), Mumbai (IN), Osaka (JP), Seoul (KR), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Central (CA), Frankfurt (DE), Ireland (IE), London (GB), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Sao Paulo (BR). Company registered in Portland, Oregon. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for email address, name, phone number, etc on signup but doesn't verify the information. Bitcoin payment with Plisio. No Google Captchas. Large Storage, maybe suitable for full nodes.
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- SnowCore - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Salt Lake City (US). Company registered in ???. Uses a Mullvad-style token login system so they don't collect any personal information at all. Payments via NOWpayments. Cloudflare captchas. Dedicated servers available with 1TB SSDs for 30 EUR one time payment in some locations, might be useful as Large Storage servers for full nodes. Tor is allowed and fully supported.
- Gigablits - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Bangalore (IN), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), New York (US), San Francisco (US), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Toronto (CA). Company registered in ???. DigitalOcean reseller. Anonymity focused, no personal information required. Payments accepted via Plisio. User reports they took payment but did not deliver service or respond to tickets, business may be defunct.
- VPSBroker - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Bangalore (IN), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Delhi NCR (IN), Frankfurt (DE), Honolulu (US), Johannesburg (ZA), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Melbourne (AU), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Mumbai (IN), New York (US), Osaka (JP), Paris (FR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Singapore (SG), Stockholm (SE), Sydney (AU), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA), Warsaw (PL), Seoul (KR). Company registered in ???. Signup over Tor ok, user reports no captchas or Maxmind/KYC. Accepts Bitcoin, Monero (XMR), and others. User reports the UI is really good. Disk space available up to 160GB.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- BrilliantHost - Locations: Washington, D.C. (US), California (US), Iowa (US), Toronto (CA), London (GB), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Milan (IT), Vienna (AT), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), São Paulo (BR). Company registered in Wyoming, United States. Tor traffic OK. No Google Captchas. Very privacy-and anonymity friendly, only an email is required. Processes crypto payments manually via their support team. Advertises high performance at low prices.
- Aeza - Locations: California (US), London (UK), Paris (FR), Amsterdam (NL), Falkenstein (DE), Vienna (AT), Stockholm (SE), Helsinki (FI), Moscow (RU). Company registered in United Kingdom. Appears to be run by Russian speakers & focused on the CIS market (offers website translations in English, Russian, Ukrainian). User reports they do crypto payments via Cryptomus.
- Computeman - Locations: Los Angeles (US), Milan (IT), Strasbourg (FR), Seoul (KR), Tokyo (JP), Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in Colorado (US). Also offers GPU dedicated services in Amsterdam. VPS only in Los Angeles (US), other locations are dedicated-server-only. Provider states that Tor traffic and anonymous signups are allowed. No Google Captchas. Provider offers Large Storage servers.
- - Locations: Warsaw (PL), New Jersey (US), Texas (US), Singapore (SG), Kyiv (UA). Company registered in Poland. Doesn't verify the personal information you give them at signup. Tor traffic OK but Tor exit nodes not allowed, they are working on setting up an onion service to access their website. Accepts USDT/USDC using self-hosted Bitcart and BTC / Bitcoin Lightning Network (among many other cryptocurrencies) via Anonpay. No Google Captcha, just hCaptcha.
- Bridge Networks - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Bangalore (IN), Mumbai (IN), Delhi NCR (IN), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Seoul (KR), Tokyo (JP), Osaka (JP), Johannesburg (ZA), London (GB), Madrid (ES), Manchester (GB), Melbourne (AU), Mexico (MX), Sao Paulo (BR), Santiago (CL), Singapore (SG), Stockholm (SE), Sydney (AU), Tel Aviv (IL), Warsaw (PL), Toronto (CA), Atlanta (US), Dallas (US), New Jersey (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), Chicago (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), San Francisco (US). Company registered in ???. DigitalOcean and Vultr reseller. Accepts crypto payments through Plisio. User reports they only ask for an email address, support block storage / Large Storage, support extra IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and "seem to be pretty chill"
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Initech - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New York (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Melbourne (AU), Sydney (AU), Sao Paulo (BR), Toronto (CA), Santiago (CL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Bangalore (IN), Delhi (IN), Mumbai (IN), Tel Aviv (IL), Osaka (JP), Tokyo (JP), Mexico City (MX), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Singapore (SG), Johannesburg (ZA), Seoul (KR), Madrid (ES), Stockholm (SE), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Boston (US), Denver (US), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Minneapolis (US), New York City (US), Northern California (US), Northern Virginia (US), Ohio (US), Oregon (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Buenos Aires (AR), Perth (AU), Bahrain (BH), Calgary (CA), Central (CA), Hong Kong (CN), Copenhagen (DK), Helsinki (FI), Hamburg (DE), Hyderabad (IN), Kolkata (IN), Jakarta (ID), Ireland (IE), Milan (IT), Malaysia (MY), Querétaro (MX), Auckland (NZ), Lagos (NG), Muscat (OM), Lima (PE), Manila (PH), Cape Town (ZA), Spain (ES), Zurich (CH), Taipei (TW), Bangkok (TH), United Arab Emirates (AE), Virginia (US), Montreal (CA), Falkenstein (DE), Nuremberg (DE), San Francisco (US), Silicon Valley (US), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Dubai (AE), Columbus (US), Iowa (US), Salt Lake City (US), South Carolina (US), Belgium (BE), Finland (FI), Berlin (DE), Turin (IT), Holland (NL), Doha (QA), Dammam (SA), Taiwan (TW). Company registered in United States. Also offers a residential proxy (VPN) service with endpoints available in almost every country worldwide (the residential proxy service blocks websites that are common abuse targets, like banking or Netflix. Their VPS service does not block). Resells VPS services from many cloud providers (Vultr, Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Lightsail/AWS, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud/GCP, Hetzner Cloud). No email verification required to order. Accept all major cryptocurrencies. Tor traffic is OK, their website is built to be easy to use over Tor. Accepts crypto payments via Plisio and BTCPayServer, including Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) payments via BTCPayServer. Large Storage / Block storage 40GB up to 40TB now available via normal ordering flow. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on all orders for new customers.
- Opera VPS - Locations: London (UK), Frankfurt (DE) , Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Montreal (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in US (Washington state). Anonymous signup OK, Tor allowed, Lightning Network (LN) payments via Jeeb
- RackNerd - Locations: Los Angeles (US), Utah (US), Dallas (US), New York (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Montreal (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Chicago (US), San Jose (US), Atlanta (US), Tampa (US), Ashburn (US), Strasbourg (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG). Company registered in United States. Accepts BTC, LTC, ETH, ZEC. No Lightning Network. User reports good service and responsive support. User reports they use Coinbase Commerce
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- MonoVM - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania . Same parent company as 1gbits. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- HostZealot - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Limassol (CY), Tallinn (EE), Ashburn (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Brussels (BE), Tel Aviv (IL), Hong Kong (HK), Dusseldorf (DE), Tbilisi (GE). Company registered in Bulgaria. Provider states they are Tor and anonymity friendly as long as you do not violate their ToS. All their VPS instances use SSDs, their Poland and Netherlands locations offer NVMe also. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses.
- BlueVPS - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Limassol (CY), Gravelines (FR), Singapore (SG), Sofiya (BG), London (UK), Ashburn (US), Los Angeles (US), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), Palermo (IT), Tel Aviv (IL), Stockholm (SE), Toronto (CA), Tallinn (EE), Madrid (ES), Hong Kong (CN), Warsaw (PL), Sydney (AU), Fujairah (UAE). Company registered in Estonia. Payments via Coinpayments. Regarding anonymity they state "We require clients confirmation e-Mail or ID". Provider has hardware in two different data centers at their Warsaw and London locations.
- Shock Hosting - Locations: Piscataway/New Jersey (US), Los Angeles (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Jacksonville (US), Denver (US), Seattle (US), Maidenhead (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG). Company registered in United States.
- 1Gbits - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania. Website uses Cloudflare (Tor users may get Google captchas). Same parent company as MonoVM. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- Host-World - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Strasbourg (FR), Gravelines (FR), Limassol (CY), Bratislava (SK), Prague (CZ), Riga (LV), Warsaw (PL), Chisinau (MD), Kiev (UA), New Jersey (US), Toronto (CA), Beauharnois (CA), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Petach Tikva (IL), Turkey (TR). Company registered in Estonia. Uses Anonymous signup OK (they only verify email)
- ExtraVM - Locations: Dallas TX (US), Los Angeles CA (US), Miami FL (US), Vint Hill VA (US), Montreal QC (CAN), London (UK), Gravelines (FR), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in Delaware, US. Ryzen servers. Crypto payments via Cryptomus. DdoS protected. Also offers Minecraft servers.
- ServerMath - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Madrid (ES), Seoul (KR), Dallas (TX), Istanbul (TR), Manila (PH), Singapore (SG), Dubai (AE), Lagos (NG), Miami (US), Tokyo (JP), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in ???. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer. Willing to consider payment via other cryptocurrencies on request. Does not require KYC or check identity. Happy to arrange custom server configurations (e.g GPUs, high bandwidth servers). Affiliated with RatioServer. Website does not work when visited from some IP addresses
- SporeStack - Locations: San Francisco/NYC (US), Toronto (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG), Bangalore (IN). Company registered in Texas (US). Accountless VPS provider. Also takes Bcash / Bitcoin SV. API-only/no registration, servers on Digital Ocean, Vultur/Linode available on request, Tor-only servers in undisclosed location, onion service URL: http://spore64i5sofqlfz5gq2ju4msgzojjwifls7rok2cti624zyq3fcelad.onion/#ref=vps
- (Millenial) - Locations: Hong Kong (HK), United Kingdom (UK). Company registered in UK. More locations being added. KVM servers, offers cheaper options behind NAT. User reports they work well for accessing geofenced web services intended for HK users. User reports payment is via CoinGate and Coinbase. Automated fraud checks may cancel your order (file a ticket to get through this)
- Mondoze - Locations: Cyberjaya Malaysia (MY). Company registered in Malaysia. Payments via Plisio. Dedicated server available if you contact them directly. Tor traffic OK as long as you conform to their TOS. Anonymous sign up OK. Large storage maybe available if you contact support.
- Ahost - Locations: Dubai (AE), Vienna (AT), Sydney (AU), Brussels (BE), Sofia (BG), Zurich (CH), Prague (CZ), Copenhagen (DK), Seville (ES), Thessaloniki (GR), Kwai Chung (HK), Zagreb (HR), Budapest (HU), Tel Aviv (IL), Hafnarfjordur (IS), Milan (IT), Tokyo (JP), Vilnius (LT), Riga (LV), Chisinau (MD), Skopje (MK), Oslo (NO), Warsaw (PL), Belgrade (RS), Bucharest (RO), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Ljubljana (SI). Company registered in Estonia. No anonymous signup. No Tor or spam allowed. Payments via Payeer. KVM virtualization, Gigabit speeds for every VPS. They do NOT want anonymous signups or Tor traffic. User reports they ask for KYC (scan of government ID) after payment. Google Captchas
- ForexVPS - Locations: New York (US), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Zurich (CH), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in Hong Kong. Lightning Network (LN) payment support
- IndoVirtue - Locations: Singapore (SG), US. Company registered in Bali, Indonesia (?). No VPN/proxy during signup allowed
- Servting - Locations: Netherlands (NL), India (IN), Germany (DE), London (UK), United States (US), Singapore (SG), Canada (CA), South Korea (KR), Australia (AU), Japan (JP), Ireland (IE), France (FR), Sweden (SE), Spain (ES), Mexico (MX), Brazil (BR), Poland (PL). Company registered in United States. Currently reselling Digital Ocean, AWS Lightsail and Vultr. BTCPayServer as payment gateway. Encourage anonymous sign-up. Provider notes: "TOR and VPNs allowed, we do not use any fraud detection software such as Maxmind. A real email address is encouraged for correspondence but not a requirement . We offer block storage upgrades upon request. We do not check identities or perform any verification, if payment is successful you get a server!"
- VPSServer - Locations: San Francisco/Chicago/Dallas/Miami/NYC (US), Toronto (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Bangalore (IN), Tokyo (JP), Hong Kong (HK), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in US. Uses BitPay. Reader reports they are Tor hostile: “I can't join or use SSH to connect to their VPSs over Tor. No relays allowed (and most certainly no exits).” See:
- LowEndSpirit - Locations: Rotterdam (NL), London (UK), Milan (IT), Phoenix/Kansas/Lenoir NC (US), Tokyo (JP), Falkenstein (DE), Sofia (BG), Sandefjord (NO), Reims (FR), Perth/Sydney (AU), Singapore. Company registered in ???. Now a directory site / forum for low cost hosting.
- VPSBit - Locations: Hong Kong (HK), Lithuania (LT). Company registered in Hong Kong & Lithuania.
- JPStream - Locations: Japan (JP). Company registered in Japan.
- Hostkey - Locations: US, Netherlands (NL), Russia (RU). Company registered in Netherlands. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses
- InternetBrothers - Locations: Korea (KR). Company registered in Korea. BTC accepted only on orders over $100, dedicated servers are not pre-configured. Non-HTTPS site
- Kdatacenter - Locations: Korea (KR). Company registered in Korea.
- VpsHosting - Locations: Hong Kong (HK). Company registered in Hong Kong (HK).
- EDIS Global - Locations: Vienna / Austria (AT), Graz / Austria (AT), Brussels / Belgium (BE), Sofia / Bulgaria (BG), Montreal / Canada (CA), Vina del Mar / Valparaiso / Chile (CL), Bogota / Colombia (CO), Prague / Czech Republic (CZ), Zagreb / Croatia (HR), Dubai (UAE), Paris / France (FR), Frankfurt / Germany (DE), Copenhagen / Denmark (DK), Thessaloniki / Greece (GR), Kwai Chung / Hong Kong (HK), Budapest / Hungary (HU), Hafnarfjördur / Iceland (IS), Ballasalla / Isle of Man (IM), Tel Aviv / Israel (IL), Milan / Italy (IT), Palermo / Sicily (IT), Tokyo / Japan (JP), Vilnius / Lithuania (LT), Riga / Latvia (LV), Chisinau / Moldova (MD), Skopje/North Macedonia (MK), Amsterdam / Netherlands (NL), Oslo / Norway (NO), Warsaw / Poland (PL), Bucharest / Romania (RO), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Moscow / Russia (RU), St. Petersburg / Russia (RU), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Singapore (SG), Stockholm / Sweden (SE), Ljubljana / Slovenia (SI), Seville / Spain (ES), Zurich / Switcherland(CH), Sydney / Australia (AU), New York (US), London City and London Docklands (UK). Company registered in Limassol, Cyprus. Now using Cryptomus and accepting Bitcoin (plus other standard coins, including DOGE) at all locations.Use coupon code BITCOINVPS for a 10% (lifetime) discount on your first order. The provider notes: Instant Provisioning! All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, modern Intel processors, up to 2x 10Gbps per node, fully GEO-located IP ranges, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latenc, peerings at local IX, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random-numbers generators for fast entropy, noVNC, 100+ ready to use Turnkey images, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso and boot it on EDIS KVM, post-install scripts for automated installation according to your recipes. Windows and Linux. Auto-Installers for Windows 2016/2019/2022 Server (trial). TOR traffic is fine but TOR exit notes are not allowed. EDIS does not require KYC, but a real name and a real-world address is required (they don't come to check if you really live at the indicated address) and EDIS allows signup via TOR or Proxies, but they do not want criminal activity and will manually review all new signups for signs of fraud or criminal intent before provisioning the first service. User reports signups not allowed with email addresses and a phone number is required at signup.
- SuperBitHost - Locations: Bulgaria (BG), Germany (DE), Netherlands (NL), Luxembourg (LU), Malaysia (MY) Russia (RU), Singapore (SG), Switzerland (CH). Company registered in ???. uses Google captchas
- Vultr - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Toronto (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in US. Reader reports strong anti-privacy policies: users must make credit card or PayPal payment before they are allowed to make Bitcoin deposits, and they use BitPay (which requires government ID/etc). Reader recommends using a Vultr reseller (e.g Bithost)
- xitheon - Locations: Quebec (CA), Frankfurt (DE), Sydney (AU), Warsaw (PL), France (FR), Singapore (SG), UK. Company registered in ???.
- Hostens - Locations: London (UK), Frankfurt (DE), Lithuania (LT), Amsterdam (NL), Washington (US), San Fransisco (US), Singapore (SG). Company registered in Lithuania. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Requires full KYC (govt ID/etc) on signup, may use BitPay
- ClientVPS - Locations: Bahrain (BH), Ukraine (UA), Netherlands (NL), Panama (PA), Russia (RU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Iran (IR). Company registered in Russia or US, it’s unclear. “Bulletproof” hosting provider.
- Time4VPS - Locations: Lithuania (LT), Singapore (SG), US. Company registered in Lithuania. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Now requiring KYC (ID scans)
- Privex - Locations: Sweden (SE), Netherlands (NL), Germany (DE), Finland (FI), United States (US), Japan (JP), Canada (CA). Company registered in Belize. Owns their own hardware and network at their SE / NL regions. Resells Hetzner in DE / FI. Resells Dacentec+Reliablesite in US. Resells Vultr in JP/CA. Privacy focused, anonymous/pseudonymous sign up encouraged. No captchas/cloudflare/analytics. Payments processed by their own in-house solution. Allows hosting Tor exit nodes / public VPNs in SE/NL locations and Tor/I2P relays in all locations except JP/CA. Runs their own Tor nodes to support the network. Ordering is possible with JavaScript disabled. Supports Bring-Your-Own-IP and colocation in SE/NL. Very flexible and willing to consider special requests. Onion service: http://privex3guvvasyer6pxz2fqcgy56auvw5egkir6ykwpptferdcb5toad.onion/ and I2P service: http://privex.i2p/
- RatioServer - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Budapest (HU), Copenhagen (DK), Dallas (US), Dublin (IE), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Paris (FR), Prague (CZ), Rome (IT), Singapore (SG), Sofia (BG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Zurich (CH) and more. Company registered in ???. Most locations have unmetered dedicated servers and custom-built server options available. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Does not verify email address validity, but encourages people to sign up with a working email address. Uses their own in-house BTC/ETH payment processor
- Aaroli - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA). Company registered in an undisclosed location. Large Storage offered in 5 locations, may be suitable for full nodes. Payment via BTCPayServer or manual payment (accepts BTC, ETH). Willing to do custom configurations or payment via alternate methods. Anonymous/pseudonymous signup OK, provided you provide a working email address.
- Casbay - Locations: Malaysia (MY), Singapore (SG). Company registered in Malaysia. Accepts Bitcoin (and many more cryptocurrencies) via Plisio. No restrictions on Tor traffic. They only verify email address on signup, but may require KYC if you trigger anti-abuse/anti-fraud monitoring systems. Uses Google Captchas. Offers Large Storage servers, may be suitable for full nodes. Even larger storage capacity available if you contact them directly.
- TechRich - Locations: Japan (JP), Korea (KR), Malaysia (MY), China (CN), Hong Kong (HK), United States (US), Thailand (TH). Company registered in Hong Kong. They ask for user information but don't verify/require KYC if you pay by cryptocurrency. Tor traffic OK as long as you don't get abuse/complaints. They can arrange dedicated fiber lines for each client at the HK location. Uses Coinpayments, Bitpay, and Payeer for payments, can arrange other payment methods as long as you are not sending from an OFAC-listed address. They accept Lightning Network (LN) payments
- Wesbytes - Locations: Malaysia (MY). Company registered in Malaysia. Payments via Coinbase. Verifies email address, does not encourage anonymous registration. Does not limit user activity other than specified in their TOS. All VPS instances use KVM
- Webconn Technology - Locations: Netherlands (NL), United States (US), Italy (IT), Japan (JP), France (FR). Company registered in Pakistan. Offers GPU servers. Unlimited traffic. They don't care what information you provide at signup. Payments via Coinbase or direct transfer to wallet. Google captchas. Linked to Seimaxim
- Domains4Bitcoins - Locations: United States (US), India (IN). Company registered in United States. Payments via BitPay – KYC and BitPay account required to purchase
- GoSSDHosting - Locations: United States (US), India (IN). Company registered in India.
- Melbicom - Locations: Riga (LV), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Moscow (RU), Palermo (IT), Vilnius (LT), Madrid (ES), Sofia (BG), Lagos (NG), Singapore (SG), Fujairah (AE), Atlanta (US), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Lithuania. Windows and Linux VPS. Also offers CDN services. No Tor traffic allowed. They don't ask for much personal information but don't want anonymous signup, they may request ID verification. No illegal activities allowed. Bitcoin Lightning network (LN) payments supported. No Google Captchas. Large Storage servers are available. They support BGP sessions, colocations, and cloud services also.
- NetNexus - Locations: Virginia (US), Ohio (US), California (US), Oregon (US), Mumbai (IN), Osaka (JP), Seoul (KR), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Central (CA), Frankfurt (DE), Ireland (IE), London (GB), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Sao Paulo (BR). Company registered in Portland, Oregon. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for email address, name, phone number, etc on signup but doesn't verify the information. Bitcoin payment with Plisio. No Google Captchas. Large Storage, maybe suitable for full nodes.
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- Gigablits - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Bangalore (IN), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), New York (US), San Francisco (US), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Toronto (CA). Company registered in ???. DigitalOcean reseller. Anonymity focused, no personal information required. Payments accepted via Plisio. User reports they took payment but did not deliver service or respond to tickets, business may be defunct.
- VPSBroker - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Bangalore (IN), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Delhi NCR (IN), Frankfurt (DE), Honolulu (US), Johannesburg (ZA), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Melbourne (AU), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Mumbai (IN), New York (US), Osaka (JP), Paris (FR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Singapore (SG), Stockholm (SE), Sydney (AU), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA), Warsaw (PL), Seoul (KR). Company registered in ???. Signup over Tor ok, user reports no captchas or Maxmind/KYC. Accepts Bitcoin, Monero (XMR), and others. User reports the UI is really good. Disk space available up to 160GB.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- BrilliantHost - Locations: Washington, D.C. (US), California (US), Iowa (US), Toronto (CA), London (GB), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Milan (IT), Vienna (AT), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), São Paulo (BR). Company registered in Wyoming, United States. Tor traffic OK. No Google Captchas. Very privacy-and anonymity friendly, only an email is required. Processes crypto payments manually via their support team. Advertises high performance at low prices.
- Zhujikuai - Locations: Qingdao (CN), Beijing (CN), Zhangjiakou (CN), Hohhot (CN), Ulanqab (CN), Hangzhou (CN), Shanghai (CN), Nanjing (CN), Fuzhou (CN), Wuhan (CN), Shenzhen (CN), Heyuan (CN), Guangzhou (CN), Chengdu (CN), Hong Kong (CN).. Company registered in Taiwan (?). Website is Chinese-language only. User reports being able to order via Tor without issue, payment via BTCPayServer or manual payment, address/phone/name are not verified so you can enter whatever details you like, but you have to explain what the server will be used for. Up to 10TB of disk is available so this is definitely a Large Storage provider and maybe suitable for full nodes.
- Computeman - Locations: Los Angeles (US), Milan (IT), Strasbourg (FR), Seoul (KR), Tokyo (JP), Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in Colorado (US). Also offers GPU dedicated services in Amsterdam. VPS only in Los Angeles (US), other locations are dedicated-server-only. Provider states that Tor traffic and anonymous signups are allowed. No Google Captchas. Provider offers Large Storage servers.
- - Locations: Warsaw (PL), New Jersey (US), Texas (US), Singapore (SG), Kyiv (UA). Company registered in Poland. Doesn't verify the personal information you give them at signup. Tor traffic OK but Tor exit nodes not allowed, they are working on setting up an onion service to access their website. Accepts USDT/USDC using self-hosted Bitcart and BTC / Bitcoin Lightning Network (among many other cryptocurrencies) via Anonpay. No Google Captcha, just hCaptcha.
- Bridge Networks - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Bangalore (IN), Mumbai (IN), Delhi NCR (IN), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Seoul (KR), Tokyo (JP), Osaka (JP), Johannesburg (ZA), London (GB), Madrid (ES), Manchester (GB), Melbourne (AU), Mexico (MX), Sao Paulo (BR), Santiago (CL), Singapore (SG), Stockholm (SE), Sydney (AU), Tel Aviv (IL), Warsaw (PL), Toronto (CA), Atlanta (US), Dallas (US), New Jersey (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), Chicago (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), San Francisco (US). Company registered in ???. DigitalOcean and Vultr reseller. Accepts crypto payments through Plisio. User reports they only ask for an email address, support block storage / Large Storage, support extra IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and "seem to be pretty chill"
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Initech - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New York (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Melbourne (AU), Sydney (AU), Sao Paulo (BR), Toronto (CA), Santiago (CL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Bangalore (IN), Delhi (IN), Mumbai (IN), Tel Aviv (IL), Osaka (JP), Tokyo (JP), Mexico City (MX), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Singapore (SG), Johannesburg (ZA), Seoul (KR), Madrid (ES), Stockholm (SE), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Boston (US), Denver (US), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Minneapolis (US), New York City (US), Northern California (US), Northern Virginia (US), Ohio (US), Oregon (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Buenos Aires (AR), Perth (AU), Bahrain (BH), Calgary (CA), Central (CA), Hong Kong (CN), Copenhagen (DK), Helsinki (FI), Hamburg (DE), Hyderabad (IN), Kolkata (IN), Jakarta (ID), Ireland (IE), Milan (IT), Malaysia (MY), Querétaro (MX), Auckland (NZ), Lagos (NG), Muscat (OM), Lima (PE), Manila (PH), Cape Town (ZA), Spain (ES), Zurich (CH), Taipei (TW), Bangkok (TH), United Arab Emirates (AE), Virginia (US), Montreal (CA), Falkenstein (DE), Nuremberg (DE), San Francisco (US), Silicon Valley (US), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Dubai (AE), Columbus (US), Iowa (US), Salt Lake City (US), South Carolina (US), Belgium (BE), Finland (FI), Berlin (DE), Turin (IT), Holland (NL), Doha (QA), Dammam (SA), Taiwan (TW). Company registered in United States. Also offers a residential proxy (VPN) service with endpoints available in almost every country worldwide (the residential proxy service blocks websites that are common abuse targets, like banking or Netflix. Their VPS service does not block). Resells VPS services from many cloud providers (Vultr, Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Lightsail/AWS, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud/GCP, Hetzner Cloud). No email verification required to order. Accept all major cryptocurrencies. Tor traffic is OK, their website is built to be easy to use over Tor. Accepts crypto payments via Plisio and BTCPayServer, including Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) payments via BTCPayServer. Large Storage / Block storage 40GB up to 40TB now available via normal ordering flow. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on all orders for new customers.
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- HostZealot - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Limassol (CY), Tallinn (EE), Ashburn (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Brussels (BE), Tel Aviv (IL), Hong Kong (HK), Dusseldorf (DE), Tbilisi (GE). Company registered in Bulgaria. Provider states they are Tor and anonymity friendly as long as you do not violate their ToS. All their VPS instances use SSDs, their Poland and Netherlands locations offer NVMe also. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses.
- BlueVPS - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Limassol (CY), Gravelines (FR), Singapore (SG), Sofiya (BG), London (UK), Ashburn (US), Los Angeles (US), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), Palermo (IT), Tel Aviv (IL), Stockholm (SE), Toronto (CA), Tallinn (EE), Madrid (ES), Hong Kong (CN), Warsaw (PL), Sydney (AU), Fujairah (UAE). Company registered in Estonia. Payments via Coinpayments. Regarding anonymity they state "We require clients confirmation e-Mail or ID". Provider has hardware in two different data centers at their Warsaw and London locations.
- Host-World - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Strasbourg (FR), Gravelines (FR), Limassol (CY), Bratislava (SK), Prague (CZ), Riga (LV), Warsaw (PL), Chisinau (MD), Kiev (UA), New Jersey (US), Toronto (CA), Beauharnois (CA), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Petach Tikva (IL), Turkey (TR). Company registered in Estonia. Uses Anonymous signup OK (they only verify email)
- ServerMath - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Madrid (ES), Seoul (KR), Dallas (TX), Istanbul (TR), Manila (PH), Singapore (SG), Dubai (AE), Lagos (NG), Miami (US), Tokyo (JP), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in ???. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer. Willing to consider payment via other cryptocurrencies on request. Does not require KYC or check identity. Happy to arrange custom server configurations (e.g GPUs, high bandwidth servers). Affiliated with RatioServer. Website does not work when visited from some IP addresses
- Ahost - Locations: Dubai (AE), Vienna (AT), Sydney (AU), Brussels (BE), Sofia (BG), Zurich (CH), Prague (CZ), Copenhagen (DK), Seville (ES), Thessaloniki (GR), Kwai Chung (HK), Zagreb (HR), Budapest (HU), Tel Aviv (IL), Hafnarfjordur (IS), Milan (IT), Tokyo (JP), Vilnius (LT), Riga (LV), Chisinau (MD), Skopje (MK), Oslo (NO), Warsaw (PL), Belgrade (RS), Bucharest (RO), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Ljubljana (SI). Company registered in Estonia. No anonymous signup. No Tor or spam allowed. Payments via Payeer. KVM virtualization, Gigabit speeds for every VPS. They do NOT want anonymous signups or Tor traffic. User reports they ask for KYC (scan of government ID) after payment. Google Captchas
- IpTransit - Locations: Iran (IR). Company registered in Iran. Non-HTTPS site. Appears to be down, but you can try emailing them at the address given on their website
- EDIS Global - Locations: Vienna / Austria (AT), Graz / Austria (AT), Brussels / Belgium (BE), Sofia / Bulgaria (BG), Montreal / Canada (CA), Vina del Mar / Valparaiso / Chile (CL), Bogota / Colombia (CO), Prague / Czech Republic (CZ), Zagreb / Croatia (HR), Dubai (UAE), Paris / France (FR), Frankfurt / Germany (DE), Copenhagen / Denmark (DK), Thessaloniki / Greece (GR), Kwai Chung / Hong Kong (HK), Budapest / Hungary (HU), Hafnarfjördur / Iceland (IS), Ballasalla / Isle of Man (IM), Tel Aviv / Israel (IL), Milan / Italy (IT), Palermo / Sicily (IT), Tokyo / Japan (JP), Vilnius / Lithuania (LT), Riga / Latvia (LV), Chisinau / Moldova (MD), Skopje/North Macedonia (MK), Amsterdam / Netherlands (NL), Oslo / Norway (NO), Warsaw / Poland (PL), Bucharest / Romania (RO), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Moscow / Russia (RU), St. Petersburg / Russia (RU), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Singapore (SG), Stockholm / Sweden (SE), Ljubljana / Slovenia (SI), Seville / Spain (ES), Zurich / Switcherland(CH), Sydney / Australia (AU), New York (US), London City and London Docklands (UK). Company registered in Limassol, Cyprus. Now using Cryptomus and accepting Bitcoin (plus other standard coins, including DOGE) at all locations.Use coupon code BITCOINVPS for a 10% (lifetime) discount on your first order. The provider notes: Instant Provisioning! All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, modern Intel processors, up to 2x 10Gbps per node, fully GEO-located IP ranges, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latenc, peerings at local IX, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random-numbers generators for fast entropy, noVNC, 100+ ready to use Turnkey images, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso and boot it on EDIS KVM, post-install scripts for automated installation according to your recipes. Windows and Linux. Auto-Installers for Windows 2016/2019/2022 Server (trial). TOR traffic is fine but TOR exit notes are not allowed. EDIS does not require KYC, but a real name and a real-world address is required (they don't come to check if you really live at the indicated address) and EDIS allows signup via TOR or Proxies, but they do not want criminal activity and will manually review all new signups for signs of fraud or criminal intent before provisioning the first service. User reports signups not allowed with email addresses and a phone number is required at signup.
- ClientVPS - Locations: Bahrain (BH), Ukraine (UA), Netherlands (NL), Panama (PA), Russia (RU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Iran (IR). Company registered in Russia or US, it’s unclear. “Bulletproof” hosting provider.
- Melbicom - Locations: Riga (LV), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Moscow (RU), Palermo (IT), Vilnius (LT), Madrid (ES), Sofia (BG), Lagos (NG), Singapore (SG), Fujairah (AE), Atlanta (US), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Lithuania. Windows and Linux VPS. Also offers CDN services. No Tor traffic allowed. They don't ask for much personal information but don't want anonymous signup, they may request ID verification. No illegal activities allowed. Bitcoin Lightning network (LN) payments supported. No Google Captchas. Large Storage servers are available. They support BGP sessions, colocations, and cloud services also.
- VPSBroker - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Bangalore (IN), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Delhi NCR (IN), Frankfurt (DE), Honolulu (US), Johannesburg (ZA), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Melbourne (AU), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Mumbai (IN), New York (US), Osaka (JP), Paris (FR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Singapore (SG), Stockholm (SE), Sydney (AU), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA), Warsaw (PL), Seoul (KR). Company registered in ???. Signup over Tor ok, user reports no captchas or Maxmind/KYC. Accepts Bitcoin, Monero (XMR), and others. User reports the UI is really good. Disk space available up to 160GB.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- BrilliantHost - Locations: Washington, D.C. (US), California (US), Iowa (US), Toronto (CA), London (GB), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Milan (IT), Vienna (AT), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), São Paulo (BR). Company registered in Wyoming, United States. Tor traffic OK. No Google Captchas. Very privacy-and anonymity friendly, only an email is required. Processes crypto payments manually via their support team. Advertises high performance at low prices.
- Bridge Networks - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Bangalore (IN), Mumbai (IN), Delhi NCR (IN), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Seoul (KR), Tokyo (JP), Osaka (JP), Johannesburg (ZA), London (GB), Madrid (ES), Manchester (GB), Melbourne (AU), Mexico (MX), Sao Paulo (BR), Santiago (CL), Singapore (SG), Stockholm (SE), Sydney (AU), Tel Aviv (IL), Warsaw (PL), Toronto (CA), Atlanta (US), Dallas (US), New Jersey (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), Chicago (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), San Francisco (US). Company registered in ???. DigitalOcean and Vultr reseller. Accepts crypto payments through Plisio. User reports they only ask for an email address, support block storage / Large Storage, support extra IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and "seem to be pretty chill"
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Initech - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New York (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Melbourne (AU), Sydney (AU), Sao Paulo (BR), Toronto (CA), Santiago (CL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Bangalore (IN), Delhi (IN), Mumbai (IN), Tel Aviv (IL), Osaka (JP), Tokyo (JP), Mexico City (MX), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Singapore (SG), Johannesburg (ZA), Seoul (KR), Madrid (ES), Stockholm (SE), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Boston (US), Denver (US), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Minneapolis (US), New York City (US), Northern California (US), Northern Virginia (US), Ohio (US), Oregon (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Buenos Aires (AR), Perth (AU), Bahrain (BH), Calgary (CA), Central (CA), Hong Kong (CN), Copenhagen (DK), Helsinki (FI), Hamburg (DE), Hyderabad (IN), Kolkata (IN), Jakarta (ID), Ireland (IE), Milan (IT), Malaysia (MY), Querétaro (MX), Auckland (NZ), Lagos (NG), Muscat (OM), Lima (PE), Manila (PH), Cape Town (ZA), Spain (ES), Zurich (CH), Taipei (TW), Bangkok (TH), United Arab Emirates (AE), Virginia (US), Montreal (CA), Falkenstein (DE), Nuremberg (DE), San Francisco (US), Silicon Valley (US), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Dubai (AE), Columbus (US), Iowa (US), Salt Lake City (US), South Carolina (US), Belgium (BE), Finland (FI), Berlin (DE), Turin (IT), Holland (NL), Doha (QA), Dammam (SA), Taiwan (TW). Company registered in United States. Also offers a residential proxy (VPN) service with endpoints available in almost every country worldwide (the residential proxy service blocks websites that are common abuse targets, like banking or Netflix. Their VPS service does not block). Resells VPS services from many cloud providers (Vultr, Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Lightsail/AWS, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud/GCP, Hetzner Cloud). No email verification required to order. Accept all major cryptocurrencies. Tor traffic is OK, their website is built to be easy to use over Tor. Accepts crypto payments via Plisio and BTCPayServer, including Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) payments via BTCPayServer. Large Storage / Block storage 40GB up to 40TB now available via normal ordering flow. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on all orders for new customers.
- EDIS Global - Locations: Vienna / Austria (AT), Graz / Austria (AT), Brussels / Belgium (BE), Sofia / Bulgaria (BG), Montreal / Canada (CA), Vina del Mar / Valparaiso / Chile (CL), Bogota / Colombia (CO), Prague / Czech Republic (CZ), Zagreb / Croatia (HR), Dubai (UAE), Paris / France (FR), Frankfurt / Germany (DE), Copenhagen / Denmark (DK), Thessaloniki / Greece (GR), Kwai Chung / Hong Kong (HK), Budapest / Hungary (HU), Hafnarfjördur / Iceland (IS), Ballasalla / Isle of Man (IM), Tel Aviv / Israel (IL), Milan / Italy (IT), Palermo / Sicily (IT), Tokyo / Japan (JP), Vilnius / Lithuania (LT), Riga / Latvia (LV), Chisinau / Moldova (MD), Skopje/North Macedonia (MK), Amsterdam / Netherlands (NL), Oslo / Norway (NO), Warsaw / Poland (PL), Bucharest / Romania (RO), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Moscow / Russia (RU), St. Petersburg / Russia (RU), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Singapore (SG), Stockholm / Sweden (SE), Ljubljana / Slovenia (SI), Seville / Spain (ES), Zurich / Switcherland(CH), Sydney / Australia (AU), New York (US), London City and London Docklands (UK). Company registered in Limassol, Cyprus. Now using Cryptomus and accepting Bitcoin (plus other standard coins, including DOGE) at all locations.Use coupon code BITCOINVPS for a 10% (lifetime) discount on your first order. The provider notes: Instant Provisioning! All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, modern Intel processors, up to 2x 10Gbps per node, fully GEO-located IP ranges, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latenc, peerings at local IX, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random-numbers generators for fast entropy, noVNC, 100+ ready to use Turnkey images, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso and boot it on EDIS KVM, post-install scripts for automated installation according to your recipes. Windows and Linux. Auto-Installers for Windows 2016/2019/2022 Server (trial). TOR traffic is fine but TOR exit notes are not allowed. EDIS does not require KYC, but a real name and a real-world address is required (they don't come to check if you really live at the indicated address) and EDIS allows signup via TOR or Proxies, but they do not want criminal activity and will manually review all new signups for signs of fraud or criminal intent before provisioning the first service. User reports signups not allowed with email addresses and a phone number is required at signup.
- Vultr - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Toronto (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in US. Reader reports strong anti-privacy policies: users must make credit card or PayPal payment before they are allowed to make Bitcoin deposits, and they use BitPay (which requires government ID/etc). Reader recommends using a Vultr reseller (e.g Bithost)
- xitheon - Locations: Quebec (CA), Frankfurt (DE), Sydney (AU), Warsaw (PL), France (FR), Singapore (SG), UK. Company registered in ???.
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Shock Hosting - Locations: Piscataway/New Jersey (US), Los Angeles (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Jacksonville (US), Denver (US), Seattle (US), Maidenhead (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG). Company registered in United States.
- Host-World - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Strasbourg (FR), Gravelines (FR), Limassol (CY), Bratislava (SK), Prague (CZ), Riga (LV), Warsaw (PL), Chisinau (MD), Kiev (UA), New Jersey (US), Toronto (CA), Beauharnois (CA), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Petach Tikva (IL), Turkey (TR). Company registered in Estonia. Uses Anonymous signup OK (they only verify email)
- ExtraVM - Locations: Dallas TX (US), Los Angeles CA (US), Miami FL (US), Vint Hill VA (US), Montreal QC (CAN), London (UK), Gravelines (FR), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in Delaware, US. Ryzen servers. Crypto payments via Cryptomus. DdoS protected. Also offers Minecraft servers.
- VPSServer - Locations: San Francisco/Chicago/Dallas/Miami/NYC (US), Toronto (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Bangalore (IN), Tokyo (JP), Hong Kong (HK), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in US. Uses BitPay. Reader reports they are Tor hostile: “I can't join or use SSH to connect to their VPSs over Tor. No relays allowed (and most certainly no exits).” See:
- ZappieHost - Locations: New Zealand (NZ), South Africa (ZA), Valdivia (CL). Company registered in US.
- Vultr - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Toronto (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in US. Reader reports strong anti-privacy policies: users must make credit card or PayPal payment before they are allowed to make Bitcoin deposits, and they use BitPay (which requires government ID/etc). Reader recommends using a Vultr reseller (e.g Bithost)
- RatioServer - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Budapest (HU), Copenhagen (DK), Dallas (US), Dublin (IE), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Paris (FR), Prague (CZ), Rome (IT), Singapore (SG), Sofia (BG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Zurich (CH) and more. Company registered in ???. Most locations have unmetered dedicated servers and custom-built server options available. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Does not verify email address validity, but encourages people to sign up with a working email address. Uses their own in-house BTC/ETH payment processor
- Aaroli - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA). Company registered in an undisclosed location. Large Storage offered in 5 locations, may be suitable for full nodes. Payment via BTCPayServer or manual payment (accepts BTC, ETH). Willing to do custom configurations or payment via alternate methods. Anonymous/pseudonymous signup OK, provided you provide a working email address.
- NetNexus - Locations: Virginia (US), Ohio (US), California (US), Oregon (US), Mumbai (IN), Osaka (JP), Seoul (KR), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Central (CA), Frankfurt (DE), Ireland (IE), London (GB), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Sao Paulo (BR). Company registered in Portland, Oregon. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for email address, name, phone number, etc on signup but doesn't verify the information. Bitcoin payment with Plisio. No Google Captchas. Large Storage, maybe suitable for full nodes.
- Gigablits - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Bangalore (IN), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), New York (US), San Francisco (US), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Toronto (CA). Company registered in ???. DigitalOcean reseller. Anonymity focused, no personal information required. Payments accepted via Plisio. User reports they took payment but did not deliver service or respond to tickets, business may be defunct.
- VPSBroker - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Bangalore (IN), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Delhi NCR (IN), Frankfurt (DE), Honolulu (US), Johannesburg (ZA), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Melbourne (AU), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Mumbai (IN), New York (US), Osaka (JP), Paris (FR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Singapore (SG), Stockholm (SE), Sydney (AU), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA), Warsaw (PL), Seoul (KR). Company registered in ???. Signup over Tor ok, user reports no captchas or Maxmind/KYC. Accepts Bitcoin, Monero (XMR), and others. User reports the UI is really good. Disk space available up to 160GB.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- BrilliantHost - Locations: Washington, D.C. (US), California (US), Iowa (US), Toronto (CA), London (GB), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Milan (IT), Vienna (AT), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), São Paulo (BR). Company registered in Wyoming, United States. Tor traffic OK. No Google Captchas. Very privacy-and anonymity friendly, only an email is required. Processes crypto payments manually via their support team. Advertises high performance at low prices.
- Bridge Networks - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Bangalore (IN), Mumbai (IN), Delhi NCR (IN), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Seoul (KR), Tokyo (JP), Osaka (JP), Johannesburg (ZA), London (GB), Madrid (ES), Manchester (GB), Melbourne (AU), Mexico (MX), Sao Paulo (BR), Santiago (CL), Singapore (SG), Stockholm (SE), Sydney (AU), Tel Aviv (IL), Warsaw (PL), Toronto (CA), Atlanta (US), Dallas (US), New Jersey (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), Chicago (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), San Francisco (US). Company registered in ???. DigitalOcean and Vultr reseller. Accepts crypto payments through Plisio. User reports they only ask for an email address, support block storage / Large Storage, support extra IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and "seem to be pretty chill"
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Host-World - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Strasbourg (FR), Gravelines (FR), Limassol (CY), Bratislava (SK), Prague (CZ), Riga (LV), Warsaw (PL), Chisinau (MD), Kiev (UA), New Jersey (US), Toronto (CA), Beauharnois (CA), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Petach Tikva (IL), Turkey (TR). Company registered in Estonia. Uses Anonymous signup OK (they only verify email)
- EDIS Global - Locations: Vienna / Austria (AT), Graz / Austria (AT), Brussels / Belgium (BE), Sofia / Bulgaria (BG), Montreal / Canada (CA), Vina del Mar / Valparaiso / Chile (CL), Bogota / Colombia (CO), Prague / Czech Republic (CZ), Zagreb / Croatia (HR), Dubai (UAE), Paris / France (FR), Frankfurt / Germany (DE), Copenhagen / Denmark (DK), Thessaloniki / Greece (GR), Kwai Chung / Hong Kong (HK), Budapest / Hungary (HU), Hafnarfjördur / Iceland (IS), Ballasalla / Isle of Man (IM), Tel Aviv / Israel (IL), Milan / Italy (IT), Palermo / Sicily (IT), Tokyo / Japan (JP), Vilnius / Lithuania (LT), Riga / Latvia (LV), Chisinau / Moldova (MD), Skopje/North Macedonia (MK), Amsterdam / Netherlands (NL), Oslo / Norway (NO), Warsaw / Poland (PL), Bucharest / Romania (RO), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Moscow / Russia (RU), St. Petersburg / Russia (RU), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Singapore (SG), Stockholm / Sweden (SE), Ljubljana / Slovenia (SI), Seville / Spain (ES), Zurich / Switcherland(CH), Sydney / Australia (AU), New York (US), London City and London Docklands (UK). Company registered in Limassol, Cyprus. Now using Cryptomus and accepting Bitcoin (plus other standard coins, including DOGE) at all locations.Use coupon code BITCOINVPS for a 10% (lifetime) discount on your first order. The provider notes: Instant Provisioning! All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, modern Intel processors, up to 2x 10Gbps per node, fully GEO-located IP ranges, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latenc, peerings at local IX, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random-numbers generators for fast entropy, noVNC, 100+ ready to use Turnkey images, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso and boot it on EDIS KVM, post-install scripts for automated installation according to your recipes. Windows and Linux. Auto-Installers for Windows 2016/2019/2022 Server (trial). TOR traffic is fine but TOR exit notes are not allowed. EDIS does not require KYC, but a real name and a real-world address is required (they don't come to check if you really live at the indicated address) and EDIS allows signup via TOR or Proxies, but they do not want criminal activity and will manually review all new signups for signs of fraud or criminal intent before provisioning the first service. User reports signups not allowed with email addresses and a phone number is required at signup.
- NetNexus - Locations: Virginia (US), Ohio (US), California (US), Oregon (US), Mumbai (IN), Osaka (JP), Seoul (KR), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Central (CA), Frankfurt (DE), Ireland (IE), London (GB), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Sao Paulo (BR). Company registered in Portland, Oregon. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for email address, name, phone number, etc on signup but doesn't verify the information. Bitcoin payment with Plisio. No Google Captchas. Large Storage, maybe suitable for full nodes.
- VPSBroker - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Bangalore (IN), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Delhi NCR (IN), Frankfurt (DE), Honolulu (US), Johannesburg (ZA), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Melbourne (AU), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Mumbai (IN), New York (US), Osaka (JP), Paris (FR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Singapore (SG), Stockholm (SE), Sydney (AU), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA), Warsaw (PL), Seoul (KR). Company registered in ???. Signup over Tor ok, user reports no captchas or Maxmind/KYC. Accepts Bitcoin, Monero (XMR), and others. User reports the UI is really good. Disk space available up to 160GB.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- BrilliantHost - Locations: Washington, D.C. (US), California (US), Iowa (US), Toronto (CA), London (GB), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Milan (IT), Vienna (AT), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), São Paulo (BR). Company registered in Wyoming, United States. Tor traffic OK. No Google Captchas. Very privacy-and anonymity friendly, only an email is required. Processes crypto payments manually via their support team. Advertises high performance at low prices.
- Bridge Networks - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Bangalore (IN), Mumbai (IN), Delhi NCR (IN), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Seoul (KR), Tokyo (JP), Osaka (JP), Johannesburg (ZA), London (GB), Madrid (ES), Manchester (GB), Melbourne (AU), Mexico (MX), Sao Paulo (BR), Santiago (CL), Singapore (SG), Stockholm (SE), Sydney (AU), Tel Aviv (IL), Warsaw (PL), Toronto (CA), Atlanta (US), Dallas (US), New Jersey (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), Chicago (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), San Francisco (US). Company registered in ???. DigitalOcean and Vultr reseller. Accepts crypto payments through Plisio. User reports they only ask for an email address, support block storage / Large Storage, support extra IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and "seem to be pretty chill"
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- ServerMath - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Madrid (ES), Seoul (KR), Dallas (TX), Istanbul (TR), Manila (PH), Singapore (SG), Dubai (AE), Lagos (NG), Miami (US), Tokyo (JP), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in ???. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer. Willing to consider payment via other cryptocurrencies on request. Does not require KYC or check identity. Happy to arrange custom server configurations (e.g GPUs, high bandwidth servers). Affiliated with RatioServer. Website does not work when visited from some IP addresses
- ZappieHost - Locations: New Zealand (NZ), South Africa (ZA), Valdivia (CL). Company registered in US.
- Web4Africa - Locations: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria (NG), South Africa (ZA). Company registered in South Africa.
- Melbicom - Locations: Riga (LV), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Moscow (RU), Palermo (IT), Vilnius (LT), Madrid (ES), Sofia (BG), Lagos (NG), Singapore (SG), Fujairah (AE), Atlanta (US), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Lithuania. Windows and Linux VPS. Also offers CDN services. No Tor traffic allowed. They don't ask for much personal information but don't want anonymous signup, they may request ID verification. No illegal activities allowed. Bitcoin Lightning network (LN) payments supported. No Google Captchas. Large Storage servers are available. They support BGP sessions, colocations, and cloud services also.
- VPSBroker - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Bangalore (IN), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Delhi NCR (IN), Frankfurt (DE), Honolulu (US), Johannesburg (ZA), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Melbourne (AU), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Mumbai (IN), New York (US), Osaka (JP), Paris (FR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Singapore (SG), Stockholm (SE), Sydney (AU), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA), Warsaw (PL), Seoul (KR). Company registered in ???. Signup over Tor ok, user reports no captchas or Maxmind/KYC. Accepts Bitcoin, Monero (XMR), and others. User reports the UI is really good. Disk space available up to 160GB.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- Bridge Networks - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Bangalore (IN), Mumbai (IN), Delhi NCR (IN), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Seoul (KR), Tokyo (JP), Osaka (JP), Johannesburg (ZA), London (GB), Madrid (ES), Manchester (GB), Melbourne (AU), Mexico (MX), Sao Paulo (BR), Santiago (CL), Singapore (SG), Stockholm (SE), Sydney (AU), Tel Aviv (IL), Warsaw (PL), Toronto (CA), Atlanta (US), Dallas (US), New Jersey (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), Chicago (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), San Francisco (US). Company registered in ???. DigitalOcean and Vultr reseller. Accepts crypto payments through Plisio. User reports they only ask for an email address, support block storage / Large Storage, support extra IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and "seem to be pretty chill"
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- SporeStack - Locations: San Francisco/NYC (US), Toronto (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG), Bangalore (IN). Company registered in Texas (US). Accountless VPS provider. Also takes Bcash / Bitcoin SV. API-only/no registration, servers on Digital Ocean, Vultur/Linode available on request, Tor-only servers in undisclosed location, onion service URL: http://spore64i5sofqlfz5gq2ju4msgzojjwifls7rok2cti624zyq3fcelad.onion/#ref=vps
- Host4Coins - Locations: France (FR), Zurich (CH). Company registered in France(?). Only Bitcoin and Lightning Network (LN) payments. Anonymous signup encouraged (they do not verify email address validity). $2/mo discount for IPv6-only service. Run by
- LNVPS - Locations: Dublin (IE). Company registered in Ireland. Payment ONLY by Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN), which we think is awesome. Payments are self-hosted via their own LND node. Their user account system is built around Nostr accounts, they send notifications via Nostr DM and email. Tor traffic OK. No personal information required to sign up. No Google Captchas. Has open sourced their software stack here: <>. Can be accessed programmatically (making it de-facto accountless) using the API here: <>
- SporeStack - Locations: San Francisco/NYC (US), Toronto (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG), Bangalore (IN). Company registered in Texas (US). Accountless VPS provider. Also takes Bcash / Bitcoin SV. API-only/no registration, servers on Digital Ocean, Vultur/Linode available on request, Tor-only servers in undisclosed location, onion service URL: http://spore64i5sofqlfz5gq2ju4msgzojjwifls7rok2cti624zyq3fcelad.onion/#ref=vps
- Host4Coins - Locations: France (FR), Zurich (CH). Company registered in France(?). Only Bitcoin and Lightning Network (LN) payments. Anonymous signup encouraged (they do not verify email address validity). $2/mo discount for IPv6-only service. Run by
- Ccihosting - Locations: Panama (PA). Company registered in Panama.
- ClientVPS - Locations: Bahrain (BH), Ukraine (UA), Netherlands (NL), Panama (PA), Russia (RU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Iran (IR). Company registered in Russia or US, it’s unclear. “Bulletproof” hosting provider.
- Servting - Locations: Netherlands (NL), India (IN), Germany (DE), London (UK), United States (US), Singapore (SG), Canada (CA), South Korea (KR), Australia (AU), Japan (JP), Ireland (IE), France (FR), Sweden (SE), Spain (ES), Mexico (MX), Brazil (BR), Poland (PL). Company registered in United States. Currently reselling Digital Ocean, AWS Lightsail and Vultr. BTCPayServer as payment gateway. Encourage anonymous sign-up. Provider notes: "TOR and VPNs allowed, we do not use any fraud detection software such as Maxmind. A real email address is encouraged for correspondence but not a requirement . We offer block storage upgrades upon request. We do not check identities or perform any verification, if payment is successful you get a server!"
- BitHost - Locations: All Digital Ocean/Linode/Hetzner/Vultr. Company registered in ???. Bitcoin-accepting front end for renting servers from Digital Ocean/Linode/Hetzner/Vultr
- BitLaunch - Locations: DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, Netherlands (NL), United States (US), United Kingdom (UK). Company registered in Unknown. Cryptocurrency payment front-end to Digital Ocean/Vultr/Linode. User reprts they also run their own infrastructure with their own ASN
- Bizcloud - Locations: Everywhere DigitalOcean has presence. Company registered in Malaysia. DigitalOcean reseller. Accepts BTC, LTC, ETH, XRP, BCH.
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- Gigablits - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Bangalore (IN), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), New York (US), San Francisco (US), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Toronto (CA). Company registered in ???. DigitalOcean reseller. Anonymity focused, no personal information required. Payments accepted via Plisio. User reports they took payment but did not deliver service or respond to tickets, business may be defunct.
- LowEndSpirit - Locations: Rotterdam (NL), London (UK), Milan (IT), Phoenix/Kansas/Lenoir NC (US), Tokyo (JP), Falkenstein (DE), Sofia (BG), Sandefjord (NO), Reims (FR), Perth/Sydney (AU), Singapore. Company registered in ???. Now a directory site / forum for low cost hosting.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
Providers offering servers for less than 2 EUR/month, sometimes much less. In many cases these are NAT VPS providers where you get no unique IPv4 address, only a port range and/or IPv6 addresses.
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- Justhost - Locations: Russia (RU). Company registered in Russia. Selling VDS
- Skhron - Locations: Warsaw (PL), Stockholm (SE). Company registered in Estonia. Equipment located at Equinix WA3. Bitcoin, Monero (XMR), TRX, USDT/TRC20, LTC accepted using self-hosted BTCPayServer (BTC) and BitCartCC (other coins). Lightning Network (LN) payments supported. Tor traffic allowed. Only a valid email is required, they don't check other user-provided personal info unless you pay with fiat. No KYC and no error prone fraud protection to cancel your order unexpectedly. Captchas are standard pictures or hCaptcha. Offers a low-end KVM VPS for 1.15 EUR/month. Onion service at <http://ufcmgzuawelktlvqaypyj4efjonbzleoketixdmtzidvfg254gfwyuqd.onion/>
- MrVM - Locations: Sweden (SE). Company registered in Sweden. No Tor traffic allowed
- LowEndSpirit - Locations: Rotterdam (NL), London (UK), Milan (IT), Phoenix/Kansas/Lenoir NC (US), Tokyo (JP), Falkenstein (DE), Sofia (BG), Sandefjord (NO), Reims (FR), Perth/Sydney (AU), Singapore. Company registered in ???. Now a directory site / forum for low cost hosting.
- Senko.Digital - Locations: Frankfurt (DE). Company registered in United Kingdom. "The fluffiest hosting in the world." Game-focused hosting provider. Payments via Cryptomus and Morune. Accepts BTC, XMR, USDT, and many more. Doesn't need KYC and doesn't ask for personal information. Provider notes their pricing starts at 1.90 EUR. Provider allows using their servers for VPNs and proxies. Provider states signups via Tor are allowed but running Tor exit nodes (or other Tor infrastructure) Is not to avoid trouble. Provider uses Google captchas but as minimally as possible (it is only used for initial signup, not for login). Resells dedicated servers from Hetzner, states that hosting full nodes on those servers should be done behind a VPN (to avoid the public-facing IP being linked to full nodes) and notes they can assist with this setup. Illegal activity on their infrastructure is strictly prohibited.
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- LowEndSpirit - Locations: Rotterdam (NL), London (UK), Milan (IT), Phoenix/Kansas/Lenoir NC (US), Tokyo (JP), Falkenstein (DE), Sofia (BG), Sandefjord (NO), Reims (FR), Perth/Sydney (AU), Singapore. Company registered in ???. Now a directory site / forum for low cost hosting.
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- LowEndSpirit - Locations: Rotterdam (NL), London (UK), Milan (IT), Phoenix/Kansas/Lenoir NC (US), Tokyo (JP), Falkenstein (DE), Sofia (BG), Sandefjord (NO), Reims (FR), Perth/Sydney (AU), Singapore. Company registered in ???. Now a directory site / forum for low cost hosting.
- LowEndSpirit - Locations: Rotterdam (NL), London (UK), Milan (IT), Phoenix/Kansas/Lenoir NC (US), Tokyo (JP), Falkenstein (DE), Sofia (BG), Sandefjord (NO), Reims (FR), Perth/Sydney (AU), Singapore. Company registered in ???. Now a directory site / forum for low cost hosting.
Dedicated Servers give you an entire physical server to yourself, generally offering higher performance and better security but also a much higher price than a VPS.
- Hostiko - Locations: Kyiv (UA), Falkenstein (DE), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Ukraine. Accepts BTC, XMR, many others via NOWPayments (no KYC and numerous altcoins). Anonymous sign-up/signup via Tor is allowed. They actively monitor their network for abuse and react accordingly. Tor relays are allowed, Tor exit nodes are NOT allowed.
- Private WebHost - Locations: Vienna (AT), Helsinki (FI), Frankfurt (DE), Netherlands (NL), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Zurich (CH), Paris (FR), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Switzerland. Privacy/anonymity-focused hoster. Only an email required at signup, Signup via VPNs, proxies, and Tor allowed, payments via NOWPayments, Lightning Network (LN) payments via CoinPayments. Working on self/hosted payments. The Swiss dedicated servers are Large Storage and suitable for Bitcoin full nodes. All servers can be used for Tor nodes (exit nodes allowed if you block port 25). Netherlands VPS servers are Large Storage. No Google Captcha. Support via tickets or encrypted email. Dedicated servers in Switzerland, working on more locations. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% off. Very responsive support.
- Opera VPS - Locations: London (UK), Frankfurt (DE) , Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Montreal (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in US (Washington state). Anonymous signup OK, Tor allowed, Lightning Network (LN) payments via Jeeb
- RackNerd - Locations: Los Angeles (US), Utah (US), Dallas (US), New York (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Montreal (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Chicago (US), San Jose (US), Atlanta (US), Tampa (US), Ashburn (US), Strasbourg (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG). Company registered in United States. Accepts BTC, LTC, ETH, ZEC. No Lightning Network. User reports good service and responsive support. User reports they use Coinbase Commerce
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- MonoVM - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania . Same parent company as 1gbits. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- PrivateAlps - Locations: Switzerland (CH). Company registered in Panama. Networking provided by Ipconnect (Seychelles). Tor traffic and anonymous signup OK. No LN payment. 10% discount if you enter the affiliate 5DBKR when ordering
- HostZealot - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Limassol (CY), Tallinn (EE), Ashburn (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Brussels (BE), Tel Aviv (IL), Hong Kong (HK), Dusseldorf (DE), Tbilisi (GE). Company registered in Bulgaria. Provider states they are Tor and anonymity friendly as long as you do not violate their ToS. All their VPS instances use SSDs, their Poland and Netherlands locations offer NVMe also. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses.
- VSYS - Locations: Ukraine (UA), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Kyiv, Ukraine. Anonymous signup and Tor traffic OK. States they use Bitcoin Core to process BTC payments directly, LTC and Doge via their billing software.
- BlueVPS - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Limassol (CY), Gravelines (FR), Singapore (SG), Sofiya (BG), London (UK), Ashburn (US), Los Angeles (US), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), Palermo (IT), Tel Aviv (IL), Stockholm (SE), Toronto (CA), Tallinn (EE), Madrid (ES), Hong Kong (CN), Warsaw (PL), Sydney (AU), Fujairah (UAE). Company registered in Estonia. Payments via Coinpayments. Regarding anonymity they state "We require clients confirmation e-Mail or ID". Provider has hardware in two different data centers at their Warsaw and London locations.
- 3v-hosting - Locations: Ukraine (UA). Company registered in Ukraine. Tor traffic allowed unless backbone provider objects. User data required at signup (not anonymous)
- Zak Servers - Locations: Bulgaria (BG), Ukraine (UA), Netherlands (NL), Switzerland (CH), Romania (RO), Russia (RU), Malaysia (MY). Company registered in Singapore. Privacy-focused dedicated server provider, anonymous/Tor signup/Tor traffic OK. Payments processed by Blockonomics
- Eldernode - Locations: Chicago (US), San Jose (US), New York (US), Denmark (DK), Netherlands (NL), Manchester (UK), France (FR), Germany (DE), Canada. Company registered in Lithuania .
- Shock Hosting - Locations: Piscataway/New Jersey (US), Los Angeles (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Jacksonville (US), Denver (US), Seattle (US), Maidenhead (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG). Company registered in United States.
- Cinfu - Locations: Germany (DE), Bulgaria (BG), France (FR), Netherlands (NL), US. Company registered in Seychelles. Anonymous signup discouraged (automated fraud checks). No signup over Tor (website currently blocks Tor users entirely). User reports their datacentres may de-prioritise Bitcoin related traffic (and/or other large data transfers) resulting in extremely long full node sync times (weeks, single kbps bandwidth) after an initial burst for about 15% of the BTC blockchain
- 1Gbits - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania. Website uses Cloudflare (Tor users may get Google captchas). Same parent company as MonoVM. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- LegionBox - Locations: US, Switzerland (CH), Germany (DE), Russia (RU). Company registered in Australia. Anonymous signup discouraged (automated fraud checks)
- Host-World - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Strasbourg (FR), Gravelines (FR), Limassol (CY), Bratislava (SK), Prague (CZ), Riga (LV), Warsaw (PL), Chisinau (MD), Kiev (UA), New Jersey (US), Toronto (CA), Beauharnois (CA), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Petach Tikva (IL), Turkey (TR). Company registered in Estonia. Uses Anonymous signup OK (they only verify email)
- THC Servers - Locations: Romania (RO), Canada. Company registered in United States. Supports Lightning Network (LN)
- ServerMath - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Madrid (ES), Seoul (KR), Dallas (TX), Istanbul (TR), Manila (PH), Singapore (SG), Dubai (AE), Lagos (NG), Miami (US), Tokyo (JP), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in ???. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer. Willing to consider payment via other cryptocurrencies on request. Does not require KYC or check identity. Happy to arrange custom server configurations (e.g GPUs, high bandwidth servers). Affiliated with RatioServer. Website does not work when visited from some IP addresses
- FlokiNET - Locations: Romania (RO), Iceland (IS), Finland (FI), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Iceland. Free speech-focused service, Tor friendly. Includes (potentially outdated) OpenBSD images which must be manually installed via VNC. Anonymous signup OK, only valid email address is required. Accepts Bitcoin and XMR via Coinpayments. Allows customizing dedicated servers, including with Large Storage suitable for full nodes. This website is currently hosted on Flokinet
- Qhoster - Locations: UK, US, Canada (CA), Bulgaria (BG), Lithuania (LT), France (FR), Germany (DE), Netherlands (NL), Switzerland (CH). Company registered in ???. Google captcha
- NiceVPS - Locations: Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Dominica. Minimal registration data and Tor friendly. Bulletproof DDoS-protected hosting available. Also provides confidential domains. Will offer hosting in Switzerland (CH) soon.
- BlazingFast - Locations: Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Netherlands. High performance servers
- ThunderVM - Locations: Germany (DE), United States (US), Iceland (IS), Switzerland (CH), Netherlands (NL), France (FR), Italy (IT), United Kingdom (UK), Lithuania (LT), Poland (PL). Company registered in italy. Ok with hosting full nodes and Tor relays, but not Tor exit nodes, or (on VPS) mining cryptocurrency. Uses hCaptcha. Provider states that all their servers/hypervisors are installed and encrypted by them for user security. Uses BTCPayServer and self-hosted Monero (XMR) payments. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments via NowPayments
- Cockbox - Locations: Romania (RO). Company registered in Seychelles. Servers with cocks. Tor and anonymity-friendly. Onion URL: http://dwtqmjzvn2c6z2x462mmbd34ugjjrodowtul4jfbkexjuttzaqzcjyad.onion/?r=3033
- Ahost - Locations: Dubai (AE), Vienna (AT), Sydney (AU), Brussels (BE), Sofia (BG), Zurich (CH), Prague (CZ), Copenhagen (DK), Seville (ES), Thessaloniki (GR), Kwai Chung (HK), Zagreb (HR), Budapest (HU), Tel Aviv (IL), Hafnarfjordur (IS), Milan (IT), Tokyo (JP), Vilnius (LT), Riga (LV), Chisinau (MD), Skopje (MK), Oslo (NO), Warsaw (PL), Belgrade (RS), Bucharest (RO), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Ljubljana (SI). Company registered in Estonia. No anonymous signup. No Tor or spam allowed. Payments via Payeer. KVM virtualization, Gigabit speeds for every VPS. They do NOT want anonymous signups or Tor traffic. User reports they ask for KYC (scan of government ID) after payment. Google Captchas
- Hostingby.Design - Locations: Germany (DE), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Denmark. Reseller / crypto front-end for Hetzner, Leaseweb, NFOrce. Large Storage, may be suitable for running full nodes. Google Captchas
- AtomicNetworks - Locations: Eygelshoven (NL), Chicago (US), Miami (US), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Delware, United States. Crypto payments through Coinbase Wallets, samller altcoins via NowPayments. Tor traffic OK. Uses Google Captchas. Asks for personal information but you can write whatever you like.
- AlexHost - Locations: Tallbert (SE), Moldova (MD), Sofia (BG), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Moldova. Email hosting included with shared web hosting service. Operates through AS200019, with own datacenter, network and hardware in the Republic of Moldova. Domain registration via OpenSRS/Tucows. They welcome people using their VPS for VPN endpoints. No KYC unless the payment gateway (e.g Paypal) asks for it (so pay with crypto). Doesn't verify the personal data you give them otherwise. Tor bridges and relays are fine, Tor exit nodes are not allowed. Bitcoin payments accepted via BTCPayServer. Monero and other cryptocurrencies also accepted. May use Google Captchas (via Hostbill). Dedicated servers can be customized so they have Large Storage for running full nodes. Provider states they support freedom of speech and privacy.
- HostStage - Locations: France (FR), Canada (CA), US. Company registered in France. Uses Coingate. Also provides shared web hosting. Anonymous sign up OK as long as no fraud, Tor traffic OK provided it is not used in a way that causes trouble
- Justhost - Locations: Russia (RU). Company registered in Russia. Selling VDS
- IP-Connect - Locations: Ukraine (UA). Company registered in Ukraine. Runs their own datacenter. Tor-friendly. Minimal registration. Crypto payments accepted via payment gateway. Doesn't require KYC, allows TOR/proxy. Criminal activity prohibited. All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, recent Intel processors, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latency possible, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random generators for fast entropy, noVNC, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso (also Windows etc. allowed). Now additionally accepts payments via, which supports hundreds of different cryptocurrencies. Use promocode "bitcoin-vps2022" for -10% discount
- SeiMaxim - Locations: Almere (NL), Amsterdam (NL), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Netherlands. Anonymous signup allowed. Bitcoin full nodes are allowed. Also offers GPU mining servers, domains, shared hosting, and HTTP/SOCKS proxies. Uses Coinbase payment gateway
- ForexVPS - Locations: New York (US), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Zurich (CH), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in Hong Kong. Lightning Network (LN) payment support
- VPSGOD - Locations: Germany (DE), US, France (FR), Netherlands (NL), United States (US). Company registered in US. Google captcha
- Noez - Locations: Frankfurt (DE). Company registered in Germany. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes
- XetHost - Locations: Budapest (HU). Company registered in Hungary. DevOps-focused. Accepts many different cryptocurrencies via CoinGate. Asks for phone number and email address.
- Dedimax - Locations: 120+ worldwide: France (FR), Netherlands (NL), United States (US), Canada (CA), Portugal (PT), Lithuania (LT), Moldova (MD), Spain (ES), Bulgaria (BG), Germany (DE), Austria (AT), and many many more…. Company registered in Belgium. User reports Tor signup doesn't work
- HostSailor - Locations: Romania (RO), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in UAE. Lightning network (LN) via Coingate. Google Captchas. User reports they log you out constantly if using Tor.
- OrangeWebsite - Locations: Iceland (IS). Company registered in Iceland. Asks for very minimal user information, seems to take security seriously
- VPSBit - Locations: Hong Kong (HK), Lithuania (LT). Company registered in Hong Kong & Lithuania.
- Coin.Host / Coinshost - Locations: Zurich (CH). Company registered in Switzerland. Does not provide anonymous hosting, will ask for detailed information about what you are hosting on their servers. Will not refund any deposits made prior to this. We recommend clarifying your proposed usage with them before depositing money with them.
- Hostkey - Locations: US, Netherlands (NL), Russia (RU). Company registered in Netherlands. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses
- Crowncloud - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Australia.
- Hostwinds - Locations: US, Netherlands (NL). Company registered in US.
- CryptoHO.ST - Locations: Romania (RO). Company registered in Romania (?). Supports Lightning Network (LN), Monero, and 300+ altcoins
- EDIS Global - Locations: Vienna / Austria (AT), Graz / Austria (AT), Brussels / Belgium (BE), Sofia / Bulgaria (BG), Montreal / Canada (CA), Vina del Mar / Valparaiso / Chile (CL), Bogota / Colombia (CO), Prague / Czech Republic (CZ), Zagreb / Croatia (HR), Dubai (UAE), Paris / France (FR), Frankfurt / Germany (DE), Copenhagen / Denmark (DK), Thessaloniki / Greece (GR), Kwai Chung / Hong Kong (HK), Budapest / Hungary (HU), Hafnarfjördur / Iceland (IS), Ballasalla / Isle of Man (IM), Tel Aviv / Israel (IL), Milan / Italy (IT), Palermo / Sicily (IT), Tokyo / Japan (JP), Vilnius / Lithuania (LT), Riga / Latvia (LV), Chisinau / Moldova (MD), Skopje/North Macedonia (MK), Amsterdam / Netherlands (NL), Oslo / Norway (NO), Warsaw / Poland (PL), Bucharest / Romania (RO), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Moscow / Russia (RU), St. Petersburg / Russia (RU), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Singapore (SG), Stockholm / Sweden (SE), Ljubljana / Slovenia (SI), Seville / Spain (ES), Zurich / Switcherland(CH), Sydney / Australia (AU), New York (US), London City and London Docklands (UK). Company registered in Limassol, Cyprus. Now using Cryptomus and accepting Bitcoin (plus other standard coins, including DOGE) at all locations.Use coupon code BITCOINVPS for a 10% (lifetime) discount on your first order. The provider notes: Instant Provisioning! All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, modern Intel processors, up to 2x 10Gbps per node, fully GEO-located IP ranges, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latenc, peerings at local IX, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random-numbers generators for fast entropy, noVNC, 100+ ready to use Turnkey images, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso and boot it on EDIS KVM, post-install scripts for automated installation according to your recipes. Windows and Linux. Auto-Installers for Windows 2016/2019/2022 Server (trial). TOR traffic is fine but TOR exit notes are not allowed. EDIS does not require KYC, but a real name and a real-world address is required (they don't come to check if you really live at the indicated address) and EDIS allows signup via TOR or Proxies, but they do not want criminal activity and will manually review all new signups for signs of fraud or criminal intent before provisioning the first service. User reports signups not allowed with email addresses and a phone number is required at signup.
- SuperBitHost - Locations: Bulgaria (BG), Germany (DE), Netherlands (NL), Luxembourg (LU), Malaysia (MY) Russia (RU), Singapore (SG), Switzerland (CH). Company registered in ???. uses Google captchas
- Aurologic (Fastpipe) - Locations: Combahton datacenter in Frankfurt, Germany (DE). Company registered in Germany. Large Storage / Block storage offered, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Used to be, is now Aurologic. If they still take Bitcoin, let us know: <updates at>
- Sered - Locations: Madrid (ES), Barcelona (ES). Company registered in Spain. Website may block Tor users (Google captcha). Use coupon code VQSZANRO for a 2 month discount.
- Javapipe (now Mochahost) - Locations: Chicago (US), Amsterdan (NL), Bucharest (RO). Company registered in ???.
- Vultr - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Toronto (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in US. Reader reports strong anti-privacy policies: users must make credit card or PayPal payment before they are allowed to make Bitcoin deposits, and they use BitPay (which requires government ID/etc). Reader recommends using a Vultr reseller (e.g Bithost)
- Serverhub - Locations: Chicago (US), Seattle (US), New York (US), Dallas (US), Phoneix (US), Frankfurt (DE). Company registered in US. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes
- DeinServerHost - Locations: Combahton datacenter in Frankfurt, Germany (DE). Company registered in Germany. Bitcoin & Lightning Network (LN) via Coingate, anonymous/pseudonymous signup over Tor allowed. Very flexible server configuration (set RAM/disk/# cores independently). Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Offers one-click DdoS protection via
- Terrahost - Locations: Sandefjord (NO). Company registered in Norway. Runs their own datacenter. Good reputation in the OpenBSD community (but does not offer OpenBSD support natively, you must bring your own install image). Their website claims to use BitPay but it’s not true, they actually use Coingate/BTCPayServer. Sometimes asks for full KYC at signup (e.g if you signed up via Tor)
- ClientVPS - Locations: Bahrain (BH), Ukraine (UA), Netherlands (NL), Panama (PA), Russia (RU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Iran (IR). Company registered in Russia or US, it’s unclear. “Bulletproof” hosting provider.
- ServerRoom - Locations: New York (US), Bucharest (RO), San Francisco (US), Miami (US), Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in New York (US). Same management as Primcast. Self-hosted Bitcoin payment processing, no Lightning yet but is planned soon. Anonymous signup and Tor ok. Offers Bitcoin full nodes as dedicated servers, also GPU dedicated servers.
- Primcast - Locations: New York (US), Bucharest (RO), San Francisco (US), Miami (US), Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in New York (US). Streaming-focused provider, advertises low latency routes. Same management as ServerRoom. Self-hosted Bitcoin payment processing, no Lightning yet but is planned soon. Anonymous signup and Tor ok. Offers Bitcoin full nodes as dedicated servers, also GPU dedicated servers.
- Privex - Locations: Sweden (SE), Netherlands (NL), Germany (DE), Finland (FI), United States (US), Japan (JP), Canada (CA). Company registered in Belize. Owns their own hardware and network at their SE / NL regions. Resells Hetzner in DE / FI. Resells Dacentec+Reliablesite in US. Resells Vultr in JP/CA. Privacy focused, anonymous/pseudonymous sign up encouraged. No captchas/cloudflare/analytics. Payments processed by their own in-house solution. Allows hosting Tor exit nodes / public VPNs in SE/NL locations and Tor/I2P relays in all locations except JP/CA. Runs their own Tor nodes to support the network. Ordering is possible with JavaScript disabled. Supports Bring-Your-Own-IP and colocation in SE/NL. Very flexible and willing to consider special requests. Onion service: http://privex3guvvasyer6pxz2fqcgy56auvw5egkir6ykwpptferdcb5toad.onion/ and I2P service: http://privex.i2p/
- AnyColo - Locations: Romania (RO). Company registered in Romania. Accepts BTC, XMR. Payments via own BTCPayServer instance. Anonymous signup allowed. According to the company, “our TOS is simple: no abuse and no complaints.”
- RatioServer - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Budapest (HU), Copenhagen (DK), Dallas (US), Dublin (IE), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Paris (FR), Prague (CZ), Rome (IT), Singapore (SG), Sofia (BG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Zurich (CH) and more. Company registered in ???. Most locations have unmetered dedicated servers and custom-built server options available. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Does not verify email address validity, but encourages people to sign up with a working email address. Uses their own in-house BTC/ETH payment processor
- Aaroli - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA). Company registered in an undisclosed location. Large Storage offered in 5 locations, may be suitable for full nodes. Payment via BTCPayServer or manual payment (accepts BTC, ETH). Willing to do custom configurations or payment via alternate methods. Anonymous/pseudonymous signup OK, provided you provide a working email address.
- DataClub - Locations: Meppel/Netherlands (NL), Stockholm (SE), Riga/Latvia (LV). Company registered in Belize/Cyprus/UK. Dedicated servers in Latvia. May require KYC
- Hostiquette - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), London (UK), Moscow (RU), Paris (FR), Zurich (CH). Company registered in ???. Tor and anonymity-friendly. Using BTCPay Server for Bitcoin payments. Can accept other cryptocurrencies if you contact them. Email addresses are not verified but using a valid email is recommended for communications. Custom servers are available if you contact them.
- DediStart - Locations: Bulgaria (BG). Company registered in Cyprus. Payments via Coinify. Sister company of VPSAG (for VPS). Blocks Tor users.
- - Locations: Bulgaria (BG). Company registered in Bulgaria. Blocks Tor users. Uses self-hosted payment gateway. Large Storage, probably suitable for full nodes. Lets you customise the server extensively before ordering. Offers lease-to-own where you own the server after a certain number of months, in exchange for a higher per-month rate.
- Ukrainian Data Network (UDN) - Locations: Kyiv/Kiev (UA). Company registered in Ukraine. Anonymous signup OK, even email address is optional. Accepts BTC and Monero/XMR. Uses their own internal payment system, no 3rd party payment processor
- Zergrush Hosting - Locations: Bucharest (RO). Company registered in Romania. Payments via uTrust, which supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. No Tor exits allowed. Do ask for personal information at signup.
- IncogNET - Locations: Netherlands (NL), Idaho (US). Company registered in Wyoming, United States. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer (and other cryptocurrencies also). No personal information required to sign up, only an email address (which isn't verified). Ordering via Tor/VPN is OK. Large Storage available on a case-by-case basis, contact them to arrange it. Uses Google Captchas (reCaptcha). Also does anonymous domain registration
- HostSlick - Locations: Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Germany. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinify. Has internal KYC checks - your server can be suspended if you registered via Proxy/VPN. Google captchas. User reports you may be able to register via VPN if you open a support ticket to manually deposit BTC. We recommend testing with small amounts of money and low cost services first.
- Webconn Technology - Locations: Netherlands (NL), United States (US), Italy (IT), Japan (JP), France (FR). Company registered in Pakistan. Offers GPU servers. Unlimited traffic. They don't care what information you provide at signup. Payments via Coinbase or direct transfer to wallet. Google captchas. Linked to Seimaxim
- Melbicom - Locations: Riga (LV), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Moscow (RU), Palermo (IT), Vilnius (LT), Madrid (ES), Sofia (BG), Lagos (NG), Singapore (SG), Fujairah (AE), Atlanta (US), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Lithuania. Windows and Linux VPS. Also offers CDN services. No Tor traffic allowed. They don't ask for much personal information but don't want anonymous signup, they may request ID verification. No illegal activities allowed. Bitcoin Lightning network (LN) payments supported. No Google Captchas. Large Storage servers are available. They support BGP sessions, colocations, and cloud services also.
- KernelHost - Locations: Frankfurt (DE). Company registered in Austria. Bitcoin payments via BTCPayServer. KVM based servers. Servers at Maincubes datacenter
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- SnowCore - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Salt Lake City (US). Company registered in ???. Uses a Mullvad-style token login system so they don't collect any personal information at all. Payments via NOWpayments. Cloudflare captchas. Dedicated servers available with 1TB SSDs for 30 EUR one time payment in some locations, might be useful as Large Storage servers for full nodes. Tor is allowed and fully supported.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- RedSwitches - Locations: Singapore (SG), Miami (US), Germany (DE), Switzerland (CH), Australia (AU), Mumbai (IN), Tokyo (JP), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), San Francisco (US), Canada (CA), London (UK), Washington DC (US). Company registered in Singapore.
- Aeza - Locations: California (US), London (UK), Paris (FR), Amsterdam (NL), Falkenstein (DE), Vienna (AT), Stockholm (SE), Helsinki (FI), Moscow (RU). Company registered in United Kingdom. Appears to be run by Russian speakers & focused on the CIS market (offers website translations in English, Russian, Ukrainian). User reports they do crypto payments via Cryptomus.
- Computeman - Locations: Los Angeles (US), Milan (IT), Strasbourg (FR), Seoul (KR), Tokyo (JP), Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in Colorado (US). Also offers GPU dedicated services in Amsterdam. VPS only in Los Angeles (US), other locations are dedicated-server-only. Provider states that Tor traffic and anonymous signups are allowed. No Google Captchas. Provider offers Large Storage servers.
- PRQ - Locations: Stockholm (SE). Company registered in Sweden. No account registration, you just email them and they set up what you need. Tell them you want to pay with Bitcoin and they'll send you a Bitcoin address. Very OG free speech focused provider. Tor traffic allowed. No Google Captchas.
- Senko.Digital - Locations: Frankfurt (DE). Company registered in United Kingdom. "The fluffiest hosting in the world." Game-focused hosting provider. Payments via Cryptomus and Morune. Accepts BTC, XMR, USDT, and many more. Doesn't need KYC and doesn't ask for personal information. Provider notes their pricing starts at 1.90 EUR. Provider allows using their servers for VPNs and proxies. Provider states signups via Tor are allowed but running Tor exit nodes (or other Tor infrastructure) Is not to avoid trouble. Provider uses Google captchas but as minimally as possible (it is only used for initial signup, not for login). Resells dedicated servers from Hetzner, states that hosting full nodes on those servers should be done behind a VPN (to avoid the public-facing IP being linked to full nodes) and notes they can assist with this setup. Illegal activity on their infrastructure is strictly prohibited.
- Trivox - Locations: Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in Germany. For VPN and Domain registration you have to contact them directly. Also offers colocation and game servers (contact support for game servers). Tor traffic is officially not allowed but they don't care what you do as long as they don't get abuse complaints. Requires basic personal information at signup. Payment processing via Sellix, which accepts Bitcoin Lighning Network (LN) payments. Doesn't use Google Captchas. Offers totally custom servers, so if you need Large Storage for full nodes they will build one for you, or you can ship them a server and they will put it in their datacenter.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Private WebHost - Locations: Vienna (AT), Helsinki (FI), Frankfurt (DE), Netherlands (NL), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Zurich (CH), Paris (FR), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Switzerland. Privacy/anonymity-focused hoster. Only an email required at signup, Signup via VPNs, proxies, and Tor allowed, payments via NOWPayments, Lightning Network (LN) payments via CoinPayments. Working on self/hosted payments. The Swiss dedicated servers are Large Storage and suitable for Bitcoin full nodes. All servers can be used for Tor nodes (exit nodes allowed if you block port 25). Netherlands VPS servers are Large Storage. No Google Captcha. Support via tickets or encrypted email. Dedicated servers in Switzerland, working on more locations. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% off. Very responsive support.
- Opera VPS - Locations: London (UK), Frankfurt (DE) , Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Montreal (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in US (Washington state). Anonymous signup OK, Tor allowed, Lightning Network (LN) payments via Jeeb
- RackNerd - Locations: Los Angeles (US), Utah (US), Dallas (US), New York (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Montreal (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Chicago (US), San Jose (US), Atlanta (US), Tampa (US), Ashburn (US), Strasbourg (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG). Company registered in United States. Accepts BTC, LTC, ETH, ZEC. No Lightning Network. User reports good service and responsive support. User reports they use Coinbase Commerce
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- MonoVM - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania . Same parent company as 1gbits. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- HostZealot - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Limassol (CY), Tallinn (EE), Ashburn (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Brussels (BE), Tel Aviv (IL), Hong Kong (HK), Dusseldorf (DE), Tbilisi (GE). Company registered in Bulgaria. Provider states they are Tor and anonymity friendly as long as you do not violate their ToS. All their VPS instances use SSDs, their Poland and Netherlands locations offer NVMe also. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses.
- BlueVPS - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Limassol (CY), Gravelines (FR), Singapore (SG), Sofiya (BG), London (UK), Ashburn (US), Los Angeles (US), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), Palermo (IT), Tel Aviv (IL), Stockholm (SE), Toronto (CA), Tallinn (EE), Madrid (ES), Hong Kong (CN), Warsaw (PL), Sydney (AU), Fujairah (UAE). Company registered in Estonia. Payments via Coinpayments. Regarding anonymity they state "We require clients confirmation e-Mail or ID". Provider has hardware in two different data centers at their Warsaw and London locations.
- Eldernode - Locations: Chicago (US), San Jose (US), New York (US), Denmark (DK), Netherlands (NL), Manchester (UK), France (FR), Germany (DE), Canada. Company registered in Lithuania .
- Shock Hosting - Locations: Piscataway/New Jersey (US), Los Angeles (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Jacksonville (US), Denver (US), Seattle (US), Maidenhead (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG). Company registered in United States.
- Cinfu - Locations: Germany (DE), Bulgaria (BG), France (FR), Netherlands (NL), US. Company registered in Seychelles. Anonymous signup discouraged (automated fraud checks). No signup over Tor (website currently blocks Tor users entirely). User reports their datacentres may de-prioritise Bitcoin related traffic (and/or other large data transfers) resulting in extremely long full node sync times (weeks, single kbps bandwidth) after an initial burst for about 15% of the BTC blockchain
- 1Gbits - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania. Website uses Cloudflare (Tor users may get Google captchas). Same parent company as MonoVM. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- LegionBox - Locations: US, Switzerland (CH), Germany (DE), Russia (RU). Company registered in Australia. Anonymous signup discouraged (automated fraud checks)
- Host-World - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Strasbourg (FR), Gravelines (FR), Limassol (CY), Bratislava (SK), Prague (CZ), Riga (LV), Warsaw (PL), Chisinau (MD), Kiev (UA), New Jersey (US), Toronto (CA), Beauharnois (CA), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Petach Tikva (IL), Turkey (TR). Company registered in Estonia. Uses Anonymous signup OK (they only verify email)
- THC Servers - Locations: Romania (RO), Canada. Company registered in United States. Supports Lightning Network (LN)
- ServerMath - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Madrid (ES), Seoul (KR), Dallas (TX), Istanbul (TR), Manila (PH), Singapore (SG), Dubai (AE), Lagos (NG), Miami (US), Tokyo (JP), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in ???. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer. Willing to consider payment via other cryptocurrencies on request. Does not require KYC or check identity. Happy to arrange custom server configurations (e.g GPUs, high bandwidth servers). Affiliated with RatioServer. Website does not work when visited from some IP addresses
- Qhoster - Locations: UK, US, Canada (CA), Bulgaria (BG), Lithuania (LT), France (FR), Germany (DE), Netherlands (NL), Switzerland (CH). Company registered in ???. Google captcha
- ThunderVM - Locations: Germany (DE), United States (US), Iceland (IS), Switzerland (CH), Netherlands (NL), France (FR), Italy (IT), United Kingdom (UK), Lithuania (LT), Poland (PL). Company registered in italy. Ok with hosting full nodes and Tor relays, but not Tor exit nodes, or (on VPS) mining cryptocurrency. Uses hCaptcha. Provider states that all their servers/hypervisors are installed and encrypted by them for user security. Uses BTCPayServer and self-hosted Monero (XMR) payments. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments via NowPayments
- AtomicNetworks - Locations: Eygelshoven (NL), Chicago (US), Miami (US), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Delware, United States. Crypto payments through Coinbase Wallets, samller altcoins via NowPayments. Tor traffic OK. Uses Google Captchas. Asks for personal information but you can write whatever you like.
- WindowsVPSHost - Locations: Buffalo (US) . Company registered in Singapore .
- Rad Web Hosting - Locations: Dallas TX (US). Company registered in United States. Datacenter located in a former Federal Reserve Bank building, highly secure
- HostStage - Locations: France (FR), Canada (CA), US. Company registered in France. Uses Coingate. Also provides shared web hosting. Anonymous sign up OK as long as no fraud, Tor traffic OK provided it is not used in a way that causes trouble
- SeiMaxim - Locations: Almere (NL), Amsterdam (NL), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Netherlands. Anonymous signup allowed. Bitcoin full nodes are allowed. Also offers GPU mining servers, domains, shared hosting, and HTTP/SOCKS proxies. Uses Coinbase payment gateway
- ForexVPS - Locations: New York (US), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Zurich (CH), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in Hong Kong. Lightning Network (LN) payment support
- IndoVirtue - Locations: Singapore (SG), US. Company registered in Bali, Indonesia (?). No VPN/proxy during signup allowed
- VPSGOD - Locations: Germany (DE), US, France (FR), Netherlands (NL), United States (US). Company registered in US. Google captcha
- Dedimax - Locations: 120+ worldwide: France (FR), Netherlands (NL), United States (US), Canada (CA), Portugal (PT), Lithuania (LT), Moldova (MD), Spain (ES), Bulgaria (BG), Germany (DE), Austria (AT), and many many more…. Company registered in Belgium. User reports Tor signup doesn't work
- Namecheap - Locations: US. Company registered in US.
- Hostkey - Locations: US, Netherlands (NL), Russia (RU). Company registered in Netherlands. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses
- Crowncloud - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Australia.
- Hostwinds - Locations: US, Netherlands (NL). Company registered in US.
- Mightweb - Locations: US. Company registered in US.
- MeanServers - Locations: US. Company registered in US.
- EDIS Global - Locations: Vienna / Austria (AT), Graz / Austria (AT), Brussels / Belgium (BE), Sofia / Bulgaria (BG), Montreal / Canada (CA), Vina del Mar / Valparaiso / Chile (CL), Bogota / Colombia (CO), Prague / Czech Republic (CZ), Zagreb / Croatia (HR), Dubai (UAE), Paris / France (FR), Frankfurt / Germany (DE), Copenhagen / Denmark (DK), Thessaloniki / Greece (GR), Kwai Chung / Hong Kong (HK), Budapest / Hungary (HU), Hafnarfjördur / Iceland (IS), Ballasalla / Isle of Man (IM), Tel Aviv / Israel (IL), Milan / Italy (IT), Palermo / Sicily (IT), Tokyo / Japan (JP), Vilnius / Lithuania (LT), Riga / Latvia (LV), Chisinau / Moldova (MD), Skopje/North Macedonia (MK), Amsterdam / Netherlands (NL), Oslo / Norway (NO), Warsaw / Poland (PL), Bucharest / Romania (RO), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Moscow / Russia (RU), St. Petersburg / Russia (RU), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Singapore (SG), Stockholm / Sweden (SE), Ljubljana / Slovenia (SI), Seville / Spain (ES), Zurich / Switcherland(CH), Sydney / Australia (AU), New York (US), London City and London Docklands (UK). Company registered in Limassol, Cyprus. Now using Cryptomus and accepting Bitcoin (plus other standard coins, including DOGE) at all locations.Use coupon code BITCOINVPS for a 10% (lifetime) discount on your first order. The provider notes: Instant Provisioning! All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, modern Intel processors, up to 2x 10Gbps per node, fully GEO-located IP ranges, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latenc, peerings at local IX, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random-numbers generators for fast entropy, noVNC, 100+ ready to use Turnkey images, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso and boot it on EDIS KVM, post-install scripts for automated installation according to your recipes. Windows and Linux. Auto-Installers for Windows 2016/2019/2022 Server (trial). TOR traffic is fine but TOR exit notes are not allowed. EDIS does not require KYC, but a real name and a real-world address is required (they don't come to check if you really live at the indicated address) and EDIS allows signup via TOR or Proxies, but they do not want criminal activity and will manually review all new signups for signs of fraud or criminal intent before provisioning the first service. User reports signups not allowed with email addresses and a phone number is required at signup.
- Javapipe (now Mochahost) - Locations: Chicago (US), Amsterdan (NL), Bucharest (RO). Company registered in ???.
- Vultr - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Toronto (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in US. Reader reports strong anti-privacy policies: users must make credit card or PayPal payment before they are allowed to make Bitcoin deposits, and they use BitPay (which requires government ID/etc). Reader recommends using a Vultr reseller (e.g Bithost)
- letbox - Locations: Los Angeles (US), Dallas (US). Company registered in Seattle (US). Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes
- Serverhub - Locations: Chicago (US), Seattle (US), New York (US), Dallas (US), Phoneix (US), Frankfurt (DE). Company registered in US. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes
- ServerRoom - Locations: New York (US), Bucharest (RO), San Francisco (US), Miami (US), Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in New York (US). Same management as Primcast. Self-hosted Bitcoin payment processing, no Lightning yet but is planned soon. Anonymous signup and Tor ok. Offers Bitcoin full nodes as dedicated servers, also GPU dedicated servers.
- Primcast - Locations: New York (US), Bucharest (RO), San Francisco (US), Miami (US), Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in New York (US). Streaming-focused provider, advertises low latency routes. Same management as ServerRoom. Self-hosted Bitcoin payment processing, no Lightning yet but is planned soon. Anonymous signup and Tor ok. Offers Bitcoin full nodes as dedicated servers, also GPU dedicated servers.
- Privex - Locations: Sweden (SE), Netherlands (NL), Germany (DE), Finland (FI), United States (US), Japan (JP), Canada (CA). Company registered in Belize. Owns their own hardware and network at their SE / NL regions. Resells Hetzner in DE / FI. Resells Dacentec+Reliablesite in US. Resells Vultr in JP/CA. Privacy focused, anonymous/pseudonymous sign up encouraged. No captchas/cloudflare/analytics. Payments processed by their own in-house solution. Allows hosting Tor exit nodes / public VPNs in SE/NL locations and Tor/I2P relays in all locations except JP/CA. Runs their own Tor nodes to support the network. Ordering is possible with JavaScript disabled. Supports Bring-Your-Own-IP and colocation in SE/NL. Very flexible and willing to consider special requests. Onion service: http://privex3guvvasyer6pxz2fqcgy56auvw5egkir6ykwpptferdcb5toad.onion/ and I2P service: http://privex.i2p/
- RatioServer - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Budapest (HU), Copenhagen (DK), Dallas (US), Dublin (IE), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Paris (FR), Prague (CZ), Rome (IT), Singapore (SG), Sofia (BG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Zurich (CH) and more. Company registered in ???. Most locations have unmetered dedicated servers and custom-built server options available. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Does not verify email address validity, but encourages people to sign up with a working email address. Uses their own in-house BTC/ETH payment processor
- Aaroli - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA). Company registered in an undisclosed location. Large Storage offered in 5 locations, may be suitable for full nodes. Payment via BTCPayServer or manual payment (accepts BTC, ETH). Willing to do custom configurations or payment via alternate methods. Anonymous/pseudonymous signup OK, provided you provide a working email address.
- MadGenius - Locations: Minneapolis (US), Chicago (US), Ashburn (US). Company registered in Minnesota, US. Uses BitPay, but user reports that if you email their sales department they will give you a non-BitPay BTC address. User reports they do not require/verify personal info except for email address.
- BreezeHost - Locations: Dallas TX (US), Charlotte NC (US). Company registered in United States. Accepts Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) using Plisio, Lightning payments currently not supported. Personal information supplied at signup does not need to be accurate. Tor traffic is allowed.
- VPS-mart / DatabaseMart - Locations: Dallas (US). Company registered in Dallas (US).
- TechRich - Locations: Japan (JP), Korea (KR), Malaysia (MY), China (CN), Hong Kong (HK), United States (US), Thailand (TH). Company registered in Hong Kong. They ask for user information but don't verify/require KYC if you pay by cryptocurrency. Tor traffic OK as long as you don't get abuse/complaints. They can arrange dedicated fiber lines for each client at the HK location. Uses Coinpayments, Bitpay, and Payeer for payments, can arrange other payment methods as long as you are not sending from an OFAC-listed address. They accept Lightning Network (LN) payments
- IncogNET - Locations: Netherlands (NL), Idaho (US). Company registered in Wyoming, United States. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer (and other cryptocurrencies also). No personal information required to sign up, only an email address (which isn't verified). Ordering via Tor/VPN is OK. Large Storage available on a case-by-case basis, contact them to arrange it. Uses Google Captchas (reCaptcha). Also does anonymous domain registration
- Webconn Technology - Locations: Netherlands (NL), United States (US), Italy (IT), Japan (JP), France (FR). Company registered in Pakistan. Offers GPU servers. Unlimited traffic. They don't care what information you provide at signup. Payments via Coinbase or direct transfer to wallet. Google captchas. Linked to Seimaxim
- Domains4Bitcoins - Locations: United States (US), India (IN). Company registered in United States. Payments via BitPay – KYC and BitPay account required to purchase
- GoSSDHosting - Locations: United States (US), India (IN). Company registered in India.
- CoinsHosting - Locations: New York (US). Company registered in Delaware, US. Tor traffic allowed only on dedicated servers. Doesn't check the information you provide at signup (only asks for name and email). May require for KYC for suspicious or abusive customers but provider states they do so very rarely. Payments via CoinPayments and Coinify. Uses Google Captchas.
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- SnowCore - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Salt Lake City (US). Company registered in ???. Uses a Mullvad-style token login system so they don't collect any personal information at all. Payments via NOWpayments. Cloudflare captchas. Dedicated servers available with 1TB SSDs for 30 EUR one time payment in some locations, might be useful as Large Storage servers for full nodes. Tor is allowed and fully supported.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- RedSwitches - Locations: Singapore (SG), Miami (US), Germany (DE), Switzerland (CH), Australia (AU), Mumbai (IN), Tokyo (JP), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), San Francisco (US), Canada (CA), London (UK), Washington DC (US). Company registered in Singapore.
- ReliableSite - Locations: New York City metro (US), Miami (US), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Miami, United States. Tor traffic not allowed. No anonymous signup. Bitcoin payments via BitPay (KYC required). No Google captchas (uses Turnstile). Large Storage servers available.
- Aeza - Locations: California (US), London (UK), Paris (FR), Amsterdam (NL), Falkenstein (DE), Vienna (AT), Stockholm (SE), Helsinki (FI), Moscow (RU). Company registered in United Kingdom. Appears to be run by Russian speakers & focused on the CIS market (offers website translations in English, Russian, Ukrainian). User reports they do crypto payments via Cryptomus.
- Computeman - Locations: Los Angeles (US), Milan (IT), Strasbourg (FR), Seoul (KR), Tokyo (JP), Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in Colorado (US). Also offers GPU dedicated services in Amsterdam. VPS only in Los Angeles (US), other locations are dedicated-server-only. Provider states that Tor traffic and anonymous signups are allowed. No Google Captchas. Provider offers Large Storage servers.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Opera VPS - Locations: London (UK), Frankfurt (DE) , Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Montreal (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in US (Washington state). Anonymous signup OK, Tor allowed, Lightning Network (LN) payments via Jeeb
- RackNerd - Locations: Los Angeles (US), Utah (US), Dallas (US), New York (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Montreal (CA), London (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Chicago (US), San Jose (US), Atlanta (US), Tampa (US), Ashburn (US), Strasbourg (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG). Company registered in United States. Accepts BTC, LTC, ETH, ZEC. No Lightning Network. User reports good service and responsive support. User reports they use Coinbase Commerce
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- MonoVM - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania . Same parent company as 1gbits. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- HostZealot - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Limassol (CY), Tallinn (EE), Ashburn (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Brussels (BE), Tel Aviv (IL), Hong Kong (HK), Dusseldorf (DE), Tbilisi (GE). Company registered in Bulgaria. Provider states they are Tor and anonymity friendly as long as you do not violate their ToS. All their VPS instances use SSDs, their Poland and Netherlands locations offer NVMe also. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses.
- BlueVPS - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Limassol (CY), Gravelines (FR), Singapore (SG), Sofiya (BG), London (UK), Ashburn (US), Los Angeles (US), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), Palermo (IT), Tel Aviv (IL), Stockholm (SE), Toronto (CA), Tallinn (EE), Madrid (ES), Hong Kong (CN), Warsaw (PL), Sydney (AU), Fujairah (UAE). Company registered in Estonia. Payments via Coinpayments. Regarding anonymity they state "We require clients confirmation e-Mail or ID". Provider has hardware in two different data centers at their Warsaw and London locations.
- Zak Servers - Locations: Bulgaria (BG), Ukraine (UA), Netherlands (NL), Switzerland (CH), Romania (RO), Russia (RU), Malaysia (MY). Company registered in Singapore. Privacy-focused dedicated server provider, anonymous/Tor signup/Tor traffic OK. Payments processed by Blockonomics
- Shock Hosting - Locations: Piscataway/New Jersey (US), Los Angeles (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Jacksonville (US), Denver (US), Seattle (US), Maidenhead (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG). Company registered in United States.
- 1Gbits - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania. Website uses Cloudflare (Tor users may get Google captchas). Same parent company as MonoVM. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- Host-World - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Strasbourg (FR), Gravelines (FR), Limassol (CY), Bratislava (SK), Prague (CZ), Riga (LV), Warsaw (PL), Chisinau (MD), Kiev (UA), New Jersey (US), Toronto (CA), Beauharnois (CA), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Petach Tikva (IL), Turkey (TR). Company registered in Estonia. Uses Anonymous signup OK (they only verify email)
- ServerMath - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Madrid (ES), Seoul (KR), Dallas (TX), Istanbul (TR), Manila (PH), Singapore (SG), Dubai (AE), Lagos (NG), Miami (US), Tokyo (JP), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in ???. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer. Willing to consider payment via other cryptocurrencies on request. Does not require KYC or check identity. Happy to arrange custom server configurations (e.g GPUs, high bandwidth servers). Affiliated with RatioServer. Website does not work when visited from some IP addresses
- Mondoze - Locations: Cyberjaya Malaysia (MY). Company registered in Malaysia. Payments via Plisio. Dedicated server available if you contact them directly. Tor traffic OK as long as you conform to their TOS. Anonymous sign up OK. Large storage maybe available if you contact support.
- Ahost - Locations: Dubai (AE), Vienna (AT), Sydney (AU), Brussels (BE), Sofia (BG), Zurich (CH), Prague (CZ), Copenhagen (DK), Seville (ES), Thessaloniki (GR), Kwai Chung (HK), Zagreb (HR), Budapest (HU), Tel Aviv (IL), Hafnarfjordur (IS), Milan (IT), Tokyo (JP), Vilnius (LT), Riga (LV), Chisinau (MD), Skopje (MK), Oslo (NO), Warsaw (PL), Belgrade (RS), Bucharest (RO), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Ljubljana (SI). Company registered in Estonia. No anonymous signup. No Tor or spam allowed. Payments via Payeer. KVM virtualization, Gigabit speeds for every VPS. They do NOT want anonymous signups or Tor traffic. User reports they ask for KYC (scan of government ID) after payment. Google Captchas
- ForexVPS - Locations: New York (US), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Zurich (CH), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Singapore (SG), Tokyo (JP). Company registered in Hong Kong. Lightning Network (LN) payment support
- IndoVirtue - Locations: Singapore (SG), US. Company registered in Bali, Indonesia (?). No VPN/proxy during signup allowed
- VPSBit - Locations: Hong Kong (HK), Lithuania (LT). Company registered in Hong Kong & Lithuania.
- JPStream - Locations: Japan (JP). Company registered in Japan.
- Server Field - Locations: Taiwan (TW). Company registered in Taiwan.
- Hostkey - Locations: US, Netherlands (NL), Russia (RU). Company registered in Netherlands. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses
- InternetBrothers - Locations: Korea (KR). Company registered in Korea. BTC accepted only on orders over $100, dedicated servers are not pre-configured. Non-HTTPS site
- Kdatacenter - Locations: Korea (KR). Company registered in Korea.
- VpsHosting - Locations: Hong Kong (HK). Company registered in Hong Kong (HK).
- EDIS Global - Locations: Vienna / Austria (AT), Graz / Austria (AT), Brussels / Belgium (BE), Sofia / Bulgaria (BG), Montreal / Canada (CA), Vina del Mar / Valparaiso / Chile (CL), Bogota / Colombia (CO), Prague / Czech Republic (CZ), Zagreb / Croatia (HR), Dubai (UAE), Paris / France (FR), Frankfurt / Germany (DE), Copenhagen / Denmark (DK), Thessaloniki / Greece (GR), Kwai Chung / Hong Kong (HK), Budapest / Hungary (HU), Hafnarfjördur / Iceland (IS), Ballasalla / Isle of Man (IM), Tel Aviv / Israel (IL), Milan / Italy (IT), Palermo / Sicily (IT), Tokyo / Japan (JP), Vilnius / Lithuania (LT), Riga / Latvia (LV), Chisinau / Moldova (MD), Skopje/North Macedonia (MK), Amsterdam / Netherlands (NL), Oslo / Norway (NO), Warsaw / Poland (PL), Bucharest / Romania (RO), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Moscow / Russia (RU), St. Petersburg / Russia (RU), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Singapore (SG), Stockholm / Sweden (SE), Ljubljana / Slovenia (SI), Seville / Spain (ES), Zurich / Switcherland(CH), Sydney / Australia (AU), New York (US), London City and London Docklands (UK). Company registered in Limassol, Cyprus. Now using Cryptomus and accepting Bitcoin (plus other standard coins, including DOGE) at all locations.Use coupon code BITCOINVPS for a 10% (lifetime) discount on your first order. The provider notes: Instant Provisioning! All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, modern Intel processors, up to 2x 10Gbps per node, fully GEO-located IP ranges, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latenc, peerings at local IX, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random-numbers generators for fast entropy, noVNC, 100+ ready to use Turnkey images, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso and boot it on EDIS KVM, post-install scripts for automated installation according to your recipes. Windows and Linux. Auto-Installers for Windows 2016/2019/2022 Server (trial). TOR traffic is fine but TOR exit notes are not allowed. EDIS does not require KYC, but a real name and a real-world address is required (they don't come to check if you really live at the indicated address) and EDIS allows signup via TOR or Proxies, but they do not want criminal activity and will manually review all new signups for signs of fraud or criminal intent before provisioning the first service. User reports signups not allowed with email addresses and a phone number is required at signup.
- SuperBitHost - Locations: Bulgaria (BG), Germany (DE), Netherlands (NL), Luxembourg (LU), Malaysia (MY) Russia (RU), Singapore (SG), Switzerland (CH). Company registered in ???. uses Google captchas
- Vultr - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Toronto (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in US. Reader reports strong anti-privacy policies: users must make credit card or PayPal payment before they are allowed to make Bitcoin deposits, and they use BitPay (which requires government ID/etc). Reader recommends using a Vultr reseller (e.g Bithost)
- ClientVPS - Locations: Bahrain (BH), Ukraine (UA), Netherlands (NL), Panama (PA), Russia (RU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Iran (IR). Company registered in Russia or US, it’s unclear. “Bulletproof” hosting provider.
- Privex - Locations: Sweden (SE), Netherlands (NL), Germany (DE), Finland (FI), United States (US), Japan (JP), Canada (CA). Company registered in Belize. Owns their own hardware and network at their SE / NL regions. Resells Hetzner in DE / FI. Resells Dacentec+Reliablesite in US. Resells Vultr in JP/CA. Privacy focused, anonymous/pseudonymous sign up encouraged. No captchas/cloudflare/analytics. Payments processed by their own in-house solution. Allows hosting Tor exit nodes / public VPNs in SE/NL locations and Tor/I2P relays in all locations except JP/CA. Runs their own Tor nodes to support the network. Ordering is possible with JavaScript disabled. Supports Bring-Your-Own-IP and colocation in SE/NL. Very flexible and willing to consider special requests. Onion service: http://privex3guvvasyer6pxz2fqcgy56auvw5egkir6ykwpptferdcb5toad.onion/ and I2P service: http://privex.i2p/
- RatioServer - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Budapest (HU), Copenhagen (DK), Dallas (US), Dublin (IE), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Paris (FR), Prague (CZ), Rome (IT), Singapore (SG), Sofia (BG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Zurich (CH) and more. Company registered in ???. Most locations have unmetered dedicated servers and custom-built server options available. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Does not verify email address validity, but encourages people to sign up with a working email address. Uses their own in-house BTC/ETH payment processor
- Aaroli - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA). Company registered in an undisclosed location. Large Storage offered in 5 locations, may be suitable for full nodes. Payment via BTCPayServer or manual payment (accepts BTC, ETH). Willing to do custom configurations or payment via alternate methods. Anonymous/pseudonymous signup OK, provided you provide a working email address.
- Casbay - Locations: Malaysia (MY), Singapore (SG). Company registered in Malaysia. Accepts Bitcoin (and many more cryptocurrencies) via Plisio. No restrictions on Tor traffic. They only verify email address on signup, but may require KYC if you trigger anti-abuse/anti-fraud monitoring systems. Uses Google Captchas. Offers Large Storage servers, may be suitable for full nodes. Even larger storage capacity available if you contact them directly.
- TechRich - Locations: Japan (JP), Korea (KR), Malaysia (MY), China (CN), Hong Kong (HK), United States (US), Thailand (TH). Company registered in Hong Kong. They ask for user information but don't verify/require KYC if you pay by cryptocurrency. Tor traffic OK as long as you don't get abuse/complaints. They can arrange dedicated fiber lines for each client at the HK location. Uses Coinpayments, Bitpay, and Payeer for payments, can arrange other payment methods as long as you are not sending from an OFAC-listed address. They accept Lightning Network (LN) payments
- Webconn Technology - Locations: Netherlands (NL), United States (US), Italy (IT), Japan (JP), France (FR). Company registered in Pakistan. Offers GPU servers. Unlimited traffic. They don't care what information you provide at signup. Payments via Coinbase or direct transfer to wallet. Google captchas. Linked to Seimaxim
- Domains4Bitcoins - Locations: United States (US), India (IN). Company registered in United States. Payments via BitPay – KYC and BitPay account required to purchase
- GoSSDHosting - Locations: United States (US), India (IN). Company registered in India.
- Melbicom - Locations: Riga (LV), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Moscow (RU), Palermo (IT), Vilnius (LT), Madrid (ES), Sofia (BG), Lagos (NG), Singapore (SG), Fujairah (AE), Atlanta (US), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Lithuania. Windows and Linux VPS. Also offers CDN services. No Tor traffic allowed. They don't ask for much personal information but don't want anonymous signup, they may request ID verification. No illegal activities allowed. Bitcoin Lightning network (LN) payments supported. No Google Captchas. Large Storage servers are available. They support BGP sessions, colocations, and cloud services also.
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- RedSwitches - Locations: Singapore (SG), Miami (US), Germany (DE), Switzerland (CH), Australia (AU), Mumbai (IN), Tokyo (JP), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), San Francisco (US), Canada (CA), London (UK), Washington DC (US). Company registered in Singapore.
- Computeman - Locations: Los Angeles (US), Milan (IT), Strasbourg (FR), Seoul (KR), Tokyo (JP), Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in Colorado (US). Also offers GPU dedicated services in Amsterdam. VPS only in Los Angeles (US), other locations are dedicated-server-only. Provider states that Tor traffic and anonymous signups are allowed. No Google Captchas. Provider offers Large Storage servers.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- HostZealot - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Limassol (CY), Tallinn (EE), Ashburn (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Brussels (BE), Tel Aviv (IL), Hong Kong (HK), Dusseldorf (DE), Tbilisi (GE). Company registered in Bulgaria. Provider states they are Tor and anonymity friendly as long as you do not violate their ToS. All their VPS instances use SSDs, their Poland and Netherlands locations offer NVMe also. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses.
- BlueVPS - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Limassol (CY), Gravelines (FR), Singapore (SG), Sofiya (BG), London (UK), Ashburn (US), Los Angeles (US), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), Palermo (IT), Tel Aviv (IL), Stockholm (SE), Toronto (CA), Tallinn (EE), Madrid (ES), Hong Kong (CN), Warsaw (PL), Sydney (AU), Fujairah (UAE). Company registered in Estonia. Payments via Coinpayments. Regarding anonymity they state "We require clients confirmation e-Mail or ID". Provider has hardware in two different data centers at their Warsaw and London locations.
- Host-World - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Strasbourg (FR), Gravelines (FR), Limassol (CY), Bratislava (SK), Prague (CZ), Riga (LV), Warsaw (PL), Chisinau (MD), Kiev (UA), New Jersey (US), Toronto (CA), Beauharnois (CA), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Petach Tikva (IL), Turkey (TR). Company registered in Estonia. Uses Anonymous signup OK (they only verify email)
- ServerMath - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Madrid (ES), Seoul (KR), Dallas (TX), Istanbul (TR), Manila (PH), Singapore (SG), Dubai (AE), Lagos (NG), Miami (US), Tokyo (JP), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in ???. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer. Willing to consider payment via other cryptocurrencies on request. Does not require KYC or check identity. Happy to arrange custom server configurations (e.g GPUs, high bandwidth servers). Affiliated with RatioServer. Website does not work when visited from some IP addresses
- Ahost - Locations: Dubai (AE), Vienna (AT), Sydney (AU), Brussels (BE), Sofia (BG), Zurich (CH), Prague (CZ), Copenhagen (DK), Seville (ES), Thessaloniki (GR), Kwai Chung (HK), Zagreb (HR), Budapest (HU), Tel Aviv (IL), Hafnarfjordur (IS), Milan (IT), Tokyo (JP), Vilnius (LT), Riga (LV), Chisinau (MD), Skopje (MK), Oslo (NO), Warsaw (PL), Belgrade (RS), Bucharest (RO), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Ljubljana (SI). Company registered in Estonia. No anonymous signup. No Tor or spam allowed. Payments via Payeer. KVM virtualization, Gigabit speeds for every VPS. They do NOT want anonymous signups or Tor traffic. User reports they ask for KYC (scan of government ID) after payment. Google Captchas
- IpTransit - Locations: Iran (IR). Company registered in Iran. Non-HTTPS site. Appears to be down, but you can try emailing them at the address given on their website
- EDIS Global - Locations: Vienna / Austria (AT), Graz / Austria (AT), Brussels / Belgium (BE), Sofia / Bulgaria (BG), Montreal / Canada (CA), Vina del Mar / Valparaiso / Chile (CL), Bogota / Colombia (CO), Prague / Czech Republic (CZ), Zagreb / Croatia (HR), Dubai (UAE), Paris / France (FR), Frankfurt / Germany (DE), Copenhagen / Denmark (DK), Thessaloniki / Greece (GR), Kwai Chung / Hong Kong (HK), Budapest / Hungary (HU), Hafnarfjördur / Iceland (IS), Ballasalla / Isle of Man (IM), Tel Aviv / Israel (IL), Milan / Italy (IT), Palermo / Sicily (IT), Tokyo / Japan (JP), Vilnius / Lithuania (LT), Riga / Latvia (LV), Chisinau / Moldova (MD), Skopje/North Macedonia (MK), Amsterdam / Netherlands (NL), Oslo / Norway (NO), Warsaw / Poland (PL), Bucharest / Romania (RO), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Moscow / Russia (RU), St. Petersburg / Russia (RU), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Singapore (SG), Stockholm / Sweden (SE), Ljubljana / Slovenia (SI), Seville / Spain (ES), Zurich / Switcherland(CH), Sydney / Australia (AU), New York (US), London City and London Docklands (UK). Company registered in Limassol, Cyprus. Now using Cryptomus and accepting Bitcoin (plus other standard coins, including DOGE) at all locations.Use coupon code BITCOINVPS for a 10% (lifetime) discount on your first order. The provider notes: Instant Provisioning! All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, modern Intel processors, up to 2x 10Gbps per node, fully GEO-located IP ranges, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latenc, peerings at local IX, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random-numbers generators for fast entropy, noVNC, 100+ ready to use Turnkey images, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso and boot it on EDIS KVM, post-install scripts for automated installation according to your recipes. Windows and Linux. Auto-Installers for Windows 2016/2019/2022 Server (trial). TOR traffic is fine but TOR exit notes are not allowed. EDIS does not require KYC, but a real name and a real-world address is required (they don't come to check if you really live at the indicated address) and EDIS allows signup via TOR or Proxies, but they do not want criminal activity and will manually review all new signups for signs of fraud or criminal intent before provisioning the first service. User reports signups not allowed with email addresses and a phone number is required at signup.
- ClientVPS - Locations: Bahrain (BH), Ukraine (UA), Netherlands (NL), Panama (PA), Russia (RU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Iran (IR). Company registered in Russia or US, it’s unclear. “Bulletproof” hosting provider.
- Melbicom - Locations: Riga (LV), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Moscow (RU), Palermo (IT), Vilnius (LT), Madrid (ES), Sofia (BG), Lagos (NG), Singapore (SG), Fujairah (AE), Atlanta (US), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Lithuania. Windows and Linux VPS. Also offers CDN services. No Tor traffic allowed. They don't ask for much personal information but don't want anonymous signup, they may request ID verification. No illegal activities allowed. Bitcoin Lightning network (LN) payments supported. No Google Captchas. Large Storage servers are available. They support BGP sessions, colocations, and cloud services also.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Shock Hosting - Locations: Piscataway/New Jersey (US), Los Angeles (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Jacksonville (US), Denver (US), Seattle (US), Maidenhead (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG). Company registered in United States.
- Host-World - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Strasbourg (FR), Gravelines (FR), Limassol (CY), Bratislava (SK), Prague (CZ), Riga (LV), Warsaw (PL), Chisinau (MD), Kiev (UA), New Jersey (US), Toronto (CA), Beauharnois (CA), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Petach Tikva (IL), Turkey (TR). Company registered in Estonia. Uses Anonymous signup OK (they only verify email)
- Vultr - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Toronto (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in US. Reader reports strong anti-privacy policies: users must make credit card or PayPal payment before they are allowed to make Bitcoin deposits, and they use BitPay (which requires government ID/etc). Reader recommends using a Vultr reseller (e.g Bithost)
- RatioServer - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Budapest (HU), Copenhagen (DK), Dallas (US), Dublin (IE), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Los Angeles (US), Madrid (ES), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Paris (FR), Prague (CZ), Rome (IT), Singapore (SG), Sofia (BG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Zurich (CH) and more. Company registered in ???. Most locations have unmetered dedicated servers and custom-built server options available. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Does not verify email address validity, but encourages people to sign up with a working email address. Uses their own in-house BTC/ETH payment processor
- Aaroli - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Atlanta (US), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU), Tokyo (JP), Toronto (CA). Company registered in an undisclosed location. Large Storage offered in 5 locations, may be suitable for full nodes. Payment via BTCPayServer or manual payment (accepts BTC, ETH). Willing to do custom configurations or payment via alternate methods. Anonymous/pseudonymous signup OK, provided you provide a working email address.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- RedSwitches - Locations: Singapore (SG), Miami (US), Germany (DE), Switzerland (CH), Australia (AU), Mumbai (IN), Tokyo (JP), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), San Francisco (US), Canada (CA), London (UK), Washington DC (US). Company registered in Singapore.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Host-World - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Strasbourg (FR), Gravelines (FR), Limassol (CY), Bratislava (SK), Prague (CZ), Riga (LV), Warsaw (PL), Chisinau (MD), Kiev (UA), New Jersey (US), Toronto (CA), Beauharnois (CA), Sydney (AU), Hong Kong (HK), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Petach Tikva (IL), Turkey (TR). Company registered in Estonia. Uses Anonymous signup OK (they only verify email)
- EDIS Global - Locations: Vienna / Austria (AT), Graz / Austria (AT), Brussels / Belgium (BE), Sofia / Bulgaria (BG), Montreal / Canada (CA), Vina del Mar / Valparaiso / Chile (CL), Bogota / Colombia (CO), Prague / Czech Republic (CZ), Zagreb / Croatia (HR), Dubai (UAE), Paris / France (FR), Frankfurt / Germany (DE), Copenhagen / Denmark (DK), Thessaloniki / Greece (GR), Kwai Chung / Hong Kong (HK), Budapest / Hungary (HU), Hafnarfjördur / Iceland (IS), Ballasalla / Isle of Man (IM), Tel Aviv / Israel (IL), Milan / Italy (IT), Palermo / Sicily (IT), Tokyo / Japan (JP), Vilnius / Lithuania (LT), Riga / Latvia (LV), Chisinau / Moldova (MD), Skopje/North Macedonia (MK), Amsterdam / Netherlands (NL), Oslo / Norway (NO), Warsaw / Poland (PL), Bucharest / Romania (RO), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Moscow / Russia (RU), St. Petersburg / Russia (RU), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Singapore (SG), Stockholm / Sweden (SE), Ljubljana / Slovenia (SI), Seville / Spain (ES), Zurich / Switcherland(CH), Sydney / Australia (AU), New York (US), London City and London Docklands (UK). Company registered in Limassol, Cyprus. Now using Cryptomus and accepting Bitcoin (plus other standard coins, including DOGE) at all locations.Use coupon code BITCOINVPS for a 10% (lifetime) discount on your first order. The provider notes: Instant Provisioning! All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, modern Intel processors, up to 2x 10Gbps per node, fully GEO-located IP ranges, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latenc, peerings at local IX, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random-numbers generators for fast entropy, noVNC, 100+ ready to use Turnkey images, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso and boot it on EDIS KVM, post-install scripts for automated installation according to your recipes. Windows and Linux. Auto-Installers for Windows 2016/2019/2022 Server (trial). TOR traffic is fine but TOR exit notes are not allowed. EDIS does not require KYC, but a real name and a real-world address is required (they don't come to check if you really live at the indicated address) and EDIS allows signup via TOR or Proxies, but they do not want criminal activity and will manually review all new signups for signs of fraud or criminal intent before provisioning the first service. User reports signups not allowed with email addresses and a phone number is required at signup.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- ServerMath - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Madrid (ES), Seoul (KR), Dallas (TX), Istanbul (TR), Manila (PH), Singapore (SG), Dubai (AE), Lagos (NG), Miami (US), Tokyo (JP), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in ???. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer. Willing to consider payment via other cryptocurrencies on request. Does not require KYC or check identity. Happy to arrange custom server configurations (e.g GPUs, high bandwidth servers). Affiliated with RatioServer. Website does not work when visited from some IP addresses
- Web4Africa - Locations: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria (NG), South Africa (ZA). Company registered in South Africa.
- Melbicom - Locations: Riga (LV), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Moscow (RU), Palermo (IT), Vilnius (LT), Madrid (ES), Sofia (BG), Lagos (NG), Singapore (SG), Fujairah (AE), Atlanta (US), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Lithuania. Windows and Linux VPS. Also offers CDN services. No Tor traffic allowed. They don't ask for much personal information but don't want anonymous signup, they may request ID verification. No illegal activities allowed. Bitcoin Lightning network (LN) payments supported. No Google Captchas. Large Storage servers are available. They support BGP sessions, colocations, and cloud services also.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Ccihosting - Locations: Panama (PA). Company registered in Panama.
- ClientVPS - Locations: Bahrain (BH), Ukraine (UA), Netherlands (NL), Panama (PA), Russia (RU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Iran (IR). Company registered in Russia or US, it’s unclear. “Bulletproof” hosting provider.
- Dedimax - Locations: 120+ worldwide: France (FR), Netherlands (NL), United States (US), Canada (CA), Portugal (PT), Lithuania (LT), Moldova (MD), Spain (ES), Bulgaria (BG), Germany (DE), Austria (AT), and many many more…. Company registered in Belgium. User reports Tor signup doesn't work
- EDIS Global - Locations: Vienna / Austria (AT), Graz / Austria (AT), Brussels / Belgium (BE), Sofia / Bulgaria (BG), Montreal / Canada (CA), Vina del Mar / Valparaiso / Chile (CL), Bogota / Colombia (CO), Prague / Czech Republic (CZ), Zagreb / Croatia (HR), Dubai (UAE), Paris / France (FR), Frankfurt / Germany (DE), Copenhagen / Denmark (DK), Thessaloniki / Greece (GR), Kwai Chung / Hong Kong (HK), Budapest / Hungary (HU), Hafnarfjördur / Iceland (IS), Ballasalla / Isle of Man (IM), Tel Aviv / Israel (IL), Milan / Italy (IT), Palermo / Sicily (IT), Tokyo / Japan (JP), Vilnius / Lithuania (LT), Riga / Latvia (LV), Chisinau / Moldova (MD), Skopje/North Macedonia (MK), Amsterdam / Netherlands (NL), Oslo / Norway (NO), Warsaw / Poland (PL), Bucharest / Romania (RO), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Moscow / Russia (RU), St. Petersburg / Russia (RU), Belgrade / Serbia (RS), Singapore (SG), Stockholm / Sweden (SE), Ljubljana / Slovenia (SI), Seville / Spain (ES), Zurich / Switcherland(CH), Sydney / Australia (AU), New York (US), London City and London Docklands (UK). Company registered in Limassol, Cyprus. Now using Cryptomus and accepting Bitcoin (plus other standard coins, including DOGE) at all locations.Use coupon code BITCOINVPS for a 10% (lifetime) discount on your first order. The provider notes: Instant Provisioning! All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, modern Intel processors, up to 2x 10Gbps per node, fully GEO-located IP ranges, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latenc, peerings at local IX, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random-numbers generators for fast entropy, noVNC, 100+ ready to use Turnkey images, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso and boot it on EDIS KVM, post-install scripts for automated installation according to your recipes. Windows and Linux. Auto-Installers for Windows 2016/2019/2022 Server (trial). TOR traffic is fine but TOR exit notes are not allowed. EDIS does not require KYC, but a real name and a real-world address is required (they don't come to check if you really live at the indicated address) and EDIS allows signup via TOR or Proxies, but they do not want criminal activity and will manually review all new signups for signs of fraud or criminal intent before provisioning the first service. User reports signups not allowed with email addresses and a phone number is required at signup.
- Vultr - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New Jersey (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Toronto (CA), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), London (UK), Paris (FR), Tokyo (JP), Singapore (SG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in US. Reader reports strong anti-privacy policies: users must make credit card or PayPal payment before they are allowed to make Bitcoin deposits, and they use BitPay (which requires government ID/etc). Reader recommends using a Vultr reseller (e.g Bithost)
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
Virtual Private Network providers allow you to tunnel your Internet traffic to their servers using an encrypted link.
- Initech - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New York (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Melbourne (AU), Sydney (AU), Sao Paulo (BR), Toronto (CA), Santiago (CL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Bangalore (IN), Delhi (IN), Mumbai (IN), Tel Aviv (IL), Osaka (JP), Tokyo (JP), Mexico City (MX), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Singapore (SG), Johannesburg (ZA), Seoul (KR), Madrid (ES), Stockholm (SE), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Boston (US), Denver (US), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Minneapolis (US), New York City (US), Northern California (US), Northern Virginia (US), Ohio (US), Oregon (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Buenos Aires (AR), Perth (AU), Bahrain (BH), Calgary (CA), Central (CA), Hong Kong (CN), Copenhagen (DK), Helsinki (FI), Hamburg (DE), Hyderabad (IN), Kolkata (IN), Jakarta (ID), Ireland (IE), Milan (IT), Malaysia (MY), Querétaro (MX), Auckland (NZ), Lagos (NG), Muscat (OM), Lima (PE), Manila (PH), Cape Town (ZA), Spain (ES), Zurich (CH), Taipei (TW), Bangkok (TH), United Arab Emirates (AE), Virginia (US), Montreal (CA), Falkenstein (DE), Nuremberg (DE), San Francisco (US), Silicon Valley (US), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Dubai (AE), Columbus (US), Iowa (US), Salt Lake City (US), South Carolina (US), Belgium (BE), Finland (FI), Berlin (DE), Turin (IT), Holland (NL), Doha (QA), Dammam (SA), Taiwan (TW). Company registered in United States. Also offers a residential proxy (VPN) service with endpoints available in almost every country worldwide (the residential proxy service blocks websites that are common abuse targets, like banking or Netflix. Their VPS service does not block). Resells VPS services from many cloud providers (Vultr, Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Lightsail/AWS, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud/GCP, Hetzner Cloud). No email verification required to order. Accept all major cryptocurrencies. Tor traffic is OK, their website is built to be easy to use over Tor. Accepts crypto payments via Plisio and BTCPayServer, including Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) payments via BTCPayServer. Large Storage / Block storage 40GB up to 40TB now available via normal ordering flow. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on all orders for new customers.
- Njalla - Locations: Sweden (SE). Company registered in Nevis. Runs their own datacenter. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Privacy-focused domain registration service that also offers VPS, VPN. Accepts BTC, XMR, ZEC among other options. Onion URL: http://njallalafimoej5i4eg7vlnqjvmb6zhdh27qxcatdn647jtwwwui3nad.onion
- Private WebHost - Locations: Vienna (AT), Helsinki (FI), Frankfurt (DE), Netherlands (NL), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Zurich (CH), Paris (FR), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Switzerland. Privacy/anonymity-focused hoster. Only an email required at signup, Signup via VPNs, proxies, and Tor allowed, payments via NOWPayments, Lightning Network (LN) payments via CoinPayments. Working on self/hosted payments. The Swiss dedicated servers are Large Storage and suitable for Bitcoin full nodes. All servers can be used for Tor nodes (exit nodes allowed if you block port 25). Netherlands VPS servers are Large Storage. No Google Captcha. Support via tickets or encrypted email. Dedicated servers in Switzerland, working on more locations. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% off. Very responsive support.
- VPS2day - Locations: Frankfurt a.M (DE), Zug/Switzerland (CH), Tallin (EE), Bucharest (RO), The Hague (NL), Stockholm (SE), Manchester (UK), Dallas (US). Company registered in Frankfurt, Germany. Website blocks Tor traffic outright. Does not allow anonymous signup. Payment via Coingate.
- NiceVPS - Locations: Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Dominica. Minimal registration data and Tor friendly. Bulletproof DDoS-protected hosting available. Also provides confidential domains. Will offer hosting in Switzerland (CH) soon.
- AlexHost - Locations: Tallbert (SE), Moldova (MD), Sofia (BG), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Moldova. Email hosting included with shared web hosting service. Operates through AS200019, with own datacenter, network and hardware in the Republic of Moldova. Domain registration via OpenSRS/Tucows. They welcome people using their VPS for VPN endpoints. No KYC unless the payment gateway (e.g Paypal) asks for it (so pay with crypto). Doesn't verify the personal data you give them otherwise. Tor bridges and relays are fine, Tor exit nodes are not allowed. Bitcoin payments accepted via BTCPayServer. Monero and other cryptocurrencies also accepted. May use Google Captchas (via Hostbill). Dedicated servers can be customized so they have Large Storage for running full nodes. Provider states they support freedom of speech and privacy.
- LNVPN - Locations: Japan (JP). Company registered in Germany. Accountless VPN provider that supports Lightning Network (LN) payment. Stores no private information about you whatsoever. Only supports Wireguard. Aimed at people who know how to configure Wireguard themselves. Soon offering login using LNAUTH
- Noez - Locations: Frankfurt (DE). Company registered in Germany. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes
- Airvpn - Locations: 19 Countries. Company registered in ???.
- OVPN - Locations: US, Finland (FI), Sweden (SE), Norway (NO), UK, France (FR), Spain (ES), Germany (DE), Switzerland (CH), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Sweden.
- xitheon - Locations: Quebec (CA), Frankfurt (DE), Sydney (AU), Warsaw (PL), France (FR), Singapore (SG), UK. Company registered in ???.
- Hostens - Locations: London (UK), Frankfurt (DE), Lithuania (LT), Amsterdam (NL), Washington (US), San Fransisco (US), Singapore (SG). Company registered in Lithuania. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Requires full KYC (govt ID/etc) on signup, may use BitPay
- Time4VPS - Locations: Lithuania (LT), Singapore (SG), US. Company registered in Lithuania. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Now requiring KYC (ID scans)
- Zergrush Hosting - Locations: Bucharest (RO). Company registered in Romania. Payments via uTrust, which supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. No Tor exits allowed. Do ask for personal information at signup.
- iVPN - Locations: United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Ukraine (UA), Taiwan (TW), Switzerland (CH), Sweden (SE), Spain (ES), South Africa (ZA), Singapore (SG), Serbia (RS), Romania (RO), Portugal (PT), Poland (PL), Netherlands (NL), Mexico (MX), Malaysia (MY), Luxembourg (LU), Japan (JP), Italy (IT), Israel (IL), Iceland (IS), Hong Kong (HK), Greece (GR), Germany (DE), France (FR), Finland (FI), Denmark (DK), Czech Republic (CZ), Canada (CA), Bulgaria (BG), Brazil (BR), Belgium (BE), Austria (AT), Australia (AU). Company registered in Gibraltar. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments, automatic Wireguard key rotation
- PRQ - Locations: Stockholm (SE). Company registered in Sweden. No account registration, you just email them and they set up what you need. Tell them you want to pay with Bitcoin and they'll send you a Bitcoin address. Very OG free speech focused provider. Tor traffic allowed. No Google Captchas.
- Trivox - Locations: Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in Germany. For VPN and Domain registration you have to contact them directly. Also offers colocation and game servers (contact support for game servers). Tor traffic is officially not allowed but they don't care what you do as long as they don't get abuse complaints. Requires basic personal information at signup. Payment processing via Sellix, which accepts Bitcoin Lighning Network (LN) payments. Doesn't use Google Captchas. Offers totally custom servers, so if you need Large Storage for full nodes they will build one for you, or you can ship them a server and they will put it in their datacenter.
- Initech - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New York (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Melbourne (AU), Sydney (AU), Sao Paulo (BR), Toronto (CA), Santiago (CL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Bangalore (IN), Delhi (IN), Mumbai (IN), Tel Aviv (IL), Osaka (JP), Tokyo (JP), Mexico City (MX), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Singapore (SG), Johannesburg (ZA), Seoul (KR), Madrid (ES), Stockholm (SE), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Boston (US), Denver (US), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Minneapolis (US), New York City (US), Northern California (US), Northern Virginia (US), Ohio (US), Oregon (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Buenos Aires (AR), Perth (AU), Bahrain (BH), Calgary (CA), Central (CA), Hong Kong (CN), Copenhagen (DK), Helsinki (FI), Hamburg (DE), Hyderabad (IN), Kolkata (IN), Jakarta (ID), Ireland (IE), Milan (IT), Malaysia (MY), Querétaro (MX), Auckland (NZ), Lagos (NG), Muscat (OM), Lima (PE), Manila (PH), Cape Town (ZA), Spain (ES), Zurich (CH), Taipei (TW), Bangkok (TH), United Arab Emirates (AE), Virginia (US), Montreal (CA), Falkenstein (DE), Nuremberg (DE), San Francisco (US), Silicon Valley (US), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Dubai (AE), Columbus (US), Iowa (US), Salt Lake City (US), South Carolina (US), Belgium (BE), Finland (FI), Berlin (DE), Turin (IT), Holland (NL), Doha (QA), Dammam (SA), Taiwan (TW). Company registered in United States. Also offers a residential proxy (VPN) service with endpoints available in almost every country worldwide (the residential proxy service blocks websites that are common abuse targets, like banking or Netflix. Their VPS service does not block). Resells VPS services from many cloud providers (Vultr, Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Lightsail/AWS, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud/GCP, Hetzner Cloud). No email verification required to order. Accept all major cryptocurrencies. Tor traffic is OK, their website is built to be easy to use over Tor. Accepts crypto payments via Plisio and BTCPayServer, including Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) payments via BTCPayServer. Large Storage / Block storage 40GB up to 40TB now available via normal ordering flow. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on all orders for new customers.
- Private WebHost - Locations: Vienna (AT), Helsinki (FI), Frankfurt (DE), Netherlands (NL), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Zurich (CH), Paris (FR), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Switzerland. Privacy/anonymity-focused hoster. Only an email required at signup, Signup via VPNs, proxies, and Tor allowed, payments via NOWPayments, Lightning Network (LN) payments via CoinPayments. Working on self/hosted payments. The Swiss dedicated servers are Large Storage and suitable for Bitcoin full nodes. All servers can be used for Tor nodes (exit nodes allowed if you block port 25). Netherlands VPS servers are Large Storage. No Google Captcha. Support via tickets or encrypted email. Dedicated servers in Switzerland, working on more locations. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% off. Very responsive support.
- VPS2day - Locations: Frankfurt a.M (DE), Zug/Switzerland (CH), Tallin (EE), Bucharest (RO), The Hague (NL), Stockholm (SE), Manchester (UK), Dallas (US). Company registered in Frankfurt, Germany. Website blocks Tor traffic outright. Does not allow anonymous signup. Payment via Coingate.
- LNVPN - Locations: Japan (JP). Company registered in Germany. Accountless VPN provider that supports Lightning Network (LN) payment. Stores no private information about you whatsoever. Only supports Wireguard. Aimed at people who know how to configure Wireguard themselves. Soon offering login using LNAUTH
- Airvpn - Locations: 19 Countries. Company registered in ???.
- OVPN - Locations: US, Finland (FI), Sweden (SE), Norway (NO), UK, France (FR), Spain (ES), Germany (DE), Switzerland (CH), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Sweden.
- xitheon - Locations: Quebec (CA), Frankfurt (DE), Sydney (AU), Warsaw (PL), France (FR), Singapore (SG), UK. Company registered in ???.
- Hostens - Locations: London (UK), Frankfurt (DE), Lithuania (LT), Amsterdam (NL), Washington (US), San Fransisco (US), Singapore (SG). Company registered in Lithuania. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Requires full KYC (govt ID/etc) on signup, may use BitPay
- Time4VPS - Locations: Lithuania (LT), Singapore (SG), US. Company registered in Lithuania. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Now requiring KYC (ID scans)
- iVPN - Locations: United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Ukraine (UA), Taiwan (TW), Switzerland (CH), Sweden (SE), Spain (ES), South Africa (ZA), Singapore (SG), Serbia (RS), Romania (RO), Portugal (PT), Poland (PL), Netherlands (NL), Mexico (MX), Malaysia (MY), Luxembourg (LU), Japan (JP), Italy (IT), Israel (IL), Iceland (IS), Hong Kong (HK), Greece (GR), Germany (DE), France (FR), Finland (FI), Denmark (DK), Czech Republic (CZ), Canada (CA), Bulgaria (BG), Brazil (BR), Belgium (BE), Austria (AT), Australia (AU). Company registered in Gibraltar. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments, automatic Wireguard key rotation
- Initech - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New York (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Melbourne (AU), Sydney (AU), Sao Paulo (BR), Toronto (CA), Santiago (CL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Bangalore (IN), Delhi (IN), Mumbai (IN), Tel Aviv (IL), Osaka (JP), Tokyo (JP), Mexico City (MX), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Singapore (SG), Johannesburg (ZA), Seoul (KR), Madrid (ES), Stockholm (SE), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Boston (US), Denver (US), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Minneapolis (US), New York City (US), Northern California (US), Northern Virginia (US), Ohio (US), Oregon (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Buenos Aires (AR), Perth (AU), Bahrain (BH), Calgary (CA), Central (CA), Hong Kong (CN), Copenhagen (DK), Helsinki (FI), Hamburg (DE), Hyderabad (IN), Kolkata (IN), Jakarta (ID), Ireland (IE), Milan (IT), Malaysia (MY), Querétaro (MX), Auckland (NZ), Lagos (NG), Muscat (OM), Lima (PE), Manila (PH), Cape Town (ZA), Spain (ES), Zurich (CH), Taipei (TW), Bangkok (TH), United Arab Emirates (AE), Virginia (US), Montreal (CA), Falkenstein (DE), Nuremberg (DE), San Francisco (US), Silicon Valley (US), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Dubai (AE), Columbus (US), Iowa (US), Salt Lake City (US), South Carolina (US), Belgium (BE), Finland (FI), Berlin (DE), Turin (IT), Holland (NL), Doha (QA), Dammam (SA), Taiwan (TW). Company registered in United States. Also offers a residential proxy (VPN) service with endpoints available in almost every country worldwide (the residential proxy service blocks websites that are common abuse targets, like banking or Netflix. Their VPS service does not block). Resells VPS services from many cloud providers (Vultr, Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Lightsail/AWS, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud/GCP, Hetzner Cloud). No email verification required to order. Accept all major cryptocurrencies. Tor traffic is OK, their website is built to be easy to use over Tor. Accepts crypto payments via Plisio and BTCPayServer, including Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) payments via BTCPayServer. Large Storage / Block storage 40GB up to 40TB now available via normal ordering flow. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on all orders for new customers.
- LNVPN - Locations: Japan (JP). Company registered in Germany. Accountless VPN provider that supports Lightning Network (LN) payment. Stores no private information about you whatsoever. Only supports Wireguard. Aimed at people who know how to configure Wireguard themselves. Soon offering login using LNAUTH
- Airvpn - Locations: 19 Countries. Company registered in ???.
- xitheon - Locations: Quebec (CA), Frankfurt (DE), Sydney (AU), Warsaw (PL), France (FR), Singapore (SG), UK. Company registered in ???.
- Hostens - Locations: London (UK), Frankfurt (DE), Lithuania (LT), Amsterdam (NL), Washington (US), San Fransisco (US), Singapore (SG). Company registered in Lithuania. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Requires full KYC (govt ID/etc) on signup, may use BitPay
- Time4VPS - Locations: Lithuania (LT), Singapore (SG), US. Company registered in Lithuania. Large Storage, may be suitable for running Bitcoin full nodes. Now requiring KYC (ID scans)
- iVPN - Locations: United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Ukraine (UA), Taiwan (TW), Switzerland (CH), Sweden (SE), Spain (ES), South Africa (ZA), Singapore (SG), Serbia (RS), Romania (RO), Portugal (PT), Poland (PL), Netherlands (NL), Mexico (MX), Malaysia (MY), Luxembourg (LU), Japan (JP), Italy (IT), Israel (IL), Iceland (IS), Hong Kong (HK), Greece (GR), Germany (DE), France (FR), Finland (FI), Denmark (DK), Czech Republic (CZ), Canada (CA), Bulgaria (BG), Brazil (BR), Belgium (BE), Austria (AT), Australia (AU). Company registered in Gibraltar. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments, automatic Wireguard key rotation
- Initech - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New York (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Melbourne (AU), Sydney (AU), Sao Paulo (BR), Toronto (CA), Santiago (CL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Bangalore (IN), Delhi (IN), Mumbai (IN), Tel Aviv (IL), Osaka (JP), Tokyo (JP), Mexico City (MX), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Singapore (SG), Johannesburg (ZA), Seoul (KR), Madrid (ES), Stockholm (SE), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Boston (US), Denver (US), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Minneapolis (US), New York City (US), Northern California (US), Northern Virginia (US), Ohio (US), Oregon (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Buenos Aires (AR), Perth (AU), Bahrain (BH), Calgary (CA), Central (CA), Hong Kong (CN), Copenhagen (DK), Helsinki (FI), Hamburg (DE), Hyderabad (IN), Kolkata (IN), Jakarta (ID), Ireland (IE), Milan (IT), Malaysia (MY), Querétaro (MX), Auckland (NZ), Lagos (NG), Muscat (OM), Lima (PE), Manila (PH), Cape Town (ZA), Spain (ES), Zurich (CH), Taipei (TW), Bangkok (TH), United Arab Emirates (AE), Virginia (US), Montreal (CA), Falkenstein (DE), Nuremberg (DE), San Francisco (US), Silicon Valley (US), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Dubai (AE), Columbus (US), Iowa (US), Salt Lake City (US), South Carolina (US), Belgium (BE), Finland (FI), Berlin (DE), Turin (IT), Holland (NL), Doha (QA), Dammam (SA), Taiwan (TW). Company registered in United States. Also offers a residential proxy (VPN) service with endpoints available in almost every country worldwide (the residential proxy service blocks websites that are common abuse targets, like banking or Netflix. Their VPS service does not block). Resells VPS services from many cloud providers (Vultr, Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Lightsail/AWS, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud/GCP, Hetzner Cloud). No email verification required to order. Accept all major cryptocurrencies. Tor traffic is OK, their website is built to be easy to use over Tor. Accepts crypto payments via Plisio and BTCPayServer, including Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) payments via BTCPayServer. Large Storage / Block storage 40GB up to 40TB now available via normal ordering flow. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on all orders for new customers.
- Initech - Locations: Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Honolulu (US), Los Angeles (US), Miami (US), New York (US), Seattle (US), Silicon Valley (US), Melbourne (AU), Sydney (AU), Sao Paulo (BR), Toronto (CA), Santiago (CL), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Bangalore (IN), Delhi (IN), Mumbai (IN), Tel Aviv (IL), Osaka (JP), Tokyo (JP), Mexico City (MX), Amsterdam (NL), Warsaw (PL), Singapore (SG), Johannesburg (ZA), Seoul (KR), Madrid (ES), Stockholm (SE), London (UK), Manchester (UK), Boston (US), Denver (US), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Minneapolis (US), New York City (US), Northern California (US), Northern Virginia (US), Ohio (US), Oregon (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Buenos Aires (AR), Perth (AU), Bahrain (BH), Calgary (CA), Central (CA), Hong Kong (CN), Copenhagen (DK), Helsinki (FI), Hamburg (DE), Hyderabad (IN), Kolkata (IN), Jakarta (ID), Ireland (IE), Milan (IT), Malaysia (MY), Querétaro (MX), Auckland (NZ), Lagos (NG), Muscat (OM), Lima (PE), Manila (PH), Cape Town (ZA), Spain (ES), Zurich (CH), Taipei (TW), Bangkok (TH), United Arab Emirates (AE), Virginia (US), Montreal (CA), Falkenstein (DE), Nuremberg (DE), San Francisco (US), Silicon Valley (US), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Dubai (AE), Columbus (US), Iowa (US), Salt Lake City (US), South Carolina (US), Belgium (BE), Finland (FI), Berlin (DE), Turin (IT), Holland (NL), Doha (QA), Dammam (SA), Taiwan (TW). Company registered in United States. Also offers a residential proxy (VPN) service with endpoints available in almost every country worldwide (the residential proxy service blocks websites that are common abuse targets, like banking or Netflix. Their VPS service does not block). Resells VPS services from many cloud providers (Vultr, Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Lightsail/AWS, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud/GCP, Hetzner Cloud). No email verification required to order. Accept all major cryptocurrencies. Tor traffic is OK, their website is built to be easy to use over Tor. Accepts crypto payments via Plisio and BTCPayServer, including Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) payments via BTCPayServer. Large Storage / Block storage 40GB up to 40TB now available via normal ordering flow. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on all orders for new customers.
- ExpressVPN - Locations: 94+ worldwide. Company registered in British Virgin Islands. Owned by Kape Technologies:
- NordVPN - Locations: Worldwide. Company registered in Panama. Uses BitPay
- PrivateVPN - Locations: 60+ worldwide. Company registered in Sweden.
- Mullvad - Locations: 420+ worldwide. Company registered in Sweden. Accepting Bitcoin since July 2010, supports WireGuard. Has a good reputation, recommended
- CyberGhost - Locations: 61 Countries, Worldwide. Company registered in Czech Republic. uses Bitpay. Privacy controversy:
- Surfshark - Locations: 50+ Worldwide. Company registered in British Virgin Islands. uses Coingate, Lightning Network (LN) support
- privateinternetaccess - Locations: 32 Countries, Worldwide. Company registered in US. privacy controversy:
- IVACY - Locations: US, United Kingdom (UK), Ukraine (UA), Turkey (TR), Switzerland (CH), Taiwan (TW), Sweden (SE), Spain (ES), South Korea (KR), Singapore (SG), Saudi Arabia (SA), South Africa (ZA), Russia (RU), Seychelles, Romania (RO), Poland (PL), Philippines (PH), Panama (PA), Peru (PE), Norway (NO), Pakistan (PK), Nigeria (NG), New Zealand (NZ), Netherlands (NL), Mexico (MX), Malaysia (MY) Latvia (LV), Luxembourg (LU) Japan (JP), Kuwait, Kenya,Italy (IT), India (IN), Hong Kong (HK), Indonesia (IN), Ghana, France (FR), Finland (FI),Germany (DE), Egypt, Denmark (DK), Czech Republic (CZ), Colombia (CO), China (CN), Chile (CL), Costa Rica, Bulgaria (BG), Brunei, Brazil (BR), Canada (CA), Austria (AT), Australia (AU), Belgium (BE),. Company registered in Singapore. Uses BitPay and Coingate
- Le Vpn - Locations: 120+ Countries. Company registered in Hong Kong.
- HIDEme - Locations: 57 Countries. Company registered in Malaysia.
- IronSocket - Locations: 70+ Countries. Company registered in Hong Kong.
- Protonvpn - Locations: 89+ Countries. Company registered in Switzerland.
- TorGuard - Locations: 50+ Worldwide. Company registered in US.
- VPN.AC - Locations: 21 Countries. Company registered in Romania.
- VPNme - Locations: US. Company registered in US.
- VPN Secure - Locations: 48 Countries. Company registered in Australia .
- xitheon - Locations: Quebec (CA), Frankfurt (DE), Sydney (AU), Warsaw (PL), France (FR), Singapore (SG), UK. Company registered in ???.
- Windscribe VPN - Locations: Albania (AL), Argentina (AR), Australia (AU), Austria (AT), Azerbaijan (AZ), Belgium (BE), Bosnia, Brazil (BR), Bulgaria (BG), Colombia (CO), Croatia (HR), Cyprus (CY), Czech Republic (CZ), Denmark (DK), Estonia (EE), Fake Antarctica, Finland (FI), France (FR), Germany (DE), Greece (GR), Hong Kong (HK), Hungary (HU), Iceland (IS), India (IN), Indonesia (IN), Ireland (IE), Israel (IL), Italy (IT), Japan (JP), Latvia (LV), Lithuania (LT), Macedonia, Malaysia (MY) Mexico (MX), Moldova (MD), Netherlands (NL), New Zealand (NZ), Norway (NO), Philippines (PH), Poland (PL), Portugal (PT), Romania (RO), Russia (RU), Serbia (RS), Singapore (SG), Slovakia (SK), Slovenia, South Africa (ZA), South Korea (KR), Spain (ES), Sweden (SE), Switzerland (CH), Taiwan (TW), Thailand (TH), Tunisia (TN), Turkey (TR), Ukraine (UA), United Arab Emirates (AE), United Kingdom (UK), Vietnam (VN), Canada (CA), Japan (JP),. Company registered in Canada. Offers residential IP addresses to bypass VPN blocking
- AzireVPN - Locations: Toronto (CA), Paris (FR), Frankfurt (DE), Amsterdam (NL), Bucharest (RO), Malaga (ES), Gothemburg (SE), Phuket (TH), Chicago (US), New York (US), Copenhagen (DK), Berlin (DE), Milan (IT), Oslo (NO), Madrid (ES), Stockholm (SE), Zurich (CH), London (UK), Miami (US). Company registered in Sweden. IPv6 support, Wireguard support, P2P traffic allowed, they own their own servers, servers run without physical storage media to ensure no logging, unblocks Netflix
- iVPN - Locations: United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Ukraine (UA), Taiwan (TW), Switzerland (CH), Sweden (SE), Spain (ES), South Africa (ZA), Singapore (SG), Serbia (RS), Romania (RO), Portugal (PT), Poland (PL), Netherlands (NL), Mexico (MX), Malaysia (MY), Luxembourg (LU), Japan (JP), Italy (IT), Israel (IL), Iceland (IS), Hong Kong (HK), Greece (GR), Germany (DE), France (FR), Finland (FI), Denmark (DK), Czech Republic (CZ), Canada (CA), Bulgaria (BG), Brazil (BR), Belgium (BE), Austria (AT), Australia (AU). Company registered in Gibraltar. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments, automatic Wireguard key rotation
- LNVPN - Locations: Japan (JP). Company registered in Germany. Accountless VPN provider that supports Lightning Network (LN) payment. Stores no private information about you whatsoever. Only supports Wireguard. Aimed at people who know how to configure Wireguard themselves. Soon offering login using LNAUTH
- Ccihosting - Locations: Panama (PA). Company registered in Panama.
- iVPN - Locations: United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Ukraine (UA), Taiwan (TW), Switzerland (CH), Sweden (SE), Spain (ES), South Africa (ZA), Singapore (SG), Serbia (RS), Romania (RO), Portugal (PT), Poland (PL), Netherlands (NL), Mexico (MX), Malaysia (MY), Luxembourg (LU), Japan (JP), Italy (IT), Israel (IL), Iceland (IS), Hong Kong (HK), Greece (GR), Germany (DE), France (FR), Finland (FI), Denmark (DK), Czech Republic (CZ), Canada (CA), Bulgaria (BG), Brazil (BR), Belgium (BE), Austria (AT), Australia (AU). Company registered in Gibraltar. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments, automatic Wireguard key rotation
- iVPN - Locations: United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Ukraine (UA), Taiwan (TW), Switzerland (CH), Sweden (SE), Spain (ES), South Africa (ZA), Singapore (SG), Serbia (RS), Romania (RO), Portugal (PT), Poland (PL), Netherlands (NL), Mexico (MX), Malaysia (MY), Luxembourg (LU), Japan (JP), Italy (IT), Israel (IL), Iceland (IS), Hong Kong (HK), Greece (GR), Germany (DE), France (FR), Finland (FI), Denmark (DK), Czech Republic (CZ), Canada (CA), Bulgaria (BG), Brazil (BR), Belgium (BE), Austria (AT), Australia (AU). Company registered in Gibraltar. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments, automatic Wireguard key rotation
- iVPN - Locations: United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Ukraine (UA), Taiwan (TW), Switzerland (CH), Sweden (SE), Spain (ES), South Africa (ZA), Singapore (SG), Serbia (RS), Romania (RO), Portugal (PT), Poland (PL), Netherlands (NL), Mexico (MX), Malaysia (MY), Luxembourg (LU), Japan (JP), Italy (IT), Israel (IL), Iceland (IS), Hong Kong (HK), Greece (GR), Germany (DE), France (FR), Finland (FI), Denmark (DK), Czech Republic (CZ), Canada (CA), Bulgaria (BG), Brazil (BR), Belgium (BE), Austria (AT), Australia (AU). Company registered in Gibraltar. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments, automatic Wireguard key rotation
Virtual Dedicated Server providers, which are very similar to VPS providers but sometimes offer greater isolation (e.g using KVM or Xen instead of OpenVZ -- note many VPS providers also offer KVM or Xen). In some cases VDS may mean a VPS with a dedicated CPU core, so it is not sharing CPU capacity with other clients from that provider.
- Private WebHost - Locations: Vienna (AT), Helsinki (FI), Frankfurt (DE), Netherlands (NL), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Zurich (CH), Paris (FR), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Switzerland. Privacy/anonymity-focused hoster. Only an email required at signup, Signup via VPNs, proxies, and Tor allowed, payments via NOWPayments, Lightning Network (LN) payments via CoinPayments. Working on self/hosted payments. The Swiss dedicated servers are Large Storage and suitable for Bitcoin full nodes. All servers can be used for Tor nodes (exit nodes allowed if you block port 25). Netherlands VPS servers are Large Storage. No Google Captcha. Support via tickets or encrypted email. Dedicated servers in Switzerland, working on more locations. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% off. Very responsive support.
- Profvds - Locations: Bratislava (SK). Company registered in Slovakia. Accepts Bitcoin via BTCPayServer, NOWPayments, Plisio, and Payeer. Only Email required to register. Provider notes they support running Bitcoin full nodes
- VPSBG - Locations: Sofia (BG). Company registered in Bulgaria. Locations: Sofia (BG). Company registered in Bulgaria. Anonymous signup OK, Tor allowed. No 3rd party payment processor, has own implementation to take payments via Bitcoin, Litecoin and Lightning Network (LN). Advertises high performance servers. Provider notes: "VPN servers are installed on a private VPS. They have a dedicated static IP, full SSH root access to the VPS, allowing for full control over the VPN. Verifiable no-logs and privacy policies. Unlimited device connections. VPN uses open-source protocols and custom scripts that are used are publicly available."
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- Justhost - Locations: Russia (RU). Company registered in Russia. Selling VDS
- IP-Connect - Locations: Ukraine (UA). Company registered in Ukraine. Runs their own datacenter. Tor-friendly. Minimal registration. Crypto payments accepted via payment gateway. Doesn't require KYC, allows TOR/proxy. Criminal activity prohibited. All VPS are KVM-based, 100% SSD, recent Intel processors, redundant high quality uplinks, lowest latency possible, loads of bandwidth, TUN/TAP for VPN, hostCPU passthrough, random generators for fast entropy, noVNC, images of common Linux distributions for fully automated installation, bring your own .iso (also Windows etc. allowed). Now additionally accepts payments via, which supports hundreds of different cryptocurrencies. Use promocode "bitcoin-vps2022" for -10% discount
- Hostkey - Locations: US, Netherlands (NL), Russia (RU). Company registered in Netherlands. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses
- Servers.Guru - Locations: Helsinki (FI), Nuremberg (DE), Falkenstein (DE), Ashburn (US). Company registered in United States. Anonymous signup allowed (only a valid email address is required). Tor traffic OK. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses self-hosted BitCartCC for Bitcoin payments (as well as others), takes DOGE, DASH, and Zcash/ZEC via Plisio.
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- Trivox - Locations: Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in Germany. For VPN and Domain registration you have to contact them directly. Also offers colocation and game servers (contact support for game servers). Tor traffic is officially not allowed but they don't care what you do as long as they don't get abuse complaints. Requires basic personal information at signup. Payment processing via Sellix, which accepts Bitcoin Lighning Network (LN) payments. Doesn't use Google Captchas. Offers totally custom servers, so if you need Large Storage for full nodes they will build one for you, or you can ship them a server and they will put it in their datacenter.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Private WebHost - Locations: Vienna (AT), Helsinki (FI), Frankfurt (DE), Netherlands (NL), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Zurich (CH), Paris (FR), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Switzerland. Privacy/anonymity-focused hoster. Only an email required at signup, Signup via VPNs, proxies, and Tor allowed, payments via NOWPayments, Lightning Network (LN) payments via CoinPayments. Working on self/hosted payments. The Swiss dedicated servers are Large Storage and suitable for Bitcoin full nodes. All servers can be used for Tor nodes (exit nodes allowed if you block port 25). Netherlands VPS servers are Large Storage. No Google Captcha. Support via tickets or encrypted email. Dedicated servers in Switzerland, working on more locations. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% off. Very responsive support.
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- Hostkey - Locations: US, Netherlands (NL), Russia (RU). Company registered in Netherlands. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses
- Servers.Guru - Locations: Helsinki (FI), Nuremberg (DE), Falkenstein (DE), Ashburn (US). Company registered in United States. Anonymous signup allowed (only a valid email address is required). Tor traffic OK. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses self-hosted BitCartCC for Bitcoin payments (as well as others), takes DOGE, DASH, and Zcash/ZEC via Plisio.
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- Hostkey - Locations: US, Netherlands (NL), Russia (RU). Company registered in Netherlands. User reports they do not allow registration from Protonmail email addresses
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Pqhosting - Locations: Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Latvia (LV), Netherlands (NL), Hong Kong (HK), Germany (DE), Ukraine (UA), United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), Canada (CA), Czechia (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Israel (IL), Turkey (TR), Poland (PL), Bulgaria (BG), Romania (RO). Company registered in Russia. Google Captchas. User reports they may suddenly require KYC to access your server or pay with crypto if your signup IP (e.g proxy/VPN/Tor) triggers fraud checks, or randomly if they decide they want to know who you are
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
Signing up for a VPS generally requires an email address, but there are major privacy downsides to using most free services. Therefore we also list paid, privacy-friendly email providers who accept Bitcoin. For a non-Bitcoin-specific list of email providers ranked by observable technical security competence, see the Dismail list:
- MonoVM - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania . Same parent company as 1gbits. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- Domains4Bitcoins - Locations: United States (US), India (IN). Company registered in United States. Payments via BitPay – KYC and BitPay account required to purchase
- SnowCore - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Salt Lake City (US). Company registered in ???. Uses a Mullvad-style token login system so they don't collect any personal information at all. Payments via NOWpayments. Cloudflare captchas. Dedicated servers available with 1TB SSDs for 30 EUR one time payment in some locations, might be useful as Large Storage servers for full nodes. Tor is allowed and fully supported.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- MonoVM - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania . Same parent company as 1gbits. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- Migadu - Locations: France (FR). Company registered in Switzerland. Widely respected. Very strict about TOS enforcement, black-hat users are not welcome here! Unlimited aliases/accounts/domains. Bitcoin payment for annual plans on request (email them or open a ticket)… but… only for existing accounts in good standing unless you can demonstrate you are not planning to use the service for spam/scam/fraud/etc. We currently host our email on Migadu and have found them to be very competent.
- Neomailbox - Locations: Switzerland (CH). Company registered in Switzerland or Seychelles, it’s unclear. Paid-only. User reports they block Tor users from sending via SMTP
- Protonmail - Locations: Switzerland (CH). Company registered in Switzerland. Very well known. Free service with paid options. IMAP/POP3 requires paid account. Paying with Bitcoin is somewhat complex: <> Please tell Protonmail to simplify this and have their website accept Bitcoin under all circumstances.
- Tutanota - Locations: Germany (DE). Company registered in Germany. Free service with paid options. No IMAP/POP3.
- CounterMail - Locations: Sweden (SE). Company registered in Sweden. In business since 2010. Paid-only, requires invite code from another user to register
- Runbox - Locations: Norway (NO). Company registered in Norway. Uses BitPay
- - Locations: Moldova (MD). Company registered in ???. Send-only (no receive!) anonymous email. Accepts Bitcoin and Monero. Lets you anonymously send email to any address for a fee. Offers an optional semi-secure reply forwarding service, to forward replies to your real email. Tor OK, onion service is being developed.
- SnowCore - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Salt Lake City (US). Company registered in ???. Uses a Mullvad-style token login system so they don't collect any personal information at all. Payments via NOWpayments. Cloudflare captchas. Dedicated servers available with 1TB SSDs for 30 EUR one time payment in some locations, might be useful as Large Storage servers for full nodes. Tor is allowed and fully supported.
- PRQ - Locations: Stockholm (SE). Company registered in Sweden. No account registration, you just email them and they set up what you need. Tell them you want to pay with Bitcoin and they'll send you a Bitcoin address. Very OG free speech focused provider. Tor traffic allowed. No Google Captchas.
- Trivox - Locations: Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in Germany. For VPN and Domain registration you have to contact them directly. Also offers colocation and game servers (contact support for game servers). Tor traffic is officially not allowed but they don't care what you do as long as they don't get abuse complaints. Requires basic personal information at signup. Payment processing via Sellix, which accepts Bitcoin Lighning Network (LN) payments. Doesn't use Google Captchas. Offers totally custom servers, so if you need Large Storage for full nodes they will build one for you, or you can ship them a server and they will put it in their datacenter.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- MonoVM - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania . Same parent company as 1gbits. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- Mondoze - Locations: Cyberjaya Malaysia (MY). Company registered in Malaysia. Payments via Plisio. Dedicated server available if you contact them directly. Tor traffic OK as long as you conform to their TOS. Anonymous sign up OK. Large storage maybe available if you contact support.
- Casbay - Locations: Malaysia (MY), Singapore (SG). Company registered in Malaysia. Accepts Bitcoin (and many more cryptocurrencies) via Plisio. No restrictions on Tor traffic. They only verify email address on signup, but may require KYC if you trigger anti-abuse/anti-fraud monitoring systems. Uses Google Captchas. Offers Large Storage servers, may be suitable for full nodes. Even larger storage capacity available if you contact them directly.
- Domains4Bitcoins - Locations: United States (US), India (IN). Company registered in United States. Payments via BitPay – KYC and BitPay account required to purchase
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
Domain name providers that take Bitcoin.
- Njalla - Locations: Sweden (SE). Company registered in Nevis. Runs their own datacenter. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Privacy-focused domain registration service that also offers VPS, VPN. Accepts BTC, XMR, ZEC among other options. Onion URL: http://njallalafimoej5i4eg7vlnqjvmb6zhdh27qxcatdn647jtwwwui3nad.onion
- Private WebHost - Locations: Vienna (AT), Helsinki (FI), Frankfurt (DE), Netherlands (NL), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Zurich (CH), Paris (FR), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Switzerland. Privacy/anonymity-focused hoster. Only an email required at signup, Signup via VPNs, proxies, and Tor allowed, payments via NOWPayments, Lightning Network (LN) payments via CoinPayments. Working on self/hosted payments. The Swiss dedicated servers are Large Storage and suitable for Bitcoin full nodes. All servers can be used for Tor nodes (exit nodes allowed if you block port 25). Netherlands VPS servers are Large Storage. No Google Captcha. Support via tickets or encrypted email. Dedicated servers in Switzerland, working on more locations. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% off. Very responsive support.
- MonoVM - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania . Same parent company as 1gbits. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- ThunderVM - Locations: Germany (DE), United States (US), Iceland (IS), Switzerland (CH), Netherlands (NL), France (FR), Italy (IT), United Kingdom (UK), Lithuania (LT), Poland (PL). Company registered in italy. Ok with hosting full nodes and Tor relays, but not Tor exit nodes, or (on VPS) mining cryptocurrency. Uses hCaptcha. Provider states that all their servers/hypervisors are installed and encrypted by them for user security. Uses BTCPayServer and self-hosted Monero (XMR) payments. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments via NowPayments
- AlexHost - Locations: Tallbert (SE), Moldova (MD), Sofia (BG), Netherlands (NL). Company registered in Moldova. Email hosting included with shared web hosting service. Operates through AS200019, with own datacenter, network and hardware in the Republic of Moldova. Domain registration via OpenSRS/Tucows. They welcome people using their VPS for VPN endpoints. No KYC unless the payment gateway (e.g Paypal) asks for it (so pay with crypto). Doesn't verify the personal data you give them otherwise. Tor bridges and relays are fine, Tor exit nodes are not allowed. Bitcoin payments accepted via BTCPayServer. Monero and other cryptocurrencies also accepted. May use Google Captchas (via Hostbill). Dedicated servers can be customized so they have Large Storage for running full nodes. Provider states they support freedom of speech and privacy.
- AnonRDP - Locations: Poland (PL), France (FR). Company registered in Unknown. Anonymous signup allowed, only email address is required. Tor traffic is OK, but requires javascipt due to DdoS protection. Payments via Accepts XMR, BTC, ETH, TRX, USDT, LTC, and more. Uses Google Captcha now, will soon have a self-hosted non-Javascript solution.
- KernelHost - Locations: Frankfurt (DE). Company registered in Austria. Bitcoin payments via BTCPayServer. KVM based servers. Servers at Maincubes datacenter
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- Aeza - Locations: California (US), London (UK), Paris (FR), Amsterdam (NL), Falkenstein (DE), Vienna (AT), Stockholm (SE), Helsinki (FI), Moscow (RU). Company registered in United Kingdom. Appears to be run by Russian speakers & focused on the CIS market (offers website translations in English, Russian, Ukrainian). User reports they do crypto payments via Cryptomus.
- PRQ - Locations: Stockholm (SE). Company registered in Sweden. No account registration, you just email them and they set up what you need. Tell them you want to pay with Bitcoin and they'll send you a Bitcoin address. Very OG free speech focused provider. Tor traffic allowed. No Google Captchas.
- Senko.Digital - Locations: Frankfurt (DE). Company registered in United Kingdom. "The fluffiest hosting in the world." Game-focused hosting provider. Payments via Cryptomus and Morune. Accepts BTC, XMR, USDT, and many more. Doesn't need KYC and doesn't ask for personal information. Provider notes their pricing starts at 1.90 EUR. Provider allows using their servers for VPNs and proxies. Provider states signups via Tor are allowed but running Tor exit nodes (or other Tor infrastructure) Is not to avoid trouble. Provider uses Google captchas but as minimally as possible (it is only used for initial signup, not for login). Resells dedicated servers from Hetzner, states that hosting full nodes on those servers should be done behind a VPN (to avoid the public-facing IP being linked to full nodes) and notes they can assist with this setup. Illegal activity on their infrastructure is strictly prohibited.
- Trivox - Locations: Amsterdam (NL). Company registered in Germany. For VPN and Domain registration you have to contact them directly. Also offers colocation and game servers (contact support for game servers). Tor traffic is officially not allowed but they don't care what you do as long as they don't get abuse complaints. Requires basic personal information at signup. Payment processing via Sellix, which accepts Bitcoin Lighning Network (LN) payments. Doesn't use Google Captchas. Offers totally custom servers, so if you need Large Storage for full nodes they will build one for you, or you can ship them a server and they will put it in their datacenter.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- Private WebHost - Locations: Vienna (AT), Helsinki (FI), Frankfurt (DE), Netherlands (NL), Moscow (RU), Stockholm (SE), Zurich (CH), Paris (FR), Los Angeles (US). Company registered in Switzerland. Privacy/anonymity-focused hoster. Only an email required at signup, Signup via VPNs, proxies, and Tor allowed, payments via NOWPayments, Lightning Network (LN) payments via CoinPayments. Working on self/hosted payments. The Swiss dedicated servers are Large Storage and suitable for Bitcoin full nodes. All servers can be used for Tor nodes (exit nodes allowed if you block port 25). Netherlands VPS servers are Large Storage. No Google Captcha. Support via tickets or encrypted email. Dedicated servers in Switzerland, working on more locations. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% off. Very responsive support.
- MonoVM - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania . Same parent company as 1gbits. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- ThunderVM - Locations: Germany (DE), United States (US), Iceland (IS), Switzerland (CH), Netherlands (NL), France (FR), Italy (IT), United Kingdom (UK), Lithuania (LT), Poland (PL). Company registered in italy. Ok with hosting full nodes and Tor relays, but not Tor exit nodes, or (on VPS) mining cryptocurrency. Uses hCaptcha. Provider states that all their servers/hypervisors are installed and encrypted by them for user security. Uses BTCPayServer and self-hosted Monero (XMR) payments. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments via NowPayments
- Namecheap - Locations: US. Company registered in US.
- Domains4Bitcoins - Locations: United States (US), India (IN). Company registered in United States. Payments via BitPay – KYC and BitPay account required to purchase
- CoinsHosting - Locations: New York (US). Company registered in Delaware, US. Tor traffic allowed only on dedicated servers. Doesn't check the information you provide at signup (only asks for name and email). May require for KYC for suspicious or abusive customers but provider states they do so very rarely. Payments via CoinPayments and Coinify. Uses Google Captchas.
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- Aeza - Locations: California (US), London (UK), Paris (FR), Amsterdam (NL), Falkenstein (DE), Vienna (AT), Stockholm (SE), Helsinki (FI), Moscow (RU). Company registered in United Kingdom. Appears to be run by Russian speakers & focused on the CIS market (offers website translations in English, Russian, Ukrainian). User reports they do crypto payments via Cryptomus.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- MonoVM - Locations: Chicago (US), Florida (US), Paris (FR), Stockholm (SE), Dubai (AE), Amsterdam (NL), Sydney (AU), Singapore (SG), Hong Kong (HK), Copenhagen (DK), Los Angeles (US), Zurich (CH), Montreal (CA), Bucharest (RO), New York (US), Vienna (AT), Frankfurt (DE), Manchester (GB), Moscow (RU), Warsaw (PL). Company registered in Lithuania . Same parent company as 1gbits. Tor traffic is OK. No KYC. Accepts Bitcoin via Coinpayments, BitPay, Cryptomus, and NowPayments. Supports Lightning Network (LN) payments. Uses Google Captchas. Dedicated servers (Large Storage) may be suitable for full nodes.
- Mondoze - Locations: Cyberjaya Malaysia (MY). Company registered in Malaysia. Payments via Plisio. Dedicated server available if you contact them directly. Tor traffic OK as long as you conform to their TOS. Anonymous sign up OK. Large storage maybe available if you contact support.
- Casbay - Locations: Malaysia (MY), Singapore (SG). Company registered in Malaysia. Accepts Bitcoin (and many more cryptocurrencies) via Plisio. No restrictions on Tor traffic. They only verify email address on signup, but may require KYC if you trigger anti-abuse/anti-fraud monitoring systems. Uses Google Captchas. Offers Large Storage servers, may be suitable for full nodes. Even larger storage capacity available if you contact them directly.
- Domains4Bitcoins - Locations: United States (US), India (IN). Company registered in United States. Payments via BitPay – KYC and BitPay account required to purchase
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- MyNymBox - Locations: Frankfurt (DE), Nuremberg (DE), Helsinki (FI), Munich (DE), Portsmouth (UK), New York (US), Seattle (US), St. Louis (US), Singapore (Asia). Company registered in Seychelles. Resells services from Hetzner Cloud, Dedicated Servers and Contabo. Offers Shared Hosting on encrypted storage and anonym Domain Registrations. No email verification required to order. Tor- and anonymity-friendly. Accepts Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero payments via self hosted BTCPayServer. No Google Captchas or 3rd party stuff. Has Storage VPS (Large Storage) servers, suitable for full nodes, provider runs their BTCPayServer on one of them!
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- SafeCloud - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Helsinki (FI), Kyiv (UA), Lisbon (PT), London (UK), Madrid (ES), Moscow (RU), Nicosia (CY), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Sofia (BG), Stockholm (SE), Warsaw (PL), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Zurich (CH), Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Chicago (US), Dallas (US), Kansas City (US), Los Angeles (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Portland (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Juan(PR), Seattle (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Guatemala City (GT), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Quito (EC), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Dubai (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Istanbul (TR), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Mumbai (IN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Sydney (AU). Company registered in Seattle (US). Tor traffic OK. Only valid email required at signup. Payments via Bitserver and manual payment processing. No Google Captchas. 100MBps-40Gbps dedicated bandwidth dedicated servers available. Use promo code BITCOINVPS for 10% discount on orders.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.
- BTC Server - Locations: Amsterdam (NL), Athens (GR), Baku (AZ), Barcelona (ES), Belgrade (RS), Berlin (DE), Bratislava (SK), Bruges (BE), Brussels (BE), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Chisinau (MD), Copenhagen (DK), Dublin (IE), Dusseldorf (DE), Edinburgh (UK), Florence (IT), Frankfurt (DE), Glasgow (UK), Helsinki (FI), Khabarovsk (RU), Kristiansand (NO), Kyiv (UA), Lille (FR), Lisbon (PT), Ljubljana (SI), London (UK), Luxembourg (LU), Madrid (ES), Manchester (UK), Milan (IT), Moscow (RU), Munich (DE), Nicosia (CY), Nottingham (UK), Novi Travnik (BA), Oslo (NO), Palermo (IT), Paris (FR), Porto (PT), Prague (CZ), Prishtina (KS), Reykjavik (IS), Riga (LV), Rome (IT), Seville (ES), Sofia (BG), St. Petersburg (RU), Stockholm (SE), Tallinn (EE), Tirana (AL), Valencia (ES), Valletta (MT), Vienna (AT), Vilnius (LT), Vladivostok (RU), Warsaw (PL), Zagreb (HR), Zlin (CZ), Zurich (CH). North America: Ashburn (US), Atlanta (US), Austin (US), Baltimore (US), Boston (US), Buffalo (US), Calgary (CA), Charlotte (US), Chicago (US), Columbus (US), Dallas (US), Denver (US), Detroit (US), Edison (US), Edmonton (CA), Guadalajara (MX), Halifax (CA), Houston (US), Kansas City (US), Las Vegas (US), Los Angeles (US), McLean (US), Mexico City (MX), Miami (US), Montreal (CA), New York (US), Orlando (US), Philadelphia (US), Phoenix (US), Portland (US), Redding (US), Sacramento (US), Salt Lake City (US), San Diego (US), San Francisco (US), San Jose (US), San Juan (PR), Santa Clara (US), Seattle (US), Springfield (US), St. Louis (US), Tampa (US), Toronto (CA), Vancouver (CA), Washington (US). South America: Asuncion (PY), Bogota (CO), Buenos Aires (AR), Cordoba (AR), Fortaleza (BR), Guatemala City (GT), Kingston (JM), La Paz (BO), Lima (PE), Montevideo (UY), Nassau (BS), Panama City (PA), Quito (EC), Rio de Janeiro (BR), San Jose (CR), Santiago (CL), São Paulo (BR), Willemstad (CW). Asia & Middle East: Ankara (TR), Antalya (TR), Bangkok (TH), Beijing (CN), Bursa (TR), Changsha (CN), Chennai (IN), Chongqing (CN), Dhaka (BD), Doha (QA), Dubai (AE), Hanoi (VN), Hong Kong (HK), Islamabad (PK), Istanbul (TR), Izmir (TR), Jakarta (ID), Karachi (PK), Kuala Lumpur (MY), Macau (MO), Manila (PH), Mumbai (IN), Nagano (JP), New Delhi (IN), Phnom Penh (KH), Pune (IN), Riyadh (SA), Sapporo (JP), Seoul (KR), Shanghai (CN), Singapore (SG), Taipei (TW), Tel Aviv (IL), Tokyo (JP), Wuxi (CN), Zhejiang (CN). Africa: Cairo (EG), Cape Town (ZA), Casablanca (MA), Fez (MA), Johannesburg (ZA), Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE), Tripoli (LY), Tunis (TN). Oceania: Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (AU), Melbourne (AU), Perth (AU), Sydney (AU). . Company registered in Dubai. Tor traffic allowed. Asks for minimal information at signup. Accepts payments via BTCPayServer. Accepts Lightning Network (LN) payments. Does not use Google Captchas.